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ThS. Nguyễn Ngọc Thụy Vy


Chương 5 – Nội dung

• Quy trình doanh thu


• Quy trình chi phí


• Quy trình sản suất


• Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái

Tình huống
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
Tình huống
 Alpha Omega Electronics (AOE) manufactures a variety of
inexpensive consumer electronic products, including calculators,
digital clocks, radios, pagers, toys, games, and small kitchen
appliances. Like most manufacturers, AOE does not sell its products
directly to individual consumers, but only to retailers.
 Linda Spurgeon, president of AOE, called an executive meeting to
discuss two pressing issues. First, AOE has been steadily losing
market share for the past three years. Second, cash flow problems
have necessitated increased short-term borrowing.
 Linda was frustrated with the lack of detailed information regarding
both issues. She asked Elizabeth and Trevor to work with Ann
Brandt, vice president of information systems, to develop improved
reporting systems so that AOE could more closely monitor and take
steps to improve both customer service and cash flow
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
 Specifically, Linda asked Elizabeth, Trevor, and Ann to address the
following issues:
1. How could AOE improve customer service? What information does
marketing need to perform its tasks better?
2. How could AOE identify its most profitable customers and
3. How can AOE improve its monitoring of credit accounts? How
would any changes in credit policy affect both sales and uncollectible
4. How could AOE improve its cash collection procedures?
 The AOE case shows how deficiencies in the information system used
to support revenue cycle activities can create significant problems for
an organization.
From AOE case, let’s think about how a well-designed information system can
improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s revenue
cycle activities.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.1. Quy trình doanh thu
 The revenue cycle is a recurring set of business
activities and related information processing
operations associated with providing goods and
services to customers and collecting cash in payment for
those sales.
 The revenue cycle’s primary objective is to provide the
right product in the right place at the right time for the
right price.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.1. Quy trình doanh thu
 To accomplish its objective, management must make the following key
 To what extent can and should products be customized to individual
customers’ needs and desires?
 How much inventory should be carried, and where should that inventory
be located?
 How should merchandise be delivered to customers? Should the
company perform the shipping function itself or outsource it to a third party
that specializes in logistics?
 What are the optimal prices for each product or service?
 Should credit be extended to customers? If so, what credit terms should
be offered? How much credit should be extended to individual
 How can customer payments be processed to maximize cash flow?
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.1. Quy trình doanh thu
 The primary external exchange of information is with customers.
 Information about revenue cycle activities also flows to the other
accounting cycles.
 The expenditure and production cycles use information about
sales transactions to initiate the purchase or production of
additional inventory to meet demand.
 The human resources management/payroll cycle uses
information about sales to calculate sales commissions and
 The general ledger and reporting function uses information
produced by the revenue cycle to prepare financial statements
and performance reports.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.1. Quy trình doanh thu

