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Training & Career

• Learning is an enduring process, changes in behaviour through
practice, training or experience.
• Learning is essential for both people and organization.
• Learning is an important process since it helps people to
expand their knowledge and skills.
• Organization adopt environmental changes for that purpose, it
needs the people with learning capacity to cope with the
• Learning occurs all of the time in one’s life.
• Learning helps to change behaviour according to situation.
• Training and development can be increased through learning.
• Learning is any relatively permanent change in
behaviour that occurs as a result of experience.
-S.P Robbins
• In conclusion, learning is considered with
bringing about relatively permanent change as
a result of experience. This can be done
through direct experience by doing or indirectly
through observation.
Psychological Principles of Learning
• Principles of readiness
• Principles of exercise- exercise/practice makes man
• Principles of effect- emotional reaction, satisfying
• Principles of primacy (most important)- the state of
being first
• Principles of intensity- dramatic or exciting learning
• Principles of recency (recent things)
• Principles of multi sensation- Five senses: eye, ear,
nose, skin & tongue
• Principles of levels of learning-
– Level one (rote learning)= listening lecture
– Level two (understanding)= lecture + reading many books
– Level three (application)= lecture + study + internship
– Level four (correlation)= Lecture + study + internship +
• It is a learning experience which seeks a relatively permanent
change in an individual that will improve the ability to
• It is the method used to give new or present employees the
skills they need to perform their job.
• It focuses on change in skills knowledge, attitudes or behavior
of person.
• Organization is becoming more complex and environmental
factors are also rapidly changing. Hence, skills of the
employees need to be transformed and frequently updated.
• It makes employees more productive and efficient by making
them familiar with tools, techniques and equipments.
• Training refers to the method used to give new or present
employees, the skills they need to perform their jobs.
-Gary Desler
• Training is a learning experience in that it seeks a
relatively permanent change in an individual, group,
and/or organizational levels.
-DeCenzo and Robbins
• Training is a formal and systematic modification of
behaviour through learning which occurs as a result of
education, instruction, development and planned
• Therefore, training may be defined as a
planned program to enhance employees job
performance capabilities that are observable
and measurable in terms of knowledge, skills,
social behaviour and attitude at individual
level, group level and organizational level. It is
a learning experience gained through short
term organizational program for few days or
few months.
Objectives of Training
• To update skills, knowledge and prevent
• To ensure smooth operation of the organization.
• To increase productivity and decrease error.
• To enhance employee confidence and decrease
absenteeism and labour turnover.
• To promote career development and personal
Benefits of Training
 Improves productivity (increases knowledge & skills,
reduces absenteeism, labour turnover & improves both
quality and quantity)
 Competency development (develops knowledge, skill
and abilities at all levels for doing current jobs, removes skill
 Better communication ( improves communication
process, exchange views and take review openly)
 Change management (environmental adaptation & cope
with changes)
 Improve labour relation (management of grievances and
conflict is facilitated through training)
 Career development
Determining Training Needs
Training need is a gap between the existing
capabilities of an employees and requirement of job
which is shown by the help of following diagram:

