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Horizontal Motion
Bodies need to be pushed or pulled too maintain horizontal

    Pushing a drawer. The drawer will remain on its place
unless there was a push or pull force takes place
Vertical Motion

 The element Earth moves down towards its natural resting

place. Air rises to its natural place in the atmosphere. Fire
leaps upwards to its natural place above the atmosphere.
Water’s natural place is just above the Earth.

 Example
       A rock is thrown upward and because it fell down its
element was earth.
Projectile Motion

 An object is influenced by the downward force of gravity.

 Example
       Bullet fired from a gun
Horizontal Motion 

 If there is no interference, moving objects will keep

moving in a straight line forever. There is no need to
push, pull or apply force of any kind.

 Example
         a ball rolling on a horizontal plane would neither
speed up nor slow down.
Vertical Motion

 If two objects of different weight are dropped from

a height both of them will hit the ground at the
same time.

 Example
        A crumpled of paper and a ball was drop in the
same height and drop in the same time
Projectile Motion

 Projectiles follow a curved path. According to

Galileo projectile motion could be understood by
analyzing the horizontal and vertical components

 Example
        The water coming out of a hose attached to a
water source or a water tap follows a projectile motion
when it is held at an angle.
Explanation for the coin
       Both coins drop the same time since the height of it
being thrown is similar to each other and also because the
gravity have a fix speed which is 9.8 meters per second.
Explanation for the book and sheet of paper

1) The book drops first because when the sheet falls it sways
in the air because its surface is wide and it will face more air
resistance. Also as for our observation the weight of the
paper affects also its drop time because the air in the room
can carry or movement of the paper while the book has a
heavier weight and can't move by the air.
2) Both of the object drop at the same time because the crumpled
paper physical trait become more compact and its surface become
smaller that affects the air resistance.
3) When the sheet of paper is placed on top of the book there is no
air at all beneath it. Because of this both of the object falls at the
same time and the paper remains on its place.

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