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Computer Skills 2
Chapter 4 - C++ Operators
Professor Nasser Abdellatif
Summer 2020
Chapter 4 C++ Operators
An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical
or logical functions. C language is rich in built-in operators and provides the
following types of operators −

 Arithmetic Operators
 Relational Operators
 Logical Operators
 Assignment Operators
We will, in this chapter, look into the way each operator works.
Arithmetic Operators
The following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported by the C
language. Assume variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20 then −

Operator Description Example

+ Adds two operands. A + B = 30

− Subtracts second operand A − B = -10

from the first.

* Multiplies both operands. A * B = 200

/ Divides numerator by de- B/A=2


% Modulus Operator and B%A=0

remainder of after an
integer division.
int x=2, y=5; int z=x+y; (value of z = 7)
float x=2.5, y=3.2; float z=x+y; (value of z=5.7)
int x=2; int y=x+2.5; (value of y =4 (no decimal))

int x=5, y=10; int z=x+y-30; (value of z=-15)

int x=2, y=4; int z=x*y;
int y=x+y*5;
value of z=8
value of y=22 (multiplication is done first 4*5=20+2=22)
Division: Memory

float x=10/4; (value of 10/4=2) x= 2.0

float x=10.0/4.0; (value of 10.0/4.0=2.5) x= 2.5

float x=10/4.0; (Value pf 10/4.0=2.5) x= 2.5

int x=10/4; (value of 10/4=2) x= 2

int x=10.0/4; (value of 10.0/4=2.5) x= 2

int x=0.5+1/2; (value of, 0.5+0=0.5) x= 0

int x=0.5+1.0/2; (value of 0.5+0.5=1.0) x= 1

Modulus %
int x=34%5; (value of x=4) remainder
34/5 =6 and reminder 4
int x=-34%5; (Value of x=-4) sing of numerator
int x=34%-5; (value of x=4) sing of numerator
int x=-34%-5; (value of x=-4) sign of numerator
int x=4%6; (value of x=4, 4/6=0 remainder 4)
Anytime the first is less than the second the value equals the first
int x=7%9013; (Value of x=7)
The result always follows the sign of the first.
int/int=int int/float=float float/int=float float/float=float

int x=5+2 *(3/2 + 7%2 +1/2 -1%2 +4.5);

x=5+2 *(1 + 1 + 0 -1 +4.5)
x=5 +2 * (7.5) =5 +15 = 20
int x=2, y=5, z=7;
int w=x+2*y+z/2.0;
w=x + 10 + 3.5 = 15.5 However w is integer and therefore w=15
Note: Always check where the will the result is to be stored.
1. ( )
2. * / % (from left to right)
3. + - ( from left to right)

7%5*2=2*2=4 2+5*2+5%7 +(1+2)*4
2+5*2 +5%7 +3*4 2+10 + 5 +12= 29
Example: Write a program that reads two integer numbers then find the sum.
#include <iostream> Output screen
using namespace std; Enter x and y
int main ( ) { 7 (enter key)
int x, y; 2 (enter key)
cout << “Enter x and y \n”; 9
cin >> x>>y;
int z=x+y;
cout <<z; }
Example 2: Write a program that read the radius of a circle then find the area of
the circle (area=pi* r^2).

#include <iostream> Output screen

using namespace std; enter the value of
int main ( ) { the radius
float r; 2.0 (enter key)
cout <<"enter the value of the radius \n"; area = 12.56
cin >>r;
float area=3.14*r*r;
cout <<"area = "<<area;
Example 3: Write a program that reads the weight in kilograms then finds the
weight in pounds. 1 pound =0.45 kilogram.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ( ) {
float wk;
cout << “enter the weight in kilograms \n”;
cin >>wk;
float wp=wk/0.45;
cout << “weight in pounds = “<<wp;
Exercise 1: Write a program that reads the distance and the time, then find the
speed. Speed=distance/time.