Job Employee
Training Needs
Requirement Capabilities

Figure: Determining Training Needs

Training should not be considered as a fashion,
and before spending huge resources, organization
must go through training need assessment process.
Following are the reasons for determining
training needs
Developing training objectives
Identifying training responding problem
Develop training programme
Evaluate training
Developing training objectives: Objectives should be developed for the
purpose of providing training. Training need should match with the
objectives. Such objective should follow from organizational and HRD
Identifying training responding problem: All human resources problem
do not respond to training solution. Training needs determination helps
to identify problems that respond in training intervention.
Develop training programme: Management must analyze the needs of
organization and employees before conducting progammes. Training
needs determination helps to develop appropriate training programme.
It also facilitate selection of training method, trainers and trainees.
Evaluate training: Training need determination is essential to evaluate
the output of trainings. Follow up of training activities can be based on
Training program should be conducted only
when it is felt that they can help in solving
specific operational problem; and it requires the
analysis of entire organization (people, jobs,
technology, and so on) to identify trouble spots
where training may help.
Level of Analysis
• Training should not be taken as cure to all the problems of the
organization but rather as contributor.
• Training need exist at three level
 Organizational level: It focuses on identifying where within the
organization training is needed.
 Operational/ Task level: It attempts to identify the content of training
what an employee must do to perform competently.
 Individual level: It determines how well each employees is performing
the tasks that make up his/her job
• Training needs might come up in any of these three broad
areas; and analysis of the external environment and internal
climate is also essential. Inadequate job performance, drop in
productivity, increase in accidents and errors etc are the
signals which warns supervisors that there is a need of
System Approach to Training
• Training is essential because of various reasons. The pace of
technological development is very high. Systems and practices
are getting outdated as a result of external changes.
Unbelievable changes have been seen in working technology
including mechanical, managerial and behavioral aspects.
• Despite this reality, many organizations place much emphasis
on the techniques and methods to be used. Many
organizations fail to put emphasis on:
 Defining what the employee should learn in relation to desired job
 Very few organizations place much emphasis on assessing the
outcomes of training activities;
 And most of the organizations overlook the need to determine
whether the training objectives were achieved or not.
• Assessment or Planning Phase
 This is a first phase in training system or model. It diagnoses present
problems and possible future challenges to be met through training. This
phase also assists ‘instructional objectives’. Needs assessment sub-stage
helps to prepare a blueprint that describe the objectives to be achieved.
• Training and Development Phase
 The second phase starts immediately after the first phase is completed.
Every training and development program must answer certain vital
questions. For an example: who participates in program? Who are the
trainers? What methods are to be used in training? What are the learning
principles? What is the venue of training? Etc.
• Evaluation Phase
 This is the last phase in the above given training model. The focus of this
phase is towards evaluation of effectiveness of the training being
conducted. Expenses in training is comparatively high, so that it is needed
to asses and evaluate the actual useful of the training program.
Training as a Tool for Developing Work Culture
• Work culture is a combination of qualities in an
organization and its employees that arise from what is
popularity known as “appropriate ways to think and act”.
Work culture is a norms of acceptable conduct. A well
managed work-culture can improve organizational
performance significantly.
• Work culture plays an important role in extracting the best
out of employees and making them stick to the
organization for a longer duration. An organization is said
to have a strong work culture when the employees follow
the organization’s rules and regulations and adhere to the
existing guidelines.
Common types of work cultures are:
1) Hierarchal Culture (Common elements are: rational analysis
and decision making, policies and procedure and accuracy in
work details, measurement systems with regular reporting, etc)
2) Market Driven Culture (Common features are: competitiveness
and success over competition, strong customer relationships,
focus towards world class performance, etc.
3) Clean Culture (characteristics are: team work, relationship
based on trust and openness, people development through
coaching feedback, learning & development, etc)
4) Flexible/Adaptive Culture (key features are: innovation,
creativity in new ideas and problem solving, entrepreneurial
focus, change and continuous improvements, flexibility to
changing priorities & business needs, etc.)
Designing Training Programs
• Designing result oriented training program is one of the challenge
job for HR Development department. Every HR Manager or Training
manager conduct training need assessment so that to figure out
what sort of training program should be introduced in the company.
To design trainings, following activities are followed:
1)Setting Training Objectives : Before conducting training, the HR
manager or the line manager should be clear on its purpose, and
expected outcomes after training.
2)Managing Training Budget: Need to manage all the training
related budget such as -resource person's fee, venue, material
costs, logistics costs, opportunity costs, accommodation etc.
3)Designing Training Content and Method: Expert in the
organization or expert from outside designs the content based on
the outcome from assessment and to meet training objectives.
Methods of Employee Training
• On-the-job training
– Apprenticeship training
– Internship training
– Job instruction training
• Off-the-job training
– Lecture and Conference method
– Films or motion picture
– Simulation exercise
• Experimental exercise
• Computer modeling
• Vestibule training
• Programmed instruction
On-the-job training
• It refers to the process of learning by doing.
• Under this method, trainees are deployed on
the job to learn performing task related to a
job under the supervision of job expert.
• The trainee gradually learns performing task
and develop expertise over a period of time.
On-the-job training
• Apprenticeship training:
• It is to produce craftsmanship in particular trade of work.
• For example: machinist, iron works, plumbers, electricians,
accountants, jewelers, carpenters, etc.
• Such training is generally of long period ranging from 2-5 years.
• The trainees have to learn under expert workers or instructors.
• It is expected that the trainee learns all the complicated aspects
in the job and develop efficiency to perform.
• During the training period, the trainee are provided with
stipend from the organization and after completion, they are
provided with full salary and position in an organization.
