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Health Advocacy

The World Health Organization (WHO, 1995) •

describes advocacy for health as a ‘combination of individual
and social actions designed to gain political commitment, policy
support, social acceptance and systems support for a particular
.health goal or programme
In the medical profession, activities related to
ensuring access to care, navigating the system,
mobilizing resources, addressing health
inequities, influencing health policy and creating
system change are known as health advocacy.
Foundational concepts in health advocacy
include social determinants of health and health
Hubinette M, Dobson S, Scott I, Sherbino J. Health advocacy. Med Teach. 2017 Feb;39(2):128-135.
.doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2017.1245853. Epub 2016 Nov 21. PMID: 27866451
: Aim
Health advocacy aims to bridge the gaps within our healthcare •
systems to ensure that people can access affordable, effective,
and high-quality healthcare. These gaps are 
measured by differences in prevalence, mortality, and other
adverse health conditions among specific groups, based on
factors like gender, socioeconomic status, or race. Healthcare
advocacy can be undertaken as a full-time career or as one
 .element of a traditional healthcare career

What is Health Advocacy? | Northeastern University

Health advocacy and public health
While health and patient advocacy focuses on helping patients on an •
individual basis, public health advocacy aims to help entire patient
populations, from local neighborhoods or certain demographic groups
.to entire regions
Public health advocates may also focus on specific groups affected by
issues such as alcohol and drug addiction; mental disorders; chronic
diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes; food safety; and acute
.diseases, such as COVID-19

Health Advocacy’s Importance in Improving Healthcare | Maryville Online

Public health advocacy addresses these and other public health concerns

1. Increasing awareness of issues that impact people’s ability to access

affordable, effective, high-quality healthcare.

2. Influencing decisions at the highest levels of government to help shape

public policy.

3. Raising funds to support public health programs, including research and

.information-sharing campaigns

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