Exercise 2: Write a program that reads the time in hours, minutes and seconds,
then find the total time in seconds.
Shortcut Operators
Name Operation Example Equivalent Memory
Addition += int x-5, y=3; int x=5, y=3; x=5 y=3
x +=y; x=x+y; x=8
Subtraction -= int x=5; int x=5; x=5
x -=3; x=x-3 x=2
Multiplication *= int x=5, y=3; int x=5, y=3; x=5 y=3
x*=y+3 x=x*(y+3) x=5*6=30

Division /= int x=5, y=2; int x=5, y=2; x=5 y=2

x/=y; x=x/y; x=2
Modulus %= int x=-5, y=-7; int x=-5, y=-7; x=-5 y=-7
x %=y; x=x%y; x=-5
Example: int x=2, y=3;

x +=y x=2 y=3 x=5 y +=x x=2 y=3 y=5

Increment /Decrement
Increments: are two types

Post increment x++ x=x+1

Pre increment ++x x=x+1

Example 1:
int x=5; x=5
int y,w;
x++; x=6
y=++x; (pre-increment x=x+1 then y=x) x=7, y=7
w=2*x++;(Post-increment w=2*x then x=x+1) w=2*7=14, x=8
Example 2:
int x=5; x=5
int y, w;
++x; x=6
y=++x; y=7 x=7
w=2*(++x); w=2*8=16 x=8
If we have x++ or ++x alone, we add 1 to the value of x in the memory.

If we have a post increment (x++) in a statement, First the statement is executed

using the current value of x (old value) and second increment the value of x (we
add 1 to the value of x in the memory). That is, we execute the statement with
the current value of x then we increment x by adding 1.

If we have a pre increment in a statement, we increment x by 1 first, then we

execute the statement using the new value of x.
Decrement: there are two types as well

Post decrement x--; x=x-1;

Pre decrement –x; x=x-1;
Decrement has the same rules as increment.

int x=5, y=3; x=x+y--; x=5 y=3

x+= y--; x=5+3=5+3=8 y=2
int x=5, y=3; x=x+(--y); x=5 y=3
x+= --y; x=x+(y-1); x=5+(3-1)=7 y=2
Example 1:
Program Memory Output
#include <iostream> w x y 6
using namespace std; 7 5 10 8
int main ( ) { 6 6 11 9
int x=5, y=10, w=7; 11 7 10 11
y++; 8 9 9
--w; 8
w +=x++; 12
cout << x++<< endl; 11
cout <<++x << endl;
cout << x+1 << endl;
cout <<y-- << endl;
cout << (y--)-1<< endl;
cout << y-1 << endl;
cout << w+1 << endl;
cout << w;
Relational Operators
Name Operatio Example Answer
Greater than >  1>2 False
Greater than or equal >= 1>=2 False

Less than <  1<2 True

Less than or equal <= 1<=2 True
Equal to == 1==2 False
Not equal != 1!=2 True
Relational Operators
• Note: ASCI code
‘A’=65, ‘B’=66, ‘C’=67, …., ‘Z’=90
‘a’=97, ‘b’=98, … , ‘z’=122
‘m’ > ‘M’ (T)
‘a’ < ‘Z’ (F)
• Note: Capital letters have smaller values than small letters.
• Example:
char a=’R’, b=’D’;
a<b (F) variable ‘a’<’b’ (T) value
Logical Operators
Name Operation

AND &&

OR ||

Logical Operators
AND truth table
c2 c1 c1&&c2
Logical Operators
OR truth table
c2 c1 c1||c2
Logical Operators
NOT truth table
c1 !c1


Logical Operators

Examples: Find T/F

1. (5>7 || 2==1) && !(!(‘b’>’a’)&&(‘A’>’d’))
(F ||F) && !(!(T) && (F))
F && !(F && F) = F && !(F) = F && T = F
Once we knew that the first if False there was no need to continue since F && ? =
2. (‘a’ < ‘b’ ) || (x > B )
T ||? = T
3. !(! (! (5==2) && !(11==1)))
!(!(!(F) && !(F))) =!(!(T) && T))=!(!(T && T)) = !(!(T)) = !(F) = T

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