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Research Methodology (ECEG 7093)

Research Methods And Communications (ECEG


Chapter Five

Reporting Research Finding

Written and Oral Presentation

5/27/23 Haramaya University, HiT, SECE


 After completing this chapter you will

 have acquired the skills necessary to effectively
communicate your research findings using both a
written and oral medium.
 be able to prepare a scientific presentation
 identify your audience
 organize your presentation to be informative
 consider stylistic issues to make your presentation
 avoid common errors
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Writing a Scientific Report: Introduction
 Today, one of the most basic means of communication
in our professional life is written presentation
 scientific paper
 conference report
 technical report
 Abstract
 theses/dissertation (Full-length papers)
 research (thesis) proposal
 Books
 manuals
 assignment report
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Writing vs Oral Presentation
 Presentation: To convey information to others via
 Writing: article
 Speaking: oral presentation
 Written presentations are exposed to readers
• Time
 The communication between author(s) & readers are indirect
 In verbal presentations, reports are exposed to audience • Is like
 The communication between author(s) & audiences are direct ROM vs
 Face-to-face (Oral) RAM
 To avoid any confusion on the part of the reader, written presentations
 Logic
 clarity and
 precision
 Poster is a kind of combination

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Elements of Good Technical Writing
 Technical Writing
 Generally, writing is presentation of ideas using text
 Technical writing is “To structure information using both text and design to achieve an
intended purpose for clearly defined audiences” (G.J.Alfred, Handbook of Technical
writing, 7th ed., Martin’s Press)
 Engineers perform technical writing to communicate pertinent information that is
needed by upper management to make intelligent decisions that will effect a
company’s future
 Technical writing is NOT used to entertain, create suspense or invite differing
 Technical writing is not only writing “good sentences”
 Normally writing is an art
 This section will not impart all the artistic skills to turn you into an
accomplished author
 However, it will provide you with guidelines and tips that will improve your writing
skills sufficiently to serve a purpose.

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Elements of Good Technical Writing…

 Thoughtfulness:
 What is written has been thought of several times over
 Persuasive and economical, both in structure and words
 Correctness:
 Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and proper syntax
 Appropriateness:
 Have the right tone (professional) and avoids verbosity
 Readability:
 Text flows smoothly, reader knows where the paragraph is
heading, summaries may be used to assist the reader to digest
the chapter or section.
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Elements of Good Technical Writing…

 Points to remember
 Be succinct and formal: Try to say a lot in few words

 Be professional and serious

 Maintain accuracy and clarity

 Always keep your objectives and your audience in

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Example: Writing a Literature Review

 “… all literature is not eligible for inclusion.“

 Even the peer reviewed and peer refereed publications should be
evaluated critically before inclusion in a literature review
 A successful literature review:
 presents an overview of relevant research; provides a commentary on
the literature in the field
 states or indicates what one plans to do to expand existing knowledge
 highlights the similarities and differences between the current work
and the work of others
 says why and how the study will contribute to the existing knowledge
 locates the research problem within a theoretical framework and
review the underlying theory

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Steps in Writing

 Preparing :
 Assess your readers
 Establish clearly you writing goals
 Frame and keep the main points and the overall report
in mind.
 Organizing
 Composing
 Reviewing with the view to revise

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Steps in Writing: Preparing: The target audience

 “One does not write to himself, writing is targeted

for the benefit of others ”
 “Focus on the need of the reader, not on the writer’s
desire. ”
 Identify the relevant target audience
 we want the report to be read by as many interested
current and future researchers as possible
 at times it may be necessary to prepare a report for
policy makers, general public, etc

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Steps in Writing: Preparing: The target audience…

 Issues to remember
 Not properly identifying your reader usually leads to
some mistakes in writing (such as use of abbreviations)
 Anyone who picks up to read your writing is either
interested in acquiring new information or achieving a
better understanding.
 in order to serve the reader, your paper should have
pertinent information.
 the information you would like to convey must be presented
in an arrangement such that the reader will not spend an
inordinate amount of time in extracting the information
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Steps in Writing: Preparing: Purpose

 The goals of technical writing are:

 To tell others what you found and how you found it (them)
 This is a record of your research process, not just a summary of your findings
 To let others benefit from your work and experience (includes negative
 To give an indication of where you or other researchers might go next
 Scientific progress is the cumulative effect of ideas that were
effectively communicated over many centuries
 Note: a very good idea that is not effectively communicated
 May be lost
 Do not have impact or contribution to the advancement of science

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Steps in Writing : The Organization

