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• A determiner is a word which identifies the noun that is being referred to in a
• A determiner indicates exactly which noun is being talked about in a
• It can only be placed before a noun.
• It changes according to the quantity of the noun.
• It cannot be graded i.e. no degrees of comparison.
Articles Interrogatives
a, an, the which, whose, what

KINDS Demonstratives
all, some, little, few, enough, any
OF this, that, these, those.

Distributives Possessives
either, neither, each, every my, our, your, his, her, its, their
• Identify the determiners and tell the kind:
a. Some students are not in proper uniform.
b. I think that girl is the leader.
c. The visitors brought a box of chocolates.
d. Every human being is special.
e. Ria’s house overlooks the Arabian sea.
f. This palm tree has been standing here for ages.
g. The dog started wagging its tail out of joy.
h. A little compassion goes a long way.

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