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Good morning,


Welcome to
our English

1. Raise your hand if you want to speak.
2. Be respectful and listen carefully.
3. Participate in the class.
4. Avoid eating or using any gadgets
unnecessarily during the class.
5. Have fun learning!

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify the elements of the story;
b. b. analyze the message of the “The Story of Ramayana” by
Maharshi Valmiki and its relevance to life situations;
c. share insights about the culture reflected in the “The Story
of Ramayana”; and
d. present a role play, draw a sketch, and perform a jingle
reflecting the elements found in the story.

“Look Back and


What was your previous
lesson all about?

Give one type of camera
shot and explain it.

What are the other types
of camera shots?

Picture Perfect

Guess the correct word by filling in with the missing letters to

complete the words based on the hints given by the pictures.
1. S_TT_NG


3. P_OT



6. TH_ME


(The Story of Ramayana)

Author’s Biography

The story was written by Maharshi Valmiki, a Hindu

sage who lived around the beginning of the first
millennium B.C. He is referred to as the 'adikavi', the
original creator of the Hindu 'sloka' - a verse form in
which most of the great epics such as Ramayana,
Mahabharata, Puranas, and other works are composed.

Unlocking of Difficult Words

1. nectar – a sweet liquid produced 2. garland - a circle made of flowers

by flowers and collected by bees and and leaves worn around the neck or
other insects; the drink of the Greek head as a decoration.
and Roman gods.
Example: They placed a garland of flowers
around her neck.
Example: The bee turns nectar into

Unlocking of Difficult Words

3. suitor - one who pursues 4. banish - send (someone) away

someone, especially a woman, for a from a country or place as an official
romantic relationship or marriage. punishment.

Example: The mayor wants to banish him

Example: He is my suitor for a very from their city.
long time.

Unlocking of Difficult Words

5. abduct - take (someone) away by

force; kidnap.

Example: The kidnappers planned to

abduct the millionaire's daughter.

1. nectar a sweet liquid produced by flowers and The bee turns nectar into honey.
collected by bees and other insects; the drink
of the Greek and Roman gods

2. garland a circle made of flowers and leaves worn They placed a garland of flowers
around the neck or head as a decoration around her neck.

3. suitor one who pursues someone, especially a He is my suitor for a very long time.
woman, for a romantic relationship or

4. banish send (someone) away from a country or place The mayor wants to banish him from
as an official punishment. their city.

5. abduct take (someone) away by force; kidnap. The kidnappers planned to abduct the
millionaire's daughter.


The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

Long ago, Dasharatha, the wise king of Ayodhya of Sarayu, India had three
wives. Though the King had three wives, he didn’t have any children with them. The
Chief priest Vasishta advised the king to make fire sacrifice to obtain a blessing from
the gods. After the gods were pleased, one of them appeared out of the flame and
handed him a pot full of nectar. The god told the king to share the nectar with his
three queens namely Kausalya, Kaikeye, and Sumitra. While the nectar had been
shared, the three queens gave birth to sons: Kausalya had Rama; Kaikeye had
Bharatha; and Sumitra had twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna.


1. Who was 2. How

the king of many wives
Ayodhya? does have?

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

In a neighboring city, the ruler's daughter was named Sita. When it was time for Sita to choose her
bridegroom, at a ceremony called a Swayamvara, the princes were asked to string a giant bow. No one
else could even lift the bow, but as Rama bent it, he did not only string it but also broke it into two.
Sita indicated that she chose Rama as her husband by putting a garland around his neck. The
disappointed suitors were watching.

King Dasharatha, Rama's father, decided it was time to give his throne to his eldest son Rama and
retired to the forest to seek moksha. Everyone seems pleased. This plan fulfilled the rules of dharma
because an eldest son should rule and, if a son can take over one's responsibilities, one's last years may
be spent in a search for moksha.


1. What was the

name of the 2. How did
daughter of the Rama win the
ruler of the heart of Sita?
neighboring city?

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

In addition, everyone loved Rama. However, Rama's stepmother, the king's second wife, was not
pleased. She wanted her son, Bharata, to rule. Because of an oath Dasharatha had made to her years
before, she got the king to agree to banish Rama for fourteen years and to crown Bharata even though
the king, on bended knee, begged her not to demand such things.

Rama, always obedient, was as content to go into banishment in the forest as to be crowned king.
Sita convinced Rama that she would always be at his side and his brother Lakshmana also begged to
accompany them. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana set out to the forest.


1. Why did the second 2. Who

wife of King
Dasharatha pled to the
king to banish Rama Rama to live in
for fourteen years? the forest?