On-the-job training
• Internship training:
• It is to supplement prolonged theoretical knowledge gained by
the trainees during their technical and professional process.
• It is only after completion of internship, they are allowed to
practice independently.
• Generally, students of technical and professional subjects are
send to organization for internship to get practical experiences
of theoretical knowledge that they have learned in schools,
colleges or universities.
• For example: medical students, engineering students, etc. have
to go through internship.
• Internship program is generally of 6 months to one year.
On-the-job training
• Job instruction training (JIT):
• It is a systematic step by step approach to on
the job training to teach new skills.
• It is designed for supervisors to train
• JIT basically consist of four steps:
– Preparing the trainees by telling them about the
job and overcoming their uncertainities,
On-the-job training
• It is directly in the context of job. They are useful for learning
jobs that can be learned by watching and doing. Trainees learn
while working.
• It is most effective because it is learning by experience. It
facilitates learning quickly as the trainee will get quick
• It is least expensive.
• Trainees are highly motivated. The person gets the first hand
experience on the actual equipment and material by doing the
actual job.
• It is free from artificial classroom situation.
• Multiple skills is possible during training.
On-the-job training
• Trainer may not be experienced enough to
train or he may not be so inclined.
• The productivity of trainee is low while they
develop skills.
• The trainees make errors while they learn.
Scrap and rejection rates can be high.
• Equipment can be damaged due to lack of
experience and knowledge to use it during
Off-the-job training
• It refers to the process where trainers are
trained at a place other than organization.
• It is classroom based.
• Off the job training is fully concentrated on
learning rather than performing.
Off-the-job training
• Lecture and Conference Method:
• These are one of the oldest and most commonly used method which are
basically designed to communicate specific interpersonal, technical and problem
solving skill.
• It is a verbal presentation of information by a instructor to a large audience.
• It focuses on theoretical aspects. Lecture is formal organized oral
communication. Conference is small group meeting.
• These methods are used to create understanding of a topic or to influence
behaviour, attitude through oral communication.
• A large number of people can be trained simultaneously at a low cost.
• A large amount of information can be covered in a short time for all trainees.
• One way of communication with relatively less or passive participation.
• The attention span of listener is normally 15-20 minutes.
• It depends completely on trainees effectiveness and information.
Off-the-job training
• Films or Motion Method:
• Motion picture can be a useful training method.
• Such motion picture can be produced by the
organization itself or purchase from distribution.
• Such motion picture explain the relevant matter
required in learning process.
• Motion picture can even be used in combination
with reference to discussion to clarify and amplify
those points that the films has emphasized.
Off-the-job training
• Simulation exercise:
• Simulation exercise refers to the training activity
that is preferred outside the organization but under
artificially created real organizational situation.
• Simulation is abstraction of real working condition
in the lab or class room.
• The trainees are placed in such an artificial
environment which looks like the real working place
and condition.
• It consist of:
Off-the-job training
• Simulation exercise:
– Experimental exercise: It is usually a short structured learning experiences when
trainees learn by doing or participating in the process. For eg: rather than talking
about interpersonal conflict and telling trainees about solving them. Experimental
exercise creates trainee to deal with complex situation where they participate and
work out to find real solution.
– Computer modeling: It is widely used for training candidates who have to handle
hazardous job involving very costly equipment through computer. Real job model are
developed through which candidates are trained. For eg: training fighter pilots,
training designing engineers, etc
– Vestibule (Artificial) training: It utilizes equipment which closely match the actual
one used on the job. For Vestibule training, a special room or area is set aside from
the main production area and is equipped with furnishing similar to those found in
the actual production area. The trainee is then permitted to learn under simulated
– Program instruction: This is very highly structured and condensed program where
material are systematically presented to the trainees and their after trainees are
allowed to respond to the materials and problems, the trainer facilitates them to
respond and give feedback to improve & their by assure retention of learning.
Off-the-job training
• Large group can be trained simultaneously at low cost.
• Costly errors and injuries can be avoided during training.
• It reduces the disturbance factors of work environment.
• Training time is less compared to on the job training.
• Large amount of information can be covered through off the job training
• Trainee will feel more at ease and comfort.
• The transfer of training to the job is low.
• Trainee involvement is lukewarm and motivation is low.
• Extra investment has to be made in equipment and trainer.
• Specific employee needs may not be fulfilled.
• Lack of quick feedback.
Career Development
• Career development is the lifelong progress of
managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions
in order to move toward a personally
determined and evolving preferred future.
• It is a formal approach used by the firms to
ensure that people with proper qualifications
and experience are available when needed.
• Career development benefits both employees as
well as organizations.
Career Development
• “A career can be defined as a sequence of separate but
related work activities that provides continuity, order, and
meaning in a person’s life.”
• “Career planning is the deliberate process through which
an employee becomes aware of his/ her personal skills,
interests, knowledge, motivations and other
characteristics; determines career options and
opportunities; establishes career goals; and determines
action plans to attain specific goals.”
Objectives of Career Development/Planning
• Every employee working in an organization is looking for a career
development which moves in the right direction. Career path taken by an
employee determines the growth. Career should be planned in a way that it
moves forward. Career development provides the framework with Skills,
goals, awareness, assessment and performance which helps an individual to
move in the right direction & achieve the goals one has in one's career.
Major objectives are:
 Ensuring internal staff requirement by creating pool of talents from within
 Reducing employee frustration and turnover by counseling program,
performance feedback, defining career option and regularly communicating.
 Assisting in attracting and retaining good employees.
 Ensuring growth opportunities for all employees.
 Motivates employee to fulfill their esteem and self development needs by
providing challenging jobs.
Different Stages (Phases) of Career Development