1. Sales order entry 2. Shipping

4. Cash collection 3. Billing
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
a. Quy trình
 Sale order entry
 AOE’s customers can place orders directly via the
 In addition, salespeople use portable laptops to enter
orders when calling on customers.
 The sales department enters customer orders received
over the telephone, by fax, or by mail.
 Regardless of how an order is initially received, the system
quickly verifies customer creditworthiness, checks
inventory availability, and notifies the warehouse and
shipping departments about the approved sale.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
a. Quy trình
 Shipping
 Warehouse and shipping employees enter data about their
activities as soon as they are performed, thereby updating
information about inventory status in real time.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
a. Quy trình
 Billing
 Nightly, the invoice program runs in batch mode,
generating paper or electronic invoices for customers who
require invoices.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
a. Quy trình
 Cash collection
 Some of AOE’s customers still send checks to one of the
regional banks with which AOE has established electronic
lockboxes, but an increasing number use their bank’s online
bill paying service.
 Each day, the bank sends AOE a file containing remittance
data, which the cashier uses to update the company’s
cash account balances and the accounts receivable clerk
uses to update customer accounts.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
a. Quy trình
 Yêu cầu
 Nhận diện rủi ro trong quy trình doanh thu của
 Biện pháp kiểm soát nào có thể hạn chế các rủi ro
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Toàn bộ quy trình doanh thu
 Rủi ro
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 4. Poor performance
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Toàn bộ quy trình doanh thu
 Kiểm soát
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 1.1. Data processing integrity controls
 1.2. Restriction of access to master data
 1.3. Review of all changes to master data
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Toàn bộ quy trình doanh thu
 Kiểm soát
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 2.1. Access controls
 2.2. Encryption
 2.3. Tokenization of customer personal
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Toàn bộ quy trình doanh thu
 Kiểm soát
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 3.1. Backup and disaster recovery procedures
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Toàn bộ quy trình doanh thu
 Kiểm soát
 4. Poor performance
 4.1. Managerial reports
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
a. Quy trình
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
a. Process
 The sales order entry process entails three steps:
 taking the customer’s order
 checking and approving customer credit
 checking inventory availability
 The process also includes an important related event
that may be handled either by the sales order
department or by a separate customer service
department: responding to customer inquiries.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Rủi ro
 5. Incomplete/inaccurate orders
 6. Invalid orders
 7. Uncollectible accounts
 8. Stockouts or excess inventory
 9. Loss of customers
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Kiểm soát
 5. Incomplete/inaccurate orders
 5.1. Data entry edit controls
 5.2. Restriction of access to master data
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Kiểm soát
 6. Invalid orders
 6.1. Digital signatures or written signatures
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.3. Sale order entry process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Kiểm soát
 7. Uncollectible accounts
 7.1. Credit limits
 7.2. Specific authorization to approve sales to
new customers or sales that exceed a customer’s
credit limit
 7.3. Aging of accounts receivable
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Kiểm soát
 8. Stockouts or excess inventory
 8.1. Perpetual inventory control system
 8.2. Use of bar codes or RFID
 8.3. Training
 8.4. Periodic physical counts of inventory
 8.5. Sales forecasts and activity reports
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.2. HTTT quy trình doanh thu
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Sales order entry
 Kiểm soát
 9. Loss of customers
 9.1. CRM systems, self-help websites, and
proper evaluation of customer service ratings
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
a. Process
 The second basic activity in the revenue cycle is filling
customer orders and shipping the desired merchandise.
 This process consists of two steps:
(1) picking and packing the order and
(2) shipping the order.
 The warehouse and shipping departments perform these
activities, respectively.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
a. Process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Shipping
 Rủi ro
 10. Picking the wrong items or the wrong quantity
 11. Theft of inventory
 12. Shipping errors (delay or failure to ship, wrong
quantities, wrong items, wrong addresses,
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Shipping
 Kiểm soát
 10. Picking the wrong items or the wrong quantity
 10.1. Bar-code and RFID technology
 10.2. Reconciliation of picking lists to sales order
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Shipping
 Kiểm soát
 11. Theft of inventory
 11.1. Restriction of physical access to inventory
 11.2. Documentation of all inventory transfers
 11.3. RFID and bar-code technology
 11.4. Periodic physical counts of inventory and
reconciliation to recorded quantities
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.4. Shipping process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Shipping
 Kiểm soát
 12. Shipping errors (delay or failure to ship, wrong quantities,
wrong items, wrong addresses, duplication)
 12.1. Reconciliation of shipping documents with sales orders,
picking lists, and packing slips
 12.2. Use RFID systems to identify delays
 12.3. Data entry via bar-code scanners and RFID
 12.4. Data entry edit controls (if shipping data entered on
 12.5. Configuration of ERP system to prevent duplicate
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
a. Process
 Billing customers involves two separate, but closely
related, tasks: invoicing and updating accounts receivable,
which are performed by two separate units within the
accounting department.
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
a. Process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Billing
 Rủi ro
 13. Failure to bill
 14. Billing errors
 15. Posting errors in accounts receivable
 16. Inaccurate or invalid credit memos
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Billing
 Kiểm soát
 13. Failure to bill
 13.1. Separation of billing and shipping functions
 13.2. Periodic reconciliation of invoices with sales
orders, picking tickets, and shipping documents
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Billing
 Kiểm soát
 14. Billing errors
 14.1. Configuration of system to automatically
enter pricing data
 14.2. Restriction of access to pricing master data
 14.3. Data entry edit controls
 14.4. Reconciliation of shipping documents
(picking tickets, bills of lading, and packing list) to
sales orders
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Billing
 Kiểm soát
 15. Posting errors in accounts receivable
 15.1. Data entry controls
 15.2. Reconciliation of batch totals
 15.3. Mailing of monthly statements to customers
 15.4. Reconciliation of subsidiary accounts to
general ledger
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.5. Billing process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Billing
 Kiểm soát
 16. Inaccurate or invalid credit memos
 16.1. Segregation of duties of credit memo
authorization from both sales order entry and
customer account maintenance
 16.2. Configuration of system to block credit
memos unless there is either corresponding
documentation of return of damaged goods or
specific authorization by management
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
a. Process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Cash collection
 Rủi ro
 17. Theft of cash
 18. Cash flow problems
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Cash collection
 Kiểm soát
 17. Theft of cash
 17.1. Segregation of duties—the person who handles (deposits)
payments from customers should not also:
 a. Post remittances to customer accounts
 b. Create or authorize credit memos
 c. Reconcile the bank account
 17.2. Use of EFT, FEDI, and lockboxes to minimize handling of
customer payments by employees
 17.3. Obtain and use a UPIC to receive EFT and FEDI payments
from customers
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Cash collection
 Kiểm soát
 17. Theft of cash
 17.2. Use of EFT, FEDI, and lockboxes to
minimize handling of customer payments by
 17.3. Obtain and use a UPIC to receive EFT and
FEDI payments from customers
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Cash collection
 Kiểm soát
 17. Theft of cash
 17.4. Immediately upon opening mail, create list of all
customer payments received
 17.5.Prompt, restrictive endorsement of all customer
 17.6. Having two people open all mail likely to contain
customer payments
 17.7. Use of cash registers
 17.8. Daily deposit of all cash receipts
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.6. Cash collection process
b. Rủi ro và kiểm soát
 Cash collection
 Kiểm soát
 18. Cash flow problems
 18.1. Lockbox arrangements, EFT, or credit cards
 18.2. Discounts for prompt payment by
 18.3. Cash flow budgets
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành

