Motivational Letter

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Motivation Letter

How to write it?

Dr Muhammad Asif
Associate Professor of English
In this session

• What is motivation letter

• Differences between various types of motivational letter, personal
statement, statement of purpose, covering letter
• How to write a motivational letter
• Motivation letter mistakes
• Motivation letter template
Motivation Letter
• A motivation letter is a written document that explains your interest
in an opportunity, such as a job, scholarship, or college program.

• The main purpose of a motivation letter is to convince the reader that

you are a good fit for the opportunity and that you have the skills,
experience, and motivation to succeed. 
Motivation Letter

• It should be tailored to the specific opportunity you are applying for

and highlight any relevant experiences, skills, or achievements.
Motivation Letter
• For scholarship applications, your motivation letter should focus on
why you are interested in the scholarship and how it will help you
reach your goals.
• You should also provide specific examples of your achievements, such
as good grades, or any volunteer work or extracurricular activities.
• Additionally, it is important to show how your past experiences have
prepared you for the opportunity you are applying for and how your
future goals align with the scholarship.
Statement of Purpose

• A statement of purpose is a written document that explains your

goals, experiences, and qualifications in relation to the opportunity
you are applying for.

• The main purpose of a statement of purpose is to provide the reader

with a clear understanding of your goals, experiences, and
qualifications, and how they align with the opportunity you are
applying for.
Statement of Purpose
• It is important to be clear, concise, and specific when writing a
statement of purpose.

• It should be tailored to the specific opportunity you are applying for

and highlight any relevant experiences, skills, or achievements.
Statement of Purpose
• For instance, if you are applying for a graduate program in
engineering, your statement of purpose should focus on your goals
and how the graduate program will help you reach them. You should
also provide specific examples of your qualifications, such as your
undergraduate degree in engineering, and any relevant experiences,
such as internships or research projects. Additionally, it is important
to show how your past experiences have prepared you for the
opportunity you are applying for and how your future goals align with
the graduate program.
Personal Statement

• A personal statement is a written document that highlights your

personal, educational, and professional background and experiences.
The main purpose of a personal statement is to provide the reader
with a sense of who you are, your background, and why you are a
good fit for the opportunity you are applying for. 
Personal Statement
• It is important to be honest, concise, and clear when writing a
personal statement. It should be tailored to the specific opportunity
you are applying for and highlight any relevant experiences, skills, or
Personal Statement
• For example, if you are applying to a college program in business,
your personal statement should focus on your experiences and
achievements related to business.
• You should highlight any internships, volunteer work, or
extracurricular activities that have prepared you for a career in
• Additionally, you should explain why you are interested in the
program and why you believe you would be a good fit for the college.
Personal vs Motivational vs Purpose
• When it comes to important documents like personal statements,
motivation letters, and statements of purpose, the main distinction
lies in the purpose they serve.
Personal vs Motivational vs Purpose
• A personal statement is meant to give the reader an insight into
who you are and why you are a suitable candidate for the
• A motivation letter is intended to persuade the reader that you
possess the necessary skills, experience, and drive to be successful in
the opportunity.
• A statement of purpose highlights your goals, qualifications and
experiences, and how they align with the opportunity being applied
Cover Letter vs CV/Resume
• The motivational letter shouldn’t be confused with a cover letter, the
purpose of which is to highlight how specific information on your
resume matches a job opening.
• Think of a cover letter as the introduction to your resume for a hiring
manager and your motivational letter as the powerful closing sales
pitch for a university or non-profit. 
How to write a motivation letter
• 1.Write an outline.
• 2.Write an introduction.
• 3.Expand your outline for your body.
• 4.Conclude your motivation letter.
• 5.Proofread your motivation letter.
5 Things To Include In a Good Motivation
• A strong opening: The first sentence of your motivation letter should
grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read on. Be sure
to avoid clichés and generic phrases.

• A clear explanation of your interest in the position: In the second

paragraph, explain why you are interested in the position you are
applying for. What about the job or school appeals to you? How do
you think you would excel in this role?
Things To Include In a Good Motivation Letter

• A discussion of your relevant skills and experience: The third

paragraph is where you get to showcase your skills and experience
that make you the ideal candidate for the position. Be specific and
provide concrete examples whenever possible.
Things To Include In a Good Motivation Letter

• A conclusion that reiterates your interest and suitability for the role:
In the final paragraph, briefly reiterate your interest in the position
and why you believe you are the best candidate for the job or school.
You may also want to thank the reader for their time and
Things To Include In a Good Motivation Letter

• A professional closing: Close your letter with a brief statement that

conveys your professionalism, such as “Sincerely” or “Thank you for
your time.” You may also want to include your contact information so
the reader can easily get in touch with you.
Motivation letter mistakes
• Motivation letter is off the target
• Motivation letter is apologetic/too courteous and not formal
• Motivation letter is a copy of another motivation letter you found online
• Motivation letter is too general
• it’s too bragging
• Language used is to complex
• Motivation letter is pure reflection of CV
• Function you are applying to is missing.
• Does not follow a standard pattern/template
Motivation letter template
• Dear Mr/Ms. [recipient's surname],
• My name is [your name] and I am a [position/qualification/area of
study]. I am writing to apply for a [scholarship/volunteer
opportunity/place] at [name of organization].

• I would love to [study/volunteer] with you because [reasons for

wanting to study course or volunteer]. I am especially interested in
your [school/nonprofit] because [reasons for choosing a particular
• I feel I would be an asset to your organization because I am [list of
positive qualities]. I am also skilled in [list of positive skills] which I
developed through [experiences or courses that taught you skills].
• In conclusion, I hope to get the opportunity to [study/volunteer] with
you at [name of organization]. Thank you for taking the time to review
my application. Please contact me at [preferred contact details] if you
have any questions for me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
• Yours sincerely,
• [Your name]

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