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

One day a rakshasa princess named Shurpanakha tried to seduce Rama, and Lakshmana wounded
her and drove her away. She returned to her brother Ravana, the ten-headed ruler of Lanka (Sri Lanka,
formerly Ceylon), and told her brother, who is always attracted to beautiful women, about lovely Sita.


1. Who was the 2. Who was the

rakshasa princess
who tried to
seduce Rama? brother?

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

Ravana devised a plan to abduct Sita. He sent a magical golden deer which Sita desired Rama to
hunt. A long time had passed, but Rama didn’t return. Thus, Lakshmana went off to find his brother.
Before leaving Sita, Lakshmana drew a protective circle around Sita and warned her that she would be
safe if she would stay within the circle. As they went off, Ravana, who could change his shape,
appeared as a holy man begging alms. The moment Sita stepped outside the circle to give him food,
Ravana grabbed her and carried her off to his kingdom in Lanka.


1. What did 2. How did

Ravana send
which Sita desired
Ravana abduct
Rama to hunt? Sita?

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

Rama was broken-hearted when he returned to the empty hut and could not find Sita. A band of
monkeys led by Hanuman offered to help him find Sita. Ravana carried Sita to his palace in Lanka,
but he could not force her to be his wife. So, he put her in a grove and alternately sweet-talked her and
threatened her in an attempt to get her to agree to marry him.


Why did
Ravana threaten

The Story of Ramayana

by Maharshi Valmiki

A mighty battle took place. Rama killed several of Ravana's brothers and then Rama confronted
ten-headed Ravana. Rama finally killed Ravana and freed Sita. After Sita gained her freedom from
Ravana, she proved her purity through the trial by fire. Then, they returned to Ayodhya and Rama
became the king.


Why did Sita

undergo a trial
by fire?


1. Setting
It refers to the time and place in which the action of the story happens.

In Ramayana, there is more than one setting such as Ayodhya, Lanka, and the forest (place).
The story happened a long time ago (time).

2. Character
It refers to a person, an object, an animal, or imaginary creature personified in
the story. There are two types of characters: the protagonist and the antagonist.

a. Protagonist. It is the main character who does heroic acts in the story.
In the story Ramayana, Rama is the protagonist since he does the heroic acts of saving Sita
and winning the battle against Ravana.

b. Antagonist. It is also a main character who opposes the protagonist in some way.
Ravana is considered as the main antagonist of the story Ramayana.

3. Plot
It is defined as an interrelated sequence of events in a story where each event
affects the other, thus showing the cause-and-effect relationship. A plot has
six elements:

a. Exposition/Initial Action - This is the very beginning of a story. In this part, authors
usually introduce the major characters and setting to the reader.

b. Rising Action - This is the part when tension starts to build. It usually involves facing
and conquering minor conflicts, which is what keeps the plot moving forward.

3. Plot
c. Climax - This is the "peak" of the plot or the highest point of interest where all the
tensions of the rising action lead to the success or failure of the hero.

d. Falling Action - This is everything that happens after the climax but before the
resolution. This is when the tension lessens and starts bringing the action to a close.

e. Resolution/Denouement - This is the conclusion or ending of a story.

A mighty battle took place. Rama killed
several of Ravana's brothers and then
Rama confronted him. Finally, Rama killed
Ravana, and he freed

The ten-headed Ravana, the ruler After Sita gained her freedom
of Lanka, devised a plan to abduct from Ravana, she proved her
Sita and sent a magical deer purity through the trial by fire.
which Sita desired Rama to hunt.
Then they returned to
While Rama was away, Ravana
grabbed Sita and carried her off to
Ayodhya and Rama became
Lanka. the king.

Rama, the son of King As Rama became the king,

Dasharata, was the prince he ruled Ayodhya with
of Ayohdya. In a Ramrajya - an ideal time
neighboring city, the ruler's when everyone does his or
daughter named Sita chose her duties and
Rama. responsibilities.

4. Conflict
It refers to the problem that the main characters have to face. The conflict of the story has four
major types: man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man vs. supernatural.

● Man vs. man - It is the conflict of the story in which the struggle is between the protagonist
and the antagonist. In this conflict, the protagonist wants something, and the antagonist
obstructs the protagonist from getting what he wants.

● Man vs. self - It is a conflict that takes place within the character himself. It often involves
the character in making a decision between right and wrong.

4. Conflict
● Man vs. self - It is a conflict that takes place within the character himself. It often
involves the character in making a decision between right and wrong.

● Man vs. society - It is a conflict that occurs when the character has a conflict with the
government, cultural, or societal tradition.

● Man vs. supernatural - It is a conflict that happens when the protagonist faces a
struggle against a god, gods, and supernatural forces.

