Chapter 4 - Jesus Christ

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“ In the beginning was the Word; and the Word
was with God; and the Word was God...and the
Word became flesh, and made his dwelling
among us” (jn.1:1,14)

A. The Many Faces of JESUS Today
 model of humanity
 liberator from economic and political
 champion against racial prejudice and
 advocate of active non-violence
friend, brother, confidante

Popular Filipino Images of Jesus:
a. The Santo Nino
affirms the reality of incarnation
shows us God’s identification with the “little
revelation of the condition to be part of the
Kingdom of God = childlike
tends to confine the appreciation of Jesus to
his childhood
An impression of a “domesticated” God, a
“Catholic Doll”
b. The Nazareno
oimage of the suffering Christ = tells us of
God’s compassion for humanity
oinspiration to bear sufferings patiently and
omay leave out the resurrection event
omay inspire passive suffering rather than
active struggle against unjust affliction

B. Salvation in Jesus
1. Salvation as the Mission of Jesus
“ to save his people from their sins” (Mt.1:21)
JESUS= Greek word “ Iesous”
Hebrew word “Yeshua”
meaning: “ God saves”

What is salvation?
“the great gift from God which is liberation from all that
oppresses man, but which is above all liberation from sin and
from evil, within the joy of knowing God and being known by
him and entrusting oneself to him.” Evangelium Nuntiandi

Twofold meaning of salvation:
freedom from sin and evil
freedom for grace and love, for relationship with God and
Accomplished in the Threefold Mission of Christ:

1. Christ , the Priest- mediator between God and man

-his life: holiness and prayer
-salvific offering of himself

2. Christ , the Prophet

– he spoke on behalf of the Father and proclaimed the

coming of God’s Kingdom
- preached the word of God through his words and deeds
- performed miracles: sign of his divine authority

3. Christ, the King

– selfless service to others
- servant leadership

2. Characteristics of Salvation

a. Salvation is a life-changing encounter with Christ

- a call to conversion : new life of grace
b. Salvation is for the whole person
- Christ concerned himself with the spiritual and
material needs of humanity
-hunger, pain, death, grief
c. Salvation begins in the here and now
- the daily blessings we experience is a
manifestation of
his gift of salvation

d. Salvation is a process
- it is about relationship
- it requires free response to God’s gift of
- it asks for continuous growth in the context of
man’s response
e. Salvation extends to all peoples
- the gift of salvation is for everyone
f. Salvation is completed in eternity with God
- the promise of eternal life in heaven with God
- everlasting joy, peace, and love with God

3. Salvation History
- it is a process that begins in the “ here and now”,
human history is “ salvation history” = the saving
presence of God in our midst
a. The Unfolding of God’s Plan
- series of events through which the plan of God took
-it is concerned with the discovery of God’s plan as it
unfolds through his interventions in the history of
humanity as recorded in the Bible
- it is a story-in-progress

Three Stages of Salvation:
1. the time before Christ
2. the time of Christ
3. the time of the Church

b. Characteristics of Salvation History

1. Christocentric
-Christ is the central figure in the whole history of salvation
- it is in Christ that the whole story of humanity finds meaning
2. Biblical
- the Bible is the record of salvation history
3. Inculturated
- in Christ’s humanity, he immersed himself in a particular culture using their language to convey God’s message

b. Characteristics of Salvation History
1. Christocentric
-Christ is the central figure in the whole
history of salvation
- it is in Christ that the whole story of
humanity finds meaning
2. Biblical
- the Bible is the record of salvation history
3. Inculturated
- in Christ’s humanity, he immersed himself in a
particular culture using their language to
convey God’s message

4. Ssytematic
- it is a developmental story reflecting the pedagogy of God


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