• Integrated Career development and HR planning

• Dissemination of career option information
• Job postings
• Use of assessment centers
• Career counseling programs
• Career development workshops
• Continuous education and training
• Periodic job changes
• Sabbaticals (paid leaves) and other facilities
• Career oriented performance appraisals
Different Stages (Phases) of Career Development

• Integrated Career development and HR planning: CD provides

a supply of talents with the abilities, and HRP projects the
demand for talents and abilities.
• Dissemination of career option information: In many
organization, employees do not get proper information about
career options; and as managers identify and set career paths
that successful employees follow within the organization, they
should make this information available to all concerned.
• Job postings: The basis purpose of job postings is to ensure
that the career goals and skills of inside candidates are matched
openly, fairly and effectively with promotional opportunities.
Different Stages (Phases) of Career Development
• Use of assessment centers: Observing each employees
ability and behavior in a complete situation to develop a
broader appraisal for his/her reaction.
• Career counseling programs: Career counseling programs
are the most logical parts of career development programs.
In this stage, individual and organizational needs and
opportunities can be matched in a variety of ways.
• Career development workshops: Taking steps to increase
employee’s involvement and expertise in planning and
developing of their own career.
• Continuous education and training: Preparing for future.
Different Stages (Phases) of Career Development

• Periodic job changes: Employee may seek job

changes for the purpose of personal enrichment for
more interesting jobs.
• Sabbaticals and other facilities: Employees should
be provided leaves and other facilities.
• Career oriented performance appraisals: Manager
need concrete information regarding the employee’s
potential career path. Information about the nature
of the future work for which she/he is appraising the
Management Development
• In simple word, any activity designed to improve the performance
of existing manager to meet future organizational structure
requirement is known as Management development.
• It aims at preparing managers individually for better performance
in their organization.
• It is a broad and long term process of the organization to develop
perceptual, conceptual, diagnostic and decision making ability of
its manpower.
• MD is a systematic process of improving managerial performance.
• It prepares managers to handle present and future responsibilities.
• “Management development is any attempt to
improve managerial performance by imparting
knowledge, changing attitudes or increasing skills.”
- Gary Dessler
• “Management development is a systematic process
of training and growth by which individuals gain
and apply knowledge, skills, insights and attitudes
to manage work organizations effectively.”
- Dale S. Beach
Methods of Management Development
• On-the-job development
– Coaching method
– Under study assignment
– Job rotation
– Committee assignment
• Off-the-job development
– Lecture courses
– Sensitivity training
– Transactional analysis
– Simulation method
• Case study
• Game theory method
• Role play
Methods of Management Development
On-the-job development: Management development takes place
on the job. It is learning by doing in the context of real work environment.
• Coaching method:
• Junior managers are guided by senior expert manager to understand the
activities of the organization such managers provide guidance necessary
to perform a task effectively.
• They evaluate, give direction, advice, criticism and suggestions to help
subordinating managers to develop to perform task effectively.
• The most important advantage is such coaching provides opportunities
through open communication with their superior, concrete feedback on
performance and are self motivated to develop.
• The main disadvantage is that the individual cannot develop much
beyond the limit of his own coach abilities & it is not necessary that a
good manager is always a good coach also.
On-the-job development
• Under study assignment:
• Under this method, a junior manager is attached to senior
manager who learn managing by helping senior managers in
discharging their responsibility.
• This is generally in the form of “assistant or associate”.
• Moreover, junior managers are also given opportunity to replace
the senior mangers when they desire to go for short term leave.
• This officiating responsibility gives junior manager opportunity
to perform in behalf of the senior manager during which they
learn the job, complicacies and techniques to solve them.
• In case of crucial problems, senior managers are waited for till
their return or in case of urgency, decisions are taken with the
help of corresponding senior manager.
On-the-job development
• Job rotation:
• It is the movement of managers from one department to another
after certain period for certain duration with the view to learn the
nature and complicacies of each department task.
• This is the best method to develop specialist managers into
