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Legal Issues Encountered

in the Workplace
Family and
Medical Leave
In many countries,employees have
the right to take unpaid leave for
family and medical reasons under
laws such as Family and Medical
leave act (FMLA) in the united
In order to be eligible for coverage under the FMLA, an employee must
meet all three of the following criteria:

• The employee must have worked for their employer for the last twelve
• The employee must have worked at least 1,250 hours over the last
twelve months; and
• The employee must be employed by an employer who is covered under
the Family and Medical Leave Act.
• In addition, the employee must experience a qualifying life event that
would trigger a need for the FMLA. Some examples of qualifying life
events include, but may not be limited to:
• The birth and care of a newborn
• The employee needing to care for an immediate family
member with a serious health condition;
• The employee themself has a serious condition which
makes them unable to perform essential functions of
their job, including pregnancy or prenatal care; and/or
• The employee’s spouse, child, or parent is an active
military member who is called to active duty.
Employers are required to provide
reasonable accomodations for
employees with disability and
religious belief.
Privacy and
Data protection
Employers are required to protect
employees privacy rights and
comply with data protection laws
when collecting, using, or sorting
their personal information.
Contracts and
(employment contract
Employees and employers need to
understand their rights and obligations
under these contracts and agreements.
Employment contract breaches can
happen when the employer violates
the terms of the contract clauses.
The End!

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