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i ge sti o n.

te r 1: D
u t ri e nt s
fo o d to n
y 4: F ro m
Acti v it

Grade 9
Objective: To identify the substances that result from
the complete digestion of food.

‫ فَ ُكلُوا ِم َّما َر َزقَ ُك ُم‬:‫الهدف الرسالي‬

ِ ‫ت هَّللا‬َ ‫هَّللا ُ َحاَل اًل طَيِّبًا َوا ْش ُكرُوا نِ ْع َم‬
‫ سورة النحل‬.‫ون‬ َ ‫ِإ ْن ُك ْنتُ ْم ِإيَّاهُ تَ ْعبُ ُد‬

Sajida Haj-Ali
Turbid clear

The presence of
amino acids is
detected by the
biuret test (absence
of violet color)
Interpret doc d
At time 0 min, the quantity of oil was 100% and that of fatty acids was
0%. When the time increases till 180 min, the quantity of oil decreases
to become null while that of fatty acids increases to reach 100%.

This means that oil and fatty acids are inversely proportional.
What can you conclude?
Conclusion: lipase transforms oil into fatty acids in the presence
of bile.
Transform the graph into a table.
Time (min) 0 60 120 180
Level of oil (%) 100 50 25 0
Level of fatty 0 25 50 100
acids (%)

Title: Table showing the variation of the levels of oil and fatty acids as
function of time.
Probing the activity P.23
3. Intestinal maltase transforms maltose into glucose according
to the results of the glucose test strips (violet color).

4.a. Proteins – lipids – starch.

b. – Amylase digests starch.

- Proteases (pepsin – trypsin) digest proteins.
- Lipase digests lipids.
c. Mineral salts – vitamins – water.

d. Nutrients: amino acids – glucose – fatty acids – glycerol –

mineral salts – water - vitamins.
Bile lipase
Lipids emulsified lipids Fatty acids + glycerol
Role of bile:
- Emulsifies lipids.
- Makes the medium alkaline (basic).

Mechanical digestion facilitates chemical digestion.

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