“The key to making writing informative is organization ”

 The organization of the paper refers to the structure
 the sequence in which you present each type of information.
 Organization is very important to convey your ‘idea’ in a
comprehensive and meaningful way
 Due emphasis should be given to how the flow of
information is organized to attain a fluidity and
cohesiveness to the reader
 Remember you are writing to provide a scientific service to
the reader, not to unload all that you know onto a white sheet
of paper
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Steps in Writing: The Organization

 Organizing
 Decide on the structure and outline
 Prepare a complete outline for each element of the structure
 Decide on and make the basic units of the structure
 Organize the Units
 Write about the structure so that your reader understands
how your report is organized and presented.
 Write an outline for every chapter/section
 Select the main points or ideas to be included and the order
of their presentation

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General structure of a research report

 Title
 Acknowledgement
 Abstract
 (Table of Contents)
 (Lists of Figures and Tables )
 Introduction
 Literature Review
 Materials and methods
 Results
 Discussion/Conclusion
 References
 Appendices, where applicable

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 The title is a short statement that encapsulates the

main thrust of the paper

 The title should accurately reflect the content of the

 A specific and concise title is crucial to persuade the
reader to continue reading the paper.

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 The acknowledgement is non-debatable in most respects

 Generally, those persons who have professionally contributed to
the work be it in kind or in ideas must be acknowledged.
 you also need to acknowledge the institutions that have provided
funding, research space, manpower, etc towards your research
 Finally, you may want to mention individuals who have
provided personal support and assistance that is separate from
professional help.
 However, do not overdo it
 There is no need to mention those individuals that hampered or
somehow made your work more difficult
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 “An abstract is the summary of the paper that is read the most. “
 Even though, the abstract immediately follows the title page, it is usually best to
write it after you have written the entire paper
 The abstract is a short summary of the information in the paper that provides an
overview of the purpose, scope, and findings contained in the report
 An abstract should include
 the principal objective and scope of the investigation
 describe the methodology employed
 summarize the results and
 state the principal conclusion.
 Abstract thus provides an “in a nut shell” description without providing
underlying details
 If the title is the bait that lures the reader, the abstract is the hook that
captures his/her attention to continue reading
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 The Introduction prepares the reader to read the main body of the report.
 It focuses on the subject, purpose, and scope of the report.
 The Subject defines the topic and associated terminology; may include theory,
historical background, and its significance.
 The Purpose indicates the reason for the investigation, objectives.
 The Scope indicates the extent and limits of the investigation
 State in the introduction
 statement of the problem
 problem must be pinpointed;
 Goals and significance of the study
 Relation to other issues
 Purpose of the study relative to the problem
 Review, critique, and summarize related research

 N.B this part may be partitioned

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Materials, Methods & (Assumptions)
 The Methods, Materials & (Assumptions) section answers the question : “
how did you study the problem?”.
 The Methods, Materials & (Assumptions) used in the investigation are
described so the reader could duplicate the procedures of the investigation.
 The contents of this component are discipline specific
 In the social sciences, you may not have laboratory equipment, but you may list
the questionnaire you used.
 Methods indicate, such as how you discovered the problem? What
measuring tools were used? What measurement system was used?
 Assumptions :What do you think, but cannot substantiate as fact?
 It is thus important to describe the experimental design used, how the data was
analyzed and test methods used.
 This will allow the reader to assess whether you have properly planned and
executed the research project.
 The information provided should be as detailed as possible.
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 Core section of the scientific report

 The results (and discussion) component answers the question:
 “What did you obtain from the experiments you conducted?”.
 The results section
 describes what you learned about the problem as a result of your research
 identifies the degree of accuracy related to your findings and
 gives the reader your view of the significance of your findings.
 Results include:
 assumptions and definitions; theorems, simulations, experiments; limitation of
your results
 You are expected to present the results you obtained from the methods and
 The presentation of the results must be clear and arranged in a logical order.
 Results will usually be heavy in tables, figures/graphs, charts, etc.
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 If your research was quantitative

 it is best to present your results in tables and figures/graphs in stead
of words.
 make sure that you properly label your tables and note the legends
of your figures
 Each table/figure should be a stand alone as an information snippet
 The words in the body of the paper that accompany each table or
figure are to provide further elaboration of the results.
 At times the reader may chose to skim through the charts, tables
and figures presented in your results section to get a quick grasp of
the results you obtained to help him/her decide on whether to read
the entire paper

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Discussion, conclusion & recommendations

 Depending on your area of specialization this component

may be called discussion or conclusion.
 This component basically answers the question:
 “What do the results mean?”
 This component (which may also be part of Results), always
related to objectives
 It gives discussions on
 Interpretation of your results
 Generalizations and abstractions from your results
 Description how accurate your findings are
 What is the significance of the results of the research.