4. Conflict
It refers to the problem that the main characters have to face. The conflict of the
story has four major types: man vs. man, man vs. self, man vs. society, and man
vs. supernatural.

● Man vs. man - It is the conflict of the story in which the struggle is between the protagonist
and the antagonist. In this conflict, the protagonist wants something, and the antagonist
obstructs the protagonist from getting what he wants.

4. Conflict
● Man vs. self - It is a conflict that takes place within the character himself. It often
involves the character in making a decision between right and wrong.

● Example: Dasharatha had a conflict within himself in his decision to set Rama into
banishment even against his own will.

● Man vs. society - It is a conflict that occurs when the character has a conflict with the
government, cultural, or societal tradition.

4. Conflict
● Example: In Ramayana, the author shows man vs. society when everyone
including the band of monkeys fought against Ravana to save Sita.

● Man vs. supernatural - It is a conflict that happens when the protagonist faces
a struggle against a god, gods, and supernatural forces.

● Example: In Ramayana, the author depicts man vs. supernatural type of conflict
when Rama and Lakshmana fought against Rakshasas or the evil creature.

5. Point of View
This is the angle of narration or the perspective from which the story is told. It
can be classified as first person and third person.

a. First Person. The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal
thoughts and feelings. It uses the personal pronoun I.

b. Third person. This is when the narrator is removed from the story and tells it from an
outside perspective. To do this, the narrator uses personal pronouns like "he," "she," and
"they" to refer to the characters in the story.

6. Theme
It refers to the central idea or message of a story.

In Ramayana, the theme is about showing love and doing one’s duties and responsibilities, or
known as dharma. Rama showed his love to Sita by saving her from the enemy. He also
performed his duties and responsibilities as a king, husband, son, and brother, respectively.

“Let’s Guess”

1. A sly fox and a foolish crow.

2. Long time ago in a kingdom.

3. A group of climbers plan to escort paying clients to the

summit of Mt. Everest.

“Let’s Guess”
4. Cinderella must find a way to get away from her stepmother
and stepsisters.

5. "Love overcomes hate."

6. “I was standing in the dark. I was scared and cold. Then, I felt something on my
shoulder, and it was a hand. I was trying to get away, but it wouldn’t let me go. I
screamed as loud as I could, but no one heard me.” – In the Dark

Answers: 1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Plot
4. Conflict
5. Theme
6. Point of View

Activity 1 (Valuing)

video title:

“How to be

What have you learned

after watching the video?

― Irene M. Pepperberg

How can you will show

that you are responsible to
your role as a student?

― Irene M. Pepperberg

Activity 2 (Product/Performance)

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Sketch Me Up!
Role playing
Perform a jingle about the message of
Draw a sketch of your favorite character
Present a short role play of one of the the story. You have five minutes to
in the story. Tell the reason why that
scenes from the story. Be creative. You prepare and three minutes to perform.
character became your favorite. You
have five minutes to prepare and three Good luck!
have five minutes to prepare and three
minutes to perform. Good luck!
minutes to perform. Good luck!


Content – 45 %
Delivery – 30 %
Creativity –25 %
Total – 100%

Fill in the following diagrams with elements of the story found in the story “Makato and the
Cowrie Shell.” Write your answers in a one whole sheet of paper.

Setting: Character:


Conflict Point of View


Write a short story that tells about the most unforgettable experience that you
have. Make sure that you apply the elements of a story in your piece. Write it a
½ sheet of paper.

Neatness - 10%
Creativity - 20%
Elements of Story - 30%
Organization of Ideas - 40%
Total 100%

Table of Contents.

1 Dogs 2 Cats 3 Elephants

We will talk about this first. We will talk about this Then, we will talk about
second. this.

4 Kangaroos 5 Pandas 6 Koalas

After that we will talk about We will also talk about this. And we will talk about this
this. last.

Presenting a website
or an app?
If you are presenting a website, an internet
product or an app, you can place a screenshot of
it here.

Clearly, animals know more

than we think, and think a
great deal more than we

― Irene M. Pepperberg

Let’s review some facts.

Elephants Pandas Cats

Elephants can sense storms. Pandas don’t hibernate. Cats use their whiskers as feelers

Dogs Kangaroos Koalas

Dogs can smell your feelings. There are more kangaroos than Koalas are even more lazy than
humans in Australia. cats.

This is an editable world map.

Showcase places
You can use maps to show your
offices or markets. Or as charts,
highlighting the countries and adding
your data.

100% Editable
You can double click on the desired
country and change fill color.

And this is a timeline.

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adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit.

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Sample Images: Unsplash

Fonts used in this presentation: Quicksand and

Playfair Display.

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or PowerPoint

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