• This method also develops managers perception and ability to
understand the need of coordination among different departments.
• The drawback mainly associated with this method is that the most
of the departments do lack optimum expertise because by the time
learning managers develop efficiency, they are transferred to
another department to learn new things and new ways.
• However, this method may be very much important from long term
prospective for organization.
On-the-job development
• Committee assignment:
• Managers are developed by being placed in the
committees as the member of the group.
• In this committee method, real problems are
discussed, different views are debated and
decisions are taken.
• Juniors get an opportunities to share their ideas
in managerial decision making process.
• They learn by watching others solve specific
organizational problems.
Methods of Management Development
Off-the-job development: Most management development takes
place off-the-job. Managers are removed from the stress and
demands of the work place.
• Lecture courses:
• Lectures are oral communication of information by instructors.
• Classroom lecture are used as effective method to develop
manager. It is a teacher centered and based on telling and showing.
• Large organization do prepare such development courses
themselves or with the help of university faculties.
• This method is effective to develop managers gain new knowledge,
develop their skills, fill up the gap and ability to interpret and
analyze situation.
Off-the-job development
• Sensitivity training:
• This refers to the process where by the trainees are put into a
loosely created relaxed environment to interact with one
another expressing themselves.
• Sensitivity training is about making people understand about
themselves and others reasonably, which is done by developing
in them social sensitivity and behavioral flexibility.
• A small group (10-15) of management trainees is formed being
facilitated by an expert professional usually psychotherapist are
brought at a place to express themselves on certain issues
expressing their idea, beliefs and attitudes.
• The major outcomes of the process is improved listening skills,
greater openness, empathizing with others, increases tolerance
for individual difference and improved complete resolution skills.
Off-the-job development
• Transactional analysis:
• This technique is used for analyzing and understanding
interpersonal behaviour.
• An individual personality can be classified into three categories
based on ego states. They are:
 Parent ego state: It is like providing guidelines, regulations and
discipline for others. Parent is our ‘Taught’ concept of life.
 Adult ego state: It is our dispassionate and objective side. It uses
facts, information and analysis to reach the best decisions. Adult is
our ‘Thought’ concept of life.
 Child ego state: It reflects the natural impulses, attitudes and
activities that are learnt from childhood experiences. This ego state
can range from listening and responding to hostility. Child is our
‘Felt’ concept of life.
Off-the-job development
• Simulation method:
• An artificial environment is especially designed resembling
real organizational situations to develop managers.
 Case study: It is extensively used to develop managers. Real
organizational problems that have been encountered by the
managers in the past are collected for the purpose. The
participants are collected for the purpose. The participants
in small groups analyze the problem and its courses identify
and evaluate alternatives for solution and select appropriate
solution for solving the problem. This method gives better
opportunity to face actual organizational problems and
develop decision making capacity.
Off-the-job development
• Simulation method:
Game theory method: Under the game theory method,
actual organizational problems are simulated as computer
game and the learners are to play such game that expose them
to encounter different situation and demand decision. This way
candidate decision making ability is enhanced.
Role play: Under the role playing method, the learning
managers are involved in a simulated organizational problems
actively playing a role in the problem and decision making
process. After the participants have completed the assigned
role and the decision made by them, the instructor or facilitator
explain the entire process, clarifies key conceptual points and
suggest how to improve.
Evaluation of Training Programs
• The basic purpose of training is to enhance employees knowledge,
skills, and attitude so that they can perform task more efficiently.
• The development purpose however is to enhance manager’s
knowledge, ability to comprehend, diagnose and analyze the
situation; the cause of the problem and decision making ability for
effective decision.
• Before starting a training, some specific goal or standard are set in
terms of abilities, knowledge, skills and attitudinal changes attempt
are made to enhance such changes during training period.
• It is therefore essential to evaluate how far such enhancement
have taken place in different aspects.
• The result of such evaluation is training effectiveness.
Evaluation of Training Programs

