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Null and alternative

Key Concepts of Testing Hypothesis
Hypothesis Testing
• It is a decision – making process for evaluating claims about a population.
• It is basically testing an assumption that we can make about a population.

A hypothesis is an assumption or conjecture about a population parameter which

may or may not be true.

1. Does the mean height of Grade 11 students differ from 66 inches?
2. Is the portion of senior male student’s height significantly higher than the senior
female students?
The Null and Alternative Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis
• It is denoted by H0.
• It is the initial claim.
• It shows no significant difference, no changes, nothing happened, no relationship
between a parameters.
• The independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
• H0 :

Alternative Hypothesis
• It is denoted by or .
• It is the contrary to the null hypothesis.
• It shows that there is significant difference, an effect, change, relationship between a
parameter and specific value.
• The independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable.
Null Hypothesis, .

equal to, the same as, not changed from, is

Alternative Hypothesis, or

not equal, different from, changed from, not the same as

Greater than, above, higher than, longer than, bigger than,

increased, at least

less than, below, lower than, smaller than, shorter than,

decreased or reduced from, at most
State the null and alternative hypothesis for each statement.

Example 1. The average age of bus drivers in Metro Manila is 38.8 years.

38.8 years
38.8 years

Example 2. The average number of calories of a low- calorie meal is at

most 300.

300 calories
300 calories
State the Null and Alternative hypothesis for each statement.

3. The school record claims that the mean score in Math of the incoming 11
student is 8.1. the teacher wishes to find out if the claim is true. She tests if
there is significant difference between the batch mean score and the mean
score of students in her class.
Null and Alternative Hypothesis in Null and Alternative Hypothesis in
words symbol
: The mean score of the incoming :
Grade 11 students is 81
: The mean score of the incoming 81
Grade 11 students is not 81
State the Null and Alternative hypothesis for each statement.

4. A social worker wants to test ( at a = 0.05), whether the average body

mass index (BMI) of the pupils under feeding program is different from 8.2
Null and Alternative Hypothesis in Null and Alternative Hypothesis in
words symbol
: The average BMI of the pupils : 18.2
under feeding program is not
different from 18.2.
: The average BMI of the pupils : 18.2
under feeding program is different
from 18.2.
State the Null and Alternative hypothesis for each statement.

5. A DTI representative wants to test at 99% confidence level whether the

average content of Soda X less than 330 ml as indicated in the label.
Null and Alternative Hypothesis in Null and Alternative Hypothesis in
word words

: The average content of soda X is : 330

greater than or equal to 330 ml.
: The average content of soda X is : 330
less than 330 ml.
State the null and alternative hypothesis for each statement

1. In 2015, it was recorded that around 34% of the population in 2015 were
not married. A researcher surveyed a random sample of 500 couples. He
found out that 18% of them were living together but not unmarried. Test at
5% significance level if the current percentage of unmarried couples is
different from 34%.
: ___________________________________________________
: ___________________________________________________
2. A chemist invented an additive to increase the lifespan of rechargeable
battery. The said additive will extend on average the battery’s lifespan to 48
: _______________________________________________
: _______________________________________________

3. A medical trial is conducted to test whether or not a new medicine

reduces uric acid by 50%.
: _______________________________________________
: _______________________________________________
4. We want to test whether the general average of students in Math is
different from 80%.
: ______________________________________________________
: ______________________________________________________
5. We want to test whether the mean height of Grade 8 students is 58
: ______________________________________________________
: ______________________________________________________
1. : The current percentage of unmarried couples is 34%.

: The current percentage of unmarried couples is different from 34%.

2. : The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is 48 moths.

: The average lifespan extension of rechargeable battery is not 48 months.

3. : The new medicine can reduce uric acid.

: The new medicine cannot reduce uric acid.

4. : the general average of students in math is equal to 80%.

: the general average of students in math is different from 80%.

5. : the mean height of students is 58 inches.

: the mean height of students is not (or less than or higher than) 58 inches.
Significance is defined as the quality of being statistically significant.
Level of Significance
• It is denoted by Alpha or a refers to the degree of significance in which we
accept or reject the null hypothesis.
• 100% accuracy is not possible in accepting or rejecting a hypothesis.
• The significance level is also the probability of making the wrong decision
when the null hypothesis is true.
• In public health research alpha is usually 0.01 or 1%. In social science, alpha
is usually 0.05 or 5% and 0.10 or 10% in other studies.
• This implies that there is 1%, 5%, or 10% probability of rejecting a true null
Example 1: Maria uses 5% level of significance
in proving that there is no significant change in
the average number of enrollees in the 10
In symbol, it is written as: sections for the last two years. It means that
the chance that the null hypothesis (H0) would
be rejected when it is true is 5%.
0.05 OR
If the alternative hypothesis used
then alpha will be divided by 2.
-3 -2 -1 0 1 1.645 2 3
0.025 or 0.05 is the area under the normal curve within
the rejection region.
In symbol, it is written as: Determine the value of or based on the
alternative hypothesis in decimal form.
EXAMPLE 2: In 2015, it was recorded
0.05 OR that around 34% of the population in
0.10 2015 were not married. A researcher
surveyed a random sample 500 couples.
If the alternative hypothesis used He found out that 185 of them were
then alpha will be divided by 2. living together but unmarried. Test at 5%
0.005 significance level if the current
percentage of unmarried couples is
0.025 or different from 34%.
Determine the value of or based on the
alternative hypothesis in decimal form.
In symbol, it is written as:
0.01 Example 3: A chemist invented an
additive to increase the lifespan of
0.05 OR rechargeable battery. The said additive
0.10 will extend on average of the battery’s
lifespan to 48 months. Test the
If the alternative hypothesis used
hypothesis at 0.01 level of significance
then alpha will be divided by 2.
that the average lifespan is higher that
0.005 48 months.
0.025 or
0.05 0.01

