Design of Experiment

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Design of Experiments

Choice of treatments, method of assigning treatments to experimental units and

arrangement of experimental units in different patterns are known as designing
an experiment.

Treatment: Objects of comparison in an experiment are defined as treatments.

Varieties tried in a trail and different chemicals.
Experimental unit: The object to which treatments are applied the experiment is
conducted is known as experimental unit.
Example: piece of land, an animal, etc
Experimental Error

Experimental error:
The variations in responses may be due other factors like heterogeneity of
soil, climatic factors and genetic differences, etc also may cause variations
(known as extraneous factors).

The variations in response caused by extraneous factors are known as

experimental error.
Our aim of designing an experiment will be to minimize the experimental
Basic principles of design of experiments

The number of replications is increased, experimental error reduces.

Completely Randomized Design (CRD)

Null hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the treatments

Alternative hypothesis: There is significant difference between the treatments
LOS: 5%
treatment total(Ti)

A 8 9 15 8 10 50
B 21 17 12 16 14 80
C 17 18 16 18 19 88
D 20 15 13 19 23 90
E 17 16 18 15 13 79
Grand total 387
Ftab = 2.87 ~(4,20)df
Fcal (6.29) > Ftab .we reject null hypothesis. There is significant difference
between treatments.
Randomized Block Design (RBD
ANOVA Table for RBD
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Tr total(Ti)
V1 5.2 5.9 6.1 6.2 6.4 29.8
V2 7.3 7.4 7.6 7.9 8.3 38.5
V3 4.5 5.2 5.7 4.9 4.7 25
V4 5.2 5.4 5.6 6.2 5.3 27.7
V5 6.7 6.5 6.4 5.9 6 31.5
V6 8.1 7.8 7.3 7.2 7.5 37.9
Block 37 38.2 38.7 38.3 38.2 Gt=190.4
Ftab = 2.71 ~(5,20)df
Ftab = 2.87 ~(4,20)df
Fcal (31.74) > Ftab .we reject null hypothesis. There is significant difference between
Fcal (0.36) < Ftab. We accept null hypothesis. There is no significant difference between
LSD – Latin Square Design

Null Hypothesis (H0):-

H01 : There is no significance difference between the rows.
H02 : There is no significance difference between the columns.
H03 : There is no significance difference between the treatments.
II. Alternative Hypothesis (H1):-
H11 : There is significance difference between the rows.
H12 : There is significance difference between the columns.
H13 : There is significance difference between the treatments.
III. Level of Significance:-
The level of significance is fixed at 5%. (i.e.) α = 0.05
ANOVA table
Source of variation Degrees of Sum of square Mean sum of square F ratio
Row t-1 Rss Sr2 =Rss/t-1 Fr = Sr2/ Se2
column t-1 Css Sc2 =Css/t-1 ~(t-1), (t-1)(t-2)df
Treatment t-1 Trss St2= Trss/t-1 Fb = Sc2/ Se2
~(t-1), (t-1)(t-2)df
Error (t-1)(t-2) Ess Se2= Ess/(t-1)(t-2) Ft= St2/ Se2
~ (t-1), (t-1)(t-2)df
Total t2-1

Source of variation Degrees of freedom Sum of square Mean sum of F ratio

Row 5-1 = 4 78.8 78.8/4=19.7 F=19.7/3.97=4.97
column 5-1 = 4 9.6 9.6/4=2.4 F=2.4/3.97=0.61
Treatment 5-1 = 4 46 46/4=11.5 F=11.5/3.97=2.90
Error (5-1)(5-2) =12 47.6 47.6/12=3.97
Total 52-1 =24
F table value
F tab = 3.26~ (4,12)df
F cal (4.97) > F tab. we reject null hypothesis. There is a significant difference
between rows
F cal (0.69) < F tab. we accept null hypothesis. There is no significant difference
between columns.
F cal (2.90) < F tab. we accept null hypothesis. There is no significant difference
between treatments.

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