Setting standards

Performing training
Feedback & Control

Measuring changes
Methods of Training Effectiveness
• Test-retest method
• Pre-post performance method
• Experimental control group method
• Trainee survey
• Observation method
• Cost effectiveness analysis
• Test-retest method:
• Under this method, the trainees are given a test before
the training. The score of test is computed and preserved
for future reference.
• After the training is completed, the participants again
required to retake test.
• The test is taken before training is to judge the trainees
on their ability and they retake test after the training to
judge what improvement has been made in the training.
• The change in test score indicates the change in the level
of knowledge gained from training.
• Pre-post performance method:
• According to this approach, participants are
first rated before the training program starts.
• After the program is completed, they are again
graded in the real performance.
• This method is very useful to examine the
effects of training on changing the
participant’s knowledge, skills and their
attitude in the real job situation.
• Experimental control group method:
• Under this method, two groups of similar intelligence and
capabilities are formed: control group and experimental group.
• A test is conducted related to important job dimension for both the
groups and the score is computed and maintained.
• Control groups are the groups having no clear instructions and
guidelines to perform on the job i.e no training.
• Whereas, for experimental group, there are clear instructions and
guidelines at work.
• Under this method, if the performance of the experimental group
improves on the job, the training will be said to be successful.
• On the other hand, if performance of control and experimental
groups remain unchanged, training will be considered unsuccessful
in improving the individual and organizational performance.
• Trainee survey method:
• Under this method, trainees are asked questions to
fill-up a form after the end of training program.
• The participants reaction is obtained concerning
clarity of objectives of training, quality of inputs,
presented effectiveness of the presenter,
relationship with other participants, suggestion for
improvement, etc. are considered and evaluated.
• The more positive response of trainees on this point
indicates effectiveness and vice-versa.
• Observation method:
• Under this method, trainees are observed by the
experts during the delivery of training program.
• The effectiveness of training is observed closely.
• Trainee’s are observed on the basis of on the job
training and off the job training.
• Their performance is watched properly and if
there is any mistakes or errors that are recorded.
• Trainees are rated by the scales on their various
• Cost effectiveness analysis:
• The basic objective of training is to enhance
individual workers task, job performance ability
and overall organization’s productivity.
• The cost factor must be considered and in long
run cost factor must be recovered through
enhancement in organization’s productivity.
• A training program that ensures cost recovery
through enhancement in productivity is said to
be effective and vice-versa.
Human Resource Development (HRD)
• HR represents the most important resources of organization.
• HRD is concerned with increasing the competencies through
knowledge, skills, attitude, experiences, etc. of the people in the
• HRD prepares employee to work effectively and efficiently in the
• The achievement of organizational goal largely depends on
performance of people working in organization.
• HRD is concerned with the provision of learning, development and
training opportunities in order to improve individual, team and
organizational performance.
• It is essentially business led approach to developing people within
a strategic framework.
• It is one of the component of HRM.
• HRD is concerned with preparing the employees to work
efficiently and effectively in an organization.
-DeCenzo & Robbins
• HRD is concerned with the provision of learning, development
and training opportunities in order to improve individual, team
and organizational performance. It is essentially business led
approach to developing people within a strategic framework.
-M. Armstrong
• Therefore, HRD is a process for developing human
competencies through time bound, organizational learning
experiences to improve productive contribution of people for
achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
Emerging Concept of HRD
• Leadership Development
• Talent Management
• Employee Empowerment
• Mentoring
• Leadership Development
 Leadership is basically an art of human skill.
 It is the process of influencing the subordinates so
that they work hard and cooperate enthusiastically
to achieve organizational goals.
 Leadership is a process of influencing people and
providing an environment for them to achieve
organization objectives.
 According to McCauley, “Leadership development is
defined as the expansion of a group’s capacity to
produce direction, alignment and commitment.”
• Talent Management
 Talent management is usually associated with competency
based HRM practices. The competency set may include
knowledge, skills, experience, and personal traits.
 According to Dessler, “Talent management is the automated
end-to-end process of planning, recruiting, developing,
managing and compensating employees through out the
 Talent management is a core element of human capital
management. People generate capital for an organization
through their competence, their behavior, and their intellectual
energy. Talent management focus on soft skills, leadership
development and succession planning. TM is defining trend in
• Employee Empowerment:
 Empowerment is the process of passing authority and
responsibility to individuals at lower level in the
organizational hierarchy. It is giving employees
responsibilities and authority to make decisions
regarding all aspects of the job. Empowered employees
are energetic and passionate. They aspire to do better
because they get reward personally for doing so.
 According to the Robins; “empowerment is a
managerial approach in which employees are given
substantial authority to make decisions regarding all
aspects of the job.”
• Mentoring:
 This is a modern concept. Many organizations have introduced
mentoring programs to assist employees.
 According to Tim Hindle, “Mentoring is a relationship between two
people in which one of them offers advice & guidance to help the
other develop in a particular area.

