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In the photo we can see a girl listening to music.

We chose
this photo because the girl has a notebook beside her and
may be learning a new language
These days,knowing how to communicate several languages is very
important.With the right method and a simple internet access it
becomes easier to learn something new.
For us the best way to learn a new language is to listen to music
because it`s easier to memorize a song
For this reason,listening to songs in the language we want to learn
and trying to understand what the lyrics say and then searching for
the translation is a good way to train a language.Listen to the same
songs several times with and without the translation in front,annotate
them,and repeat,always trying to distinguish the sung words and
practice writing the words we are learning.Starting with short songs
or just the chorus and then moving on to the rest of the song.It also
helps to start with a song we like to listen to.

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