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Adapting Teacher and

Administrative Management
System in the New Normal
1.The need to adapt traditional teacher and administrative
Ideation-Idea management systems to the new normal of education.
2.Challenges in effectively managing and coordinating online

Creation teaching and administrative tasks.

3.Ensuring effective communication, collaboration, and

engagement in virtual learning environments.
4.Tracking and monitoring student progress and performance in
online classrooms.
5.Addressing equity and accessibility issues in implementing online
management systems.
1.Assessing the effectiveness and usability of existing management
Ideation-Idea systems in the new normal of education.
2.Identifying gaps and challenges in teacher and administrative

Creation management systems in adapting to online and remote learning.

3.Examining the impact of technological infrastructure and

resource limitations on the implementation of effective
management systems.
4.Analyzing the feedback and experiences of teachers,
administrators, and students regarding the adaptation of
management systems in the new normal.
5.Evaluating the outcomes and effectiveness of implemented
solutions in improving teacher and administrative management

Ideation-Idea 1.Implementing robust online learning platforms and management


Creation 2.Providing training and professional development for teachers and

administrators on remote teaching and administrative practices.

3.Enhancing communication and collaboration tools to facilitate
seamless interaction among teachers, administrators, and
4.Leveraging data analytics and tracking systems to monitor
student progress and performance in virtual classrooms.
5.Establishing support systems and resources to ensure equitable
access to technology and internet connectivity for all students.

Ideation-Idea 1.Implementing robust online learning platforms and management


Creation 2.Providing training and professional development for teachers and

administrators on remote teaching and administrative practices.

3.Enhancing communication and collaboration tools to facilitate
seamless interaction among teachers, administrators, and
4.Leveraging data analytics and tracking systems to monitor
student progress and performance in virtual classrooms.
5.Establishing support systems and resources to ensure equitable
access to technology and internet connectivity for all students.
In support… With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, greater efforts
are required to meet the academic and social-emotional
requirements of students, while compensating for learning
loss and preparing for unpredictable combinations of
distance learning, blended learning, and in-classroom
learning. These expectations and the need for a greater
Literature emphasis on teaching and learning that emphasizes equity
have elevated the bar for educator preparation and
Review educator preparation programs. The strategies that can
assist teachers in meeting the social, emotional, and
academic requirements of students include investing in
high-quality educator preparation, transforming educator
professional learning opportunities to meet current
requirements, supporting mentoring and the development
of new teacher roles, and allowing educators time to
collaborate with key partners. These steps are essential for
navigating teaching and learning during and beyond the
pandemic (Darling-Hammond & Hyler, 2020).
In addition… Harris & Jones (2020) discussed several effective school
leadership amidst disruptive times. The COVID-19 pandemic
has resulted in substantial and enduring modifications to
school leadership practices. It is unlikely that traditional
leadership models will revert to "normal," necessitating a
shift in leadership strategies. The importance of effective
Literature leadership principles such as having a clear vision,
developing others, managing people, and building capacity
Review is emphasized by research. Due to the pandemic, context-
sensitive leadership has become essential, necessitating
changes in leadership practices. Preparation and training
programs for school leadership must be reevaluated to
address the current challenges confronted by school
leaders. School leaders prioritize self-care and well-being in
order to effectively manage the emotional responses of
others during a crisis.
In addition… As schools increasingly rely on digital solutions,
technological proficiency and informed decision-making are
indispensable. However, it is essential to strike a balance
between technology and pedagogy, as effective teaching
practices remain of utmost importance. Crisis and change
management abilities are now required for school
Literature administrators to navigate turbulent times. Collaboration,
trust, and collective problem-solving are essential for
Review overcoming unforeseen obstacles. It is necessary to
strengthen ties with parent and community groups in order
to aid vulnerable individuals impacted by the pandemic.
Distributed leadership, marked by connectivity,
collaboration, creativity, and receptivity, has become the
default response to the crisis. To address the myriad
challenges posed by COVID-19, school leaders must
connect, share, learn, and network.
N0. Reference Study Focus Findings Gap