Mentoring Benefits
• There are many benefits of mentoring. Mentoring helps finding
way of helping employees understanding the way of performing
job for effectiveness. Mentors gives/share experiences and
support their employees in every aspects; and encourage them to
develop networks of their own. Mentoring support the training
programs/schemes and the development of senior managers.
HRD Practices in Nepalese Organizations
• HRD has remained an area of low priority in Nepal. Most
of the organizations lack comprehensive HRD plans.
• The need for developing managerial capabilities among
executives is being increasingly felt in some of the
Nepalese organizations.
• Mechanisms like performance appraisal, training,
Organizational Development, Performance Feedback and
Counseling are being designed to facilitate executive
development in some corporate level big organizations.
• They also have given development authority to the HR
Department; and HR personnel are also actively working
to identify HRD trends in Nepalese organizations now a
HRD Practices in Nepalese Organizations
• From 2017, Nepal government also formed one
separate department for HR Management, and this is
creating a great hope that there will be some
transformational changes in those Nepalese
organizations which have no HR department till date,
and some few HR functions are carried by the
administration department.
• HRD practices in Nepalese organizations is growing
and will be much popular within few years down the
Career Management and Employee Retention
Issues in Nepalese Organizations
In Nepal, formal training and development practice is new
concept. The existing scenario of Training and Development
hindered the HRD programs and it has again created problems
in the areas of career management and employees retention
issues discussed below:
• In Nepalese organizations, they conduct training program for
all level of employees; and this is without conducting proper
training need analysis. They even lack on managing training
need assessment, training outcome evaluation, and proper
follow-up & feedback on training program.
• Development of training mechanism in Nepal is still in preliminary stage.
• Most of the organizations lacks training cell in the company and separate
budget for training.
• Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC) provides various types of off-the-job
training to civil servants.
• Revenue Administration Training Center (RATC)
• Local Development Training Academy (LDTA)
• Judiciary Administration Training Center (JATC)
• Bankers Training Center (BTC)
• Nepal Productivity and Economic Development Center (NPEDC)
• Center for Economic Development and Administration, TU
• Management Association of Nepal (MAN)
• Agriculture Training Center (ATC)
• Hotel Management and Tourism Training Academy(Center) (HMTTC)
• Health Training Centers (HTCs), etc
• All the problems that arise in the organization can not be solved through
training programs. Many young applicants requires a good advice and
career counseling so that to make them aware on which and what kind of
work and roles are suitable for them. Most of the colleges and institutions
lacks on making students aware on such parts. So that in Nepal, career
counseling plays important role.
• The important thing is we lack T&D need assessment in Nepal, and most of
the time we found copying the content and process of T&D from other
organization; which is just wastage of money and time.
• Following are the different types of T&D programs common in Nepal:
1) Induction Training 2) Job Training
3) Crafts Training 4) Training for Promotion
5) Refresher Training 6) Training for Enrollment
• Based on available literatures, personal observation and micro-level research
finding, following practices are conducted in Nepal for T&D.
1) HR Plan and T & D Related Issues
2) Role and Status of HR Department
3) Training Need Assessment
4) Training Methods and Techniques
5) T&D Budget
6) Effectiveness and Outcomes of T & D


• In many Nepalese organization, there is no proper career management and
employee retention policies. They don’t have a budget for training and
development. Even, some organizations still don’t have their HR, and HRD
department; and how could they work on T & D activities! So that employee
retention has become a great challenge or issue in many Nepalese
Thank You!

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