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Orthodromic vs.


By noor ali salam

Introduction Orthodromic

Ortho- is a prefix denoting normal, straight, proper order, correct. 

Dromos is a Gr. word meaning course
.Orthodromic, therefore, means conducting impulses in the normal or correct direction 
Orthodromic denotes the propagation of an impulse along a conduction system (for example, nerve fiber) in t 
he direction it normally travels
Introduction Antidromic

 proceeding or conducting in a direction opposite to the usual one  used especially of a nerve impulse or fiber

.orthodromic of an impulse) traveling in the opposite direction to that normal in a nerve fiber. The opposite of
orthodromic nerve conduction

Orthodromic technique. Stimulating electrodes are usually ring electrodes placed around the proximal and 
middle phalanxes of the 2nd or 3rd digits and the recording electrodes are placed on the ventral aspect of the
.wrist, over the median nerve, usually at about 1–2 cm proximal to the proximal wrist crease
antidromic nerve stimulation

Antidromic stimulation is performed to determine if a neuron that you are recording from projects to a 
particular region of the nervous system. You stimulate the axon of the neuron, and an action potential
.propagates backwards (antidromically) to the cell body, where recordings are occurring
Orthodromic action potentials

It is evoked by synaptic excitation displayed similar changes in amplitude and shape. These observations lead to
the conclusion that the soma, initial segment and neighbouring nodes of Ranvier contribute significantly to the
.shape of the action potential
antidromic action potential

Electrical stimulation of the central nervous system antidromically propagating action potentials, by stimulation
.of presynaptic axons and terminals
What is the major advantage of antidromic sensory
recording over the orthodromic

The major advantage of the antidromic approach reflects the recording site (the recording electrodes are on 
the digit). Because the tissue between the nerve fibers and the recording electrodes is minimal at this site, the
.amplitude of the response is much greater

Each of the two techniques has its advantages and drawbacks but clinical neurophysiologists favor either one or
the other. even though most people preferred the antidromic technique, considered to be easier to perform.
Confidence in the results of an examination depends largely on technical ability, knowledge of the
.methodological variants and recognition of possible errors of a specific technique

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