1 Gomez, R.D., Yazon, A.D., The respondents were the school School heads and Gomez et al. (2022) provided Adoption and
Buenvinida, L.P., Tan, C.S., & heads and teachers in the City teachers recommendations for coping funding of the
Bandoy, M.M. (2022). School Divisions of Binan City, with the new normal output of the
head’s conflict resolution skills, SantaRosa City, Cabuyao City, education. They advised study may
organizational school climate,
and teacher work engagement in and Calamba City during the school administrators to be considered by
the new normal: an input to school year 2020-2021. To cultivate a culture of the officials to
principal and teacher reduce the excellence by keeping see its
development program. heterogeneity of the study area, teachers informed about applicability in
International Journal of while preserving the relevant activities that sustain the school
Management, Entrepreneurship, meaningfulness of the units of work engagement and context. (
Social Science and Humanities, analysis, the demonstrate quality
5(2), 127-146. DOI: study is delimited to the City performance. The assistance Divisions in the 1st and 2nd of DepEd Officials can be
congressional Districts of utilized to encourage teachers
Laguna. to increase their output.
Supervisors play a crucial role
in enhancing instructors'
performance by offering
necessary technical
assistance, particularly
focusing on curriculum
delivery and school
administration. These
recommendations aim to
support the adaptation and
improvement of teaching and
learning practices in the new
normal education context.
N0. Reference Study Focus Findings Gap

2 Darling-Hammond, L. & School heads and The COVID-19 pandemic has Application in
Hyler, M.E. (2020). teachers necessitated increased efforts the academe.
to address students' academic
Preparing educators for the
and social-emotional needs,
time of COVID … and compensating for learning
beyond. European Journal loss and preparing for various
of Teacher Education, 43(4). learning modalities. Meeting these expectations and
9768.2020.1816961 emphasizing equity in
education requires higher
standards for educator
preparation and preparation
programs. Strategies to
support teachers in meeting
students' requirements include
investing in high-quality
educator preparation,
transforming professional
learning opportunities,
facilitating mentoring and
new teacher role
development, and providing
time for collaboration with
key partners. These steps are
crucial for navigating
teaching and learning during
and beyond the pandemic, as
highlighted by Darling-
Hammond and Hyler (2020).
N0. Reference Study Focus Findings Gap

3 Darling-Hammond, L. & School heads and Harris and Jones (2020) Application in
teachers highlighted the significant the academe.
Hyler, M.E. (2020). impact of the COVID-19
Preparing educators for the pandemic on school leadership
time of COVID … and practices, emphasizing the need
beyond. European Journal for a shift in traditional models.
Effective leadership principles,
of Teacher Education, 43(4). such as vision-setting, developing others, managing
9768.2020.1816961 people, and building capacity,
have been underscored as
important. Context-sensitive
leadership is essential in the
current situation, requiring
adjustments in practices,
including the reevaluation of
leadership preparation and
training programs. School
leaders prioritize self-care and
well-being to manage emotional
responses during crises, while
striking a balance between
technology and pedagogy is
crucial. Collaboration, trust, and
collective problem-solving are
vital for navigating challenges,
strengthening ties with parent
and community groups, and
embracing distributed leadership
as a response to the crisis.
Bozkurt, A., et al. (2020). A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19
pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1),
1-126. Retrieved from

Darling-Hammond, L. & Hyler, M.E. (2020). Preparing educators for the time of COVID … and
beyond. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(4).

Gomez, R.D., Yazon, A.D., Buenvinida, L.P., Tan, C.S., & Bandoy, M.M. (2022). School head’s conflict
resolution skills, organizational school climate, and teacher work engagement in the new normal: an
input to principal and teacher development program. International Journal of Management,
Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities, 5(2), 127-146. DOI:

Harris, A. & Jones, M. (2020). COVID 19 – school leadership in disruptive times. School Leadership and
Management, 40(4), 243-247.

Kruse, S.D., Hackmann, D.G. & Lindle, J.C. (2020) Academic leadership during a pandemic:
department heads leading with a focus on equity. Frontier Education, 5. doi:

Shanka, E.B. (2017). Conflict management and resolution strategies between teachers and school
leaders in primary schools of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Education and Practice, 8(4).
Literature Review

Present in a table these different points N0. Reference Study Focus Findings Gap
1. Number
2. Reference (the title of the study and its authors)
3. Study parameter – on what did the article is based
4. Focus
5. Findings – the one of the articles and those you
6. Gap – The one of the articles and those you
Three (3) topics shall be presented
in the class with the following
The Topic • Title
• Rationale / Background (Use the Quad
Format • List of Resources / Literatures Reviewed (in
matrix form)
• Present the Topics using pictographs,
factual data, statistical data, figures, etc.
• Provide hard/soft copies of the three
to the facilitator (3 to 5 pages each only)

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