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Lesson 6

1. Understand the practice of counselling
professions by knowing the rights,
responsibilities and accountabilities.
2.Value the importance of the work of a
Every counselling session is a professional relationship
between the counsellor and the counselee. If we are
talking about therapy, the session is between the
psychologist and the client. With every start of the
session, both the counsellor and the client is bounded
by guidelines and protocols. As a practitioner, the
counsellor is bounded to follow a Code of Ethics in the
area he is practicing the Profession. In the Philippines,
the practitioners are regulated by the Guidelines set by
the Philippine Guidance Counselor’Organization
(PGCO) and the Professional Regulatory Commission
What are the code of ethics for guidance
Work hard to create and sustain a relationship
with their clients based on trust. Obtain
informed consent from clients entering a
counseling relationship. Respect a client's
confidentiality and privacy. Explain to clients
what the counseling relationship entails
(which could include fees, group work, and
Common concerns addressed in counseling
Adjustment / Transition to / from College.
Alcohol / Other Drugs.
Anger Management.
Anxiety / Stress.
Behavioral / Mood Changes (Depression)
Eating Concerns / Self-Esteem / Body Image.
Grief and Loss.
Gender Identity.
Family Issues.
Pre-Marital Counseling.
For example, it may help you:
• Resolve conflicts with your partner or someone
else in your life.
• Relieve anxiety or stress due to work or other
• Cope with major life changes, such as divorce,
the death of a loved one or the loss of a job.
Activity #1
I. Classify the following as Client’s Rights and Obligations and Counselor’s
Rights and Obligations
Processing Questions:
1. When can you consider something to
be a Right?
2. Explain when something becomes a
3. Do counsellors have Rights?
4. Does clients have Responsibilities?

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