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…Discussion, conclusion & recommendations

 Conclusion
 Is summary of the report – the work and the results.
 Restatement of results:
What are the factual findings that resulted from your research?
 What are you implying as a result of these findings?

 Concluding Remarks: What are your opinions based on the findings and results?
 Recommendations :
 may indicate a course of action on the applications of the results and findings or
suggestions for future work
 The results you obtained are not isolated from previous scientific knowledge.
 you not only provide the reader with interpretation of the results, but you are also
expected to put your interpretation in context of the existing body of scientific
 N.B. Establish a clear and unambiguous statement on how your interpretation of
the results has addressed your objectives

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 The references section is the place where the author cites all of the secondary
research sources that were used
 This section lists all the previously published sources of information that you
have cited in the body of the paper.
 Only the papers cited, not all the papers that you have read or consulted, are referenced.
 If you deem a source of information should be cited in the references section, then you
must have mentioned it in the body of the paper.
 Example: In the text:
 [3]; Name et al. [4];Name(1993).
 In reference list
 [3] J.Strohbehn, Ed. Laser Beam Propagation in the Atmosphere. New York: Springer,
 [4] E.Shin and V.Chan, “Optical communication over the turbulent atmospheric channel
using spatial diversity" in proc. IEEE Conf. Commun., 2002, pp. 2005-2060

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Oral Presentation

 After completing this section

 you will have acquired the skills necessary to
effectively communicate your research findings using
oral medium(supplemented with AV system)
 prepare a scientific presentation
 identify your audience
 organize your presentation to be informative
 Consider stylistic issues to make your presentation
 avoid common errors

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 Presentation is conveying information to others via speaking

(oral) or in written form -reports.
 Presentation has a specific purpose
 communicating with others
 persuading others
 training/teaching other
 graduating
 Presentation is a part of research by definition
 The higher your position is, the more presentations you have to make
 Presentation is also an important part of professional practice.
 Good presentation skill contributes to professional success

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 An oral presentation, unlike written presentations, is a direct

communication between a presenter and an audience.
 Speaker:
 Wants to convey something
 Audience:
 May want to listen and benefit
 Speaker:
 One person
 Audience :
 usually Many
 Speaker:
 Familiar with the topic
 Audience :
 May not be familiar with topic

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Planning your presentation: Issues

 Determine the objective (type) of talk

 Talk to present new research results
 Review/Overview talk
 Tutorial talk
 Training/Teaching
 Presentation for selling an idea or a product (proposal)
 Assess knowledge level of audience
 Homogeneity of audience
 Knowledge of audience
 Tailor your talk to the audience
 Major points you want to present
 3-5 points

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Planning your presentation: Organizing

 organize your message around the following

 Why was the work done?
 State problem and goal
 What are possible solutions?
 State solutions
 What findings resulted from the work?
 Present the results of your work
 What do the results imply?
 State implications/consequences of your work

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Planning your presentation: Structure

 Tell them what you are going to present

 Overview, introduction, motivation 20%
 Your main presentation
 Main body of your talk 70%
 Methods, Analysis, Results & Discussions
 Tell what you told them again
 Summary 10%
 Conclusion and Recommendation
 Create a logical order for your presentation:
 Message 1
 Sub-messages

 Message 2
 Sub-messages

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…Planning your presentation: Structure

 Cover - Title
 Authors/Affiliations
 Introduction
 Problem statement;
 Check regularly whether
 Research question
are you focusing on the main
 Literature review
 Main
 Check regularly for logic
 Research method
 Research design
and structure
 Key assumptions  Keep the allotted time in
 Results/discussion mind
 Ending
 Implications/conclusion & recommendations
 Limitations of results;
 Future work

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Preparing an Oral presentation

 Visual aids
 VAs enhance understanding of topic
 VAs guide you through your presentation

 Computer/LCD
 Check how to operate before talk
 How/where page up/down

 Overhead
 Avoid hand writing
 Landscape

 Handout
 For failure of Vas
 To stay at a particular slide

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Preparing an oral Presentation…

 Stylistic Issues:
 The Slide
 Despite the fact that it is commonly called “oral presentation” it is equally
visual as it is an auditory medium.
 The slide should be clearly visible and legible to the audience members sitting
even at the very back of the room.
 We have to consider Layout, Background , Font
 Layout:
 The background color of the slide & the color of the text should have a
sharp contrast
 If unsure about what color combination to use for the text and
 the safest choice is to use black text on white background.

