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Character Deconstruction and

2 Activities

Character Religion
Name Investigatio
Exploration n
Character Name Exploration
Character Names

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Relate them
Deconstruct the
names of the
characters – to the
Explain the
ion in the
meanings and/or
origins of the
novel.  What
names Paul,
Some Possible Findings
• Derives from St. Dunstan (born 924 A.D.)​
• Liesl tempts Dunstan just as the Devil was said to tempt St. Dunstan​

Mary Dempster ​
• The Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene​
• Magdalene has a misunderstood role in history​
• the saint and the repentant “whore”​
• Dempster:  reminds one of redemption​
• Original meaning of Dempster:  “One who judges or pronounces doom”​
Some Possible Findings Cont.
• St. Paul the Apostle​
• Name changing:  Saul becomes Paul mirrored by Paul becoming Magnus Eisengrim​

• Amasa:  “a great weight or sorrow”​

• Boy:  immaturity and permanent boyhood​

• Leola Cruikshank:  “Cruikshank” – crooked legs​

Some Possible Findings Cont.
Joel Surgeoner​
• Joel:  word of God​
• Surgeoner:  a medical practitioner who repairs or removes broken flesh so that the rest
of the body might survive​

Denyse Hornick​
• Denyse is a feminized version of Dionysus whose rabid female followers tore men
asunder and ate their raw flesh​
• Hornick:  perhaps “hor” or “whore” blended with “Nic”, and old nickname for Satan​
Goal: Trace the different
religions in the novel. Why are
there so many different
religious sects represented in
What are his text?
we looking
Overall: What is Davies trying
to say about religion?
Where do we find religion in the text?
• Religion is a major theme in Robertson Davies' novel, Fifth Business.
All throughout the novel, the main character, Dunstan Ramsay
encounters multiple religions.
• From Anglican, and Presbyterian to Methodist, Baptist, and Roman
Catholic, this novel illustrates these religions through characters and
What is the importance of religion in Deptford
and for our characters?
• Develops characters
• Various beliefs create tension in Deptford
• Dunstan’s career and interests.
• Dunstan’s character traits.
• Dunstan vs Boy Tension.
• 5 Main Religions
• John Knox the founder of Presbyterianism, was a scot
like Dunstan.
• Calvinism
• Presbytarians are harsh and live a tough life (many
• ex: Dunstan's family's strict supper rule.
• Liesl brings this up near the end of the novel.
• Many of Dunstan's entourage has been Presbytarian. i.e.
Boy and Leola
• Baptist is a religion which is from America.
• In this religion, the parents avoid baptism until the child is
old enough to choose.
• The Dempsters are Baptists.
• Amasa Dempster is a very religious man though he strays
from the baptist rules on many occasions.
• ex: Paul was baptized to early and Amasa's mad wife,Mary
• The family looks strange to other religions and people
because of the way Mr. Dempster twists the rules.
• Methodist is another one of the many
religions found in Deptford.
• The Methodist church was merged along
with Presbyterian and the Congregational
Union of Ontario and Quebec to form the
United Church of Canada.
• Formation of Church of England to allow
King Henry VIII's divorce. 
• King Henry VIII, the author, and Boy
Become Anglicans to have more freedom. 
Roman Catholic Church

• The worlds largest Christian church.

• Pope is ruler
• One true church (founded by Christ)
• Hold the Virgin Mary in special regards
• Widely influential
• Mary Dempster & Virgin Mary

Paul believes in
the power of
illusion, which
Is magic a faith?
is described by
Dunstan as a
kind of faith.

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