Career Planning and Career Counseling Techniques

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Your career plan will provide you with tools and
information to help you explore your career options,
build experience, prepare for your future career, and find
a job—whether it's your first job after graduation or a
part-time or summer job for right now.
Career- refers to your profession in life. The origin of
“career” is the Latin word carrus which means “wheeled
vehicle.” It means a vehicle in which we follow a chosen
path. Before arriving at a particular career for ourselves, we
have to undergo a process of gathering data, analyzing, and
CAREER PLANNING is the process of
making decisions about what you want
to do with your life and how you’ll
accomplish it. It isn’t just a “one-and-
done” activity, It should be an ongoing
process that you revisit, especially when
you, or the world, have changed.
How do you start career planning?
Now, are you ready to start doing your own career planning? When you sit down to put together a
plan, there are four main areas you’ll want to think about: your interests, your skills, your values, and
your preferences.
The Career Planning Process Itself Has Three Main
Self-exploration is the process of examining your:
Occupational Exploration includes activities such as:
Researching occupational and job profiles
Conducting informational interviews
Attending career and job fairs
Gathering labor-market information
Educational Planning and Career Planning consists of:
Decision making
Goal setting
Problem solving
Action planning
Steps In Discerning Your Career Path

1. Self-assessment: getting to know myself. Discover who

you are. Career planning is a journey toward self-discovery.
As you develop self-awareness, you will be able to clarify
your goals.
There are a number of key aspects of yourself that you
should be able to identify and articulate clearly before
ACCOMPLISHMENTS. The knowledge you gain in this
part of your career plan forms the foundation of your career
2. Choosing the right course to take in preparation for the right
This step in your career plan involves finding out more
about potential careers. Once you've taken the time to really
understand who you are and what you want in your career,
you need to do some research into fields and occupations
you think might be a good fit for you. You may even
consider applying to graduate school or a post-degree
professional program to gain more specialized knowledge in
your field of interest.
3. Assess the family’s financial condition. This is a crucial
practical concern.
Looking for opportunities in your career plan is NEXT
because the most successful job searches are TARGETED
JOB SEARCHES…and you can't target your job search if
you don't know who you are or what you're looking for.
At this step, you may need to build skills and experience in
the world of work or in your field of choice, or you may
need to connect with employers in your field. You'll need to
put together a strong resumé and cover letter and work on
your interview skills so that you can be successful in
articulating what makes you a great candidate for the job
you want.
4. Make a choice and take action. Initially, deicide on a
particular career.

If you are uncertain of the career that you would pursues in the
future, try to keep the options open. Just keep on trying new things
and do not be afraid to find out later on that something may not be
right for you. Find opportunities to gain experience in different
fields or choose a course of study that leaves your options open to
many different career choices. Put limits on yourself or in your
options because the career paths and industries out there are varied.

If you are doing what comes naturally, it will mean that you
will be happy with work then you will be happier in life.
Looking at the connections you already have, thinking about
ways you can connect with others in the future, and
developing the skills to use your connections in mutually
beneficial ways is the first step in your career plan. Creating
great first impressions and communicating assertively at
work can increase your chances of workplace success.

A trend means the general direction in which something tends

to move. When it comes to work, we also need to see the trend
in skills and specializations that are in demand and not. The
world is changing, so is the workplace.
Choosing a Career That Is in Demand

We have to consider the height of demand for skills we gained

in our chosen course.
The Key Employment Generators refer to industries or
sectors with the greatest potential to generate employment. The
12 KEGs that have the greatest potential in absorbing the most
number of the Philippine workforce are:
2.Banking and Finance
4.Cyber services
5.Health and Wellness
6.Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism
8. Mining
9. Oversees Employment
10. Ownership Dwellings and Real Estate
11. Transport and Logistics
12. Wholesale and Retail Trade
Emerging industries- industrial sectors growing at a rate faster
than the economy and exhibiting potential. The following four
emerging industries were identified to provide employment
opportunities faster than the output growth in the long term.