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…Preparing an oral presentation

 Background:
 After you have chosen an appropriate background for your
 stickto your choice and use the same background throughout the
 particularly for scientific presentations, a plain background is preferred
(a gradient of the shades of the same color is also acceptable).
 If you are inclined to add graphic, picture, in your
 make sure that it is subject appropriate and
 does not draw attention away from the text and figures that you
are attempting to communicate.

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…Preparing an oral presentation
 Font:
 ‘Small’ case letters are easier to read than ‘CAPITALIZED’ letters.
 if you feel you need to use CAPITAL letters, use them sparingly.
 The type, size and typeface of the font are equally important.
 Do not use script type fonts
 they may seem fancy on an invitation card, but are unsuitable for professional/ scientific
 Select a font type that is easily legible and has sufficient spacing between letters
(do not use condensed fonts, where one letter appears to overlap with the next).
 font size, may be in the range of 18 to 28
 a good starting point is twenty-four, you may, however, adjust the font size particularly
for titles, graph legends, etc.
 Using bold font typeface throughout is not necessary: limit the use of bold fonts
for titles, headers and words you want to emphasize.
 Limit the fonts to at most 2 different types

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Content of pages in the slide - Text

 You should limit the use of text only to

 state the problem
 frame the problem in the appropriate context
 summarize results and state major conclusions.
 Limit your lines
 State key concepts in bulleted phrases or short declarative statements
and cover the details verbally.
 Don’t write every single word on your slides in full sentences. (Tempted
to help you remember what you want to say )
 This usually leads to reading the text from the slide verbatim.
 It is safe to assume that the audience is literate and can read for themselves,
making the presenter a redundant actor that does not add value to the

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…Content of pages in the slide - Text

 crowding each slide with a dense text is mind-numbing

 Slide page content should be such that it satisfies the rule
minimum 10s per slide and maximum 100s per slide or
average 60 s (or 1 min) per slide.
 The rule for technical presentations may be the “2
minutes per slide” rule.
 N.B:
 One slide - one message!
 Don’t overdo formulas (also be created with eqn editor)
 Watch your colors (at most 3 colors)

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Content of pages in the slide – Tables and graphs

 Simplify the tables so that you only have a few columns and/or
 If need be, breakdown your table into bite-sized snippets that the
audience can absorb and digest.
 graphs, drawings or pictures in a slide page should be large
enough to be clearly viewed
 Should be well labeled
 variables on both axes scaled and clearly shown with units.
 Appropriate coloring for sharp contrast with background and other
content in the slide.
 If need be (for comparison), may be a few multiple of them as far as

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Content of pages in the slide – Errors

 Errors
 Major/Minor errors such as misspelled words, grammatical errors, punctuation
mistakes, etc.
 Errors convey to the audience that you have not put in enough attention to your work.
 The implication of errors is the audience will be skeptical about the soundness of the
work you are presenting.
 If you did not pay attention to the material displayed in public, can you really be
trusted to pay due diligence during the actual conduct of the research?
 Errors that you could have easily corrected in a few minutes will taint the entire
body of your work.
 Avoid such errors at all cost
 If your spelling and grammar is not up to par
 you can always make use of the built-in spelling and grammar checker in the presentation
 consult a friend or an advisor

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Rehearse your Talk

 Rehearse for yourself

 Rehearse with audience

 Take rehearsals serious

 Rehearse early enough to make modifications

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Presentation Delivery

 Plan ahead
 know the room; technical equipment…
 Know the introduction by heart
 Concentrate before your talk
 Recall your main points
 Speak freely (don’t read and don’t recite)
 Dress right

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Presentation Delivery…

 Attitude/Style
 Keep good time, Be enthusiastic, Be dramatic
 Voice
 Speak loudly and clearly, Avoid monotony
 change volume, speed, rhythm, make pauses
 Mannerism
 Look at your audience, Keep eye contact, Move, but
don’t pace, Use gesture and body language

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Presentation Delivery…

 Interact with audience

 Questions to audience (not frequently), Be open to
 Ending a point and beginning a new point
 Slow down and higher volume, Short pauses, Appropriate
 Dealing with nervousness
 deep breathe, slow down, and confess it
 Language (English)
 Keep it simple, Emphasize the key points, Check the
difficult pronunciations
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