When the alternative hypothesis is two-sided like , it is called two-tailed

When the given statistics hypothesis assumes a less than or greater than
value, it is called one-tailed test.
not equal, different from, changed from, not the same as
Greater than, above, higher than, longer than, bigger than,
increased, at least
less than, below, lower than, smaller than, shorter than,
decreased or reduced from, at most
equal to, the same as, not changed from, is
Example: The school registrar believes that the average number of enrollees
this school year is not the same as the previous school year.
is more
let be the average number of enrollees last year. probable

If uses , use a two-tailed


However, if the school registrar believes that the average number of enrollees
this school year is less than the previous school year, then you will have:

Use the eft-tailed when is more

contains the symbol . probable

On the other hand, if the school registrar believes that the average number
of enrollees this school year is greater than the previous school year, then
you will have: is more

Use the right-tailed when

contains the symbol
Determine if one-tailed test or two-tailed test fits the given
alternative hypothesis.

1. The mean height of Grade 12 students is less than 66 inches.

2. The standard deviation of their height is not equal to 5 inches.
3. Male Grade 7 ang Grade 12 students differ in height on average.
4. The proportion of senior male students’ height is significantly higher than
that of senior female students. ___________
5. The average grade of Grade 11 students in Statistics is lower than their
average grade in calculus. ___________
1. one-tailed test
2. two-tailed test
3. two-tailed test
4. one-tailed test
5. one-tailed test
the rejection

Rejection Region, also known as critical region. Is the set of all values of
the test statistic that causes us to reject the null hypothesis.
The non – rejection region (or acceptance region) is the set of all values of
the test statistic that causes us to fail and to reject the null hypothesis.
The critical value is a point (boundary) on the test distribution that is
compared to the test statistic to determine if the null hypothesis would be
For one-tailed test or directional test <,
the critical region is at the left side of the
acceptance region.

For one-tailed test or directional test >,

the critical region is at the right side of
the acceptance region.
For two-tailed test or non-directional test ,
the critical region is at the left and right sides
of the acceptance region.
Commonly used levels of significance and its Corresponding Critical

Level of Test Types

Significance One-tailed Two-tailed

0.05 +1.645 or -1.645

0.01 +2.33 or -2.33 2.58
0.001 +3.09 or -3.09 3.30
Minutes per Day
Example 1. according to a survey, the average Friends Name Spent on Social
daily usage of social media worldwide of Media
Allen 132
global internet users amounts to 142 minutes
Bryan 148
per day. Sofia conducts her own survey among
Ellen 165
her 10 friends to find out if their time to spent
Jake 157
on social media is significantly higher than the
Mindie 120
global survey.
Shamsi 144
Before her survey, she formulated the following Candice 136
Dory 160
Claim A: The average daily usage of social media of
her friends is the same as the global average usage. Mitch 185

Claim B: The average daily usage of social media of Mila 173

her friends is higher than the global average usage.

Determine the critical value. Use df
= n – 1=9, one tailed test at 5%
level of significance.

The critical t-value is 1.833.

The computed t-value is 1.593.
According to a survey, the average The critical t-value is 1.833.
daily usage of social media worldwide
of global internet users amounts to 142
minutes per day. Sofia conducts her own
survey among her 10 friends to find out
if their time to spent on social media is
significantly higher than the global survey.

The computed value is average daily usage of her

friends is the same as the
less than the critical value.
global usage. The computed t-value is We fail to reject
at the non-rejection the null
: The average daily usage region.
of her friends is higher than hypothesis,
the global usage.
Example 2. A medical trial is conducted
To test whether a certain dug reduces
Cholesterol level. Upon trial, the computed
Z-value of 2.715 lies the rejection area.

The computed value is greater than the critical

certain drug is effective in
reducing cholesterol level by
60% The certain drug is not We reject the null
effective in reducing hypothesis in favor
: The certain drug is not cholesterol level by 60%.
effective in reducing of
cholesterol level by 60%.
Example 3. Sketch the rejection
region of the test hypothesis with
critical values of determine if the
computed t-value of -1.52 lies in that

The computed t-value is at the non-rejection region. Therefore, we fail to reject

the null hypothesis, .
Illustrate the rejection region given the critical value and identify if the t-values
lie in the acceptance region or rejection region.

1. Critical t-value of 1.318 computed t-value of 1.1

The computed t-value is at the ________ region.

2. Critical t-value of -1.671 computed t-value of 2.45

The computed t-value is at the ________ region.
3. Critical t-value of 1.725 computed t-value of 2.14
The computed t-value is at the ________ region.

4. Critical t-value of computed t-value of -1.134

The computed t-value is at the __________ region.

5. Critical t-value of -1.701 computed t-value of -2.48

The computed t-value is at the __________region.
1. Acceptance
2. Rejection
3. Rejection
4. Acceptance 4.
5. Rejection


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