1.Creative industries
2.Diversified or Strategic Farming and Fishing
3.Power and Utilities
4.Renewable Energy
What Choices Do I Have Now as a Student?
You may choose a track or a specialization based on your
aptitude, interests, and your school’s capacity. The choice of
your career track will define the content of the subjects that you
will take in senior high school (grades 11 and 12). Hopefully,
this will prepare you for your chosen course in college after
senior high school. This will also help you affirm your interest
and capabilities for a chosen track.
Before reaching grade 11, you will undergo career tests,
guidance and counseling to assess which track is best for
you. You can choose among four tracks. Each track will have
strands or specializations.
SHS Core Curriculum
Track No. 1: Academic Specialization
The academic track is for those who would like to pursue
university courses.
The Academic track includes four strands:
1. Accountancy, Business, Management (ABM)
These courses will focus on business and industry, such as
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and BS in
2. Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS)
This strand prepares a senior high school student to pursue
college degrees focusing on human individuals and societies,
such Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science in Education.

3. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)

This specialization will focus on the natural world, such
Bachelor of Science Also included are the Health Sciences,
Agricultural Sciences and Information Technology.
4. General Academic
This strand is for those who do not have a particular hind. The
curriculum for this strand has a general coverage.
Track No. 2: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specialization
This track prepares a senior high school student to become a
job-ready skilled, middle-level worker leading to an appropriate
National Certificate from Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA).
Track no. 3: Sports Specialization
This track prepares the senior high school student to
participate in national or international athletic tournaments
before or after graduation. It also prepares students for careers
in health, fitness, and recreation.
Track no. 4: Arts and Design
This track will prepare senior high school students to creatively
participate at a high artistic level in art activities such as, but not to,
literature, dance, music, architecture, painting, sculpture television,
film, and multimedia art. It also aims to equip the students with skills
needed in the design and creative industries.
Things to Consider in Choosing a School
6.Prepare for placement exams
Techniques of Career Counselors
1. Developing a therapeutic relationship
As with all forms of counseling, career counseling is most
successful when the counselor forms a meaningful
connection with their client. While many career counselors
use career aptitude tests and personality tests, the top career
counselors have completed a clinical mental health master’s
program and use their clinical training to go beyond simple
vocational guidance. They work to understand their client’s
worries, interests, fears, and desires on a level that is much
deeper than what any test might reveal. By establishing a
therapeutic relationship with their clients, the top career
counselors can provide fuller support and guidance.
2. Defining goals
The top career counselors set specific goals with their clients
and redirect their clients toward those goals if the
conversation drifts too far toward other concerns. That said,
career counselors might ask clients to describe their perfect
job, or consider where they would like to be 5 years from
now. Career counseling professionals might also focus their
clients’ attention on what is important to them in life and
what they enjoy accomplishing at work. All of these
questions can help define a career-seeker’s goals.
3. Creating room for self-exploration
Top career counselors don’t just hand their clients the results
of vocational tests. They get to know their clients and, most
importantly, they give their clients the space to talk through
the issues affecting their career and career choices. A good
career counseling session can be a gateway to self-discovery,
but only if the career counselor is skilled in helping his or her
client open avenues of self-reflection. For the top career
counselors, data like vocational assessments are only the
4. Understanding the job market
It does little good to be told you’re well suited for a career
that is in steep decline. Likewise, there’s not much utility in
being told you’re well suited for a career you lack the skills
for. The top career counselors know this and work hard to
stay abreast of the issues facing the job market. They pay
close attention to the ways automation, outsourcing,
downsizing, and global competition affect job opportunities
and specific careers.
Additionally, they understand the skills and
attitudes workers need to succeed in a modern
employment environment. Often, counselors work
with their clients to make sure their clients are
competent with technology, accepting of diversity,
prepared to handle modern job insecurities, and
capable of maintaining the level of occupational
awareness needed to avoid falling behind or
becoming redundant.
Helping turn life themes into career goals
The best career counselors don’t just recommend possible
professions. They help their clients uncover a previously
unrealized passion for specific careers. To do this, career
counselors take a holistic approach, viewing each client as a
whole person and then seeking out life themes that have a
natural connection to a career for which the client is
qualified. There’s little long-term benefit to entering a career
that you’re good at but dislike. The best approach is to find a
career that’s in tune with your abilities and your life goals.
The top career counselors can help you do just that.
Clients engage career counselors for many reasons in a variety of situations.
Each setting requires specialist support from the counselor and interventions
appropriate to their clients’ needs, including (Niles & Harris-Bowlsbey,

•Elementary school
Helping children investigate the world of work and consider career choices
based on their growing self-knowledge.

•Middle and high school

Assisting students in understanding the relationships between meaningful
school work and later work choices, and making informed school choices
that prepare them for possible occupations.
Helping students understand the job market, assume personal
responsibility for career choices, create an effective resume,
and prepare for job interviews.

•Community agency
Assisting adults who wish to pursue alternate occupations by 
setting career goals and identifying forces that help or thwart
Career planning example
Using the template above, here is an example of a
career plan in action:
Career interest: Prestige cosmetics sales
Long-term professional goal: Obtain a national
sales manager position for True North Cosmetics.
Milestone goal #1: Be a top sales performer for
each quarter in 2022.
Milestone goal #2: Become a regional sales
Milestone goal #3: Join professional cosmetic and
sales organizations to grow my network.
Career development actions
Milestone #1 Be a top sales performer for each
quarter in 2022.
Activity 1: Attend sales calls with senior sales
How: Introduce myself to the senior sales managers.
Offer to take them for lunch to develop a
professional relationship.
Start date: November 1, 2021
Projected completion: November 8, 2021
Activity 2: Complete advanced sales training.
How: Speak to regional sales manager to register for
the next training event.
Start date: November 1, 2021
Projected completion: February 1, 2022
Activity 3: Develop business analysis skills.
How: Learn about SWOT analysis to better help my
customers analyze their sales. Enrol in a self-study
course online.
Start date: November 1, 2021
Projected completion: January 1, 2022
Tasks in current job that contribute to long-term goal: Attending
product classes to learn about new items and collaborating with
marketing team for new product launches.
How to emphasize: Conduct post-seminar research to learn and
implement new knowledge and volunteering to assist marketing team
with product launch roll-out in stores.
Tasks in current job that don't contribute to long-term
goal: Administrative tasks, such as filing paperwork, booking
appointments, and creating sales packages.
How to minimize: Teach an intern or assistant to complete these tasks.
Additional skills to learn: Territory management, sales analysis,
Progress checkpoints
Progress checkpoint 1: In-person meeting with the regional sales
When: December 15, 2021
Purpose: To discuss progress on SWOT analysis course.
Progress checkpoint 2: Phone call with regional sales manager.
When: January 15, 2022
Purpose: To discuss progress on activities for milestone #1
Ask yourself and/or trusted colleagues the following
• What is the greatest strength I bring to work?
• What words do others use to describe me?
• In what area do I have the greatest impact at work?
• What is the one thing I need to learn this year? What next
steps will I take to learn that one thing?
Ask yourself and/or a trusted colleague the following
• What is the greatest trend/change that my industry will
experience in the next few years?
• What is the greatest change UAB will experience in the next
few years? How will that change impact my performance
the way I achieve results?
Ask yourself and/or a trusted colleague the following
• Where do I want to be in five years?
• What do I need to learn/develop in order to achieve my five
year vision?
• How have others at UAB created a career for themselves
• What is expected for a leader at my level? What is expected
for a leader at the next level above me?
• How can I more prominently/consistently display the above
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Career Plan
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