Sales process

Sales return process

Cash collection process

5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
a. Sales process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
a. Sales process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
a. Sales process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
b. Sales return process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
b. Sales return process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
b. Sales return process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
c. Cash collection process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
c. Cash collection process
5.1. Quy trình doanh thu
5.1.7. Thực hành
c. Cash collection process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
Tình huống
 Although the new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system at Alpha
Omega Electronics (AOE) has enabled the company to slash its costs
associated with purchasing and accounts payable, Linda Spurgeon,
AOE’s president, is convinced that additional improvements are
 She is particularly concerned about issues recently raised by LeRoy
Williams, vice president of manufacturing for AOE. LeRoy is upset
because several production runs were delayed at the Wichita plant
because components that AOE’s inventory records indicated as being
in stock actually were not on hand.
 There were also delays at the Dayton plant because suppliers either
did not deliver components on time or delivered substandard products.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
Tình huống
 1. What must be done to ensure that AOE’s inventory records are
current and accurate to avoid unexpected components shortages like
those experienced at the Wichita plant?
 2. How could the problems at the Dayton plant be avoided in the
future? What can be done to ensure timely delivery of quality
 3. Is it possible to reduce AOE’s investment in materials inventories?
 4. How could the information system provide better information to
guide planning and production?
 5. How could IT be used to further reengineer expenditure cycle
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.1. Quy trình chi phí
 The expenditure cycle is a recurring set of business
activities and related information processing operations
associated with the purchase of and payment for goods
and services.
 The primary objective in the expenditure cycle is to
minimize the total cost of acquiring and maintaining
inventories, supplies, and the various services the
organization needs to function.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.1. Quy trình chi phí
 To accomplish its objective, management must make the following key
 What is the optimal level of inventory and supplies to carry?
 Which suppliers provide the best quality and service at the best
 How can the organization consolidate purchases across units to
obtain optimal prices?
 How can information technology (IT) be used to improve both the
efficiency and accuracy of the inbound logistics function?
 How can the organization maintain sufficient cash to take
advantage of any discounts suppliers offer?
 How can payments to vendors be managed to maximize cash
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.1. Quy trình chi phí
 In the expenditure cycle, the primary external exchange of
information is with suppliers (vendors).
 Within the organization, information about the need to
purchase goods and materials flows to the expenditure
cycle from the revenue and production cycles, inventory
control, and various departments.
 Once the goods and materials arrive, notification of their
receipt flows back to those sources from the expenditure
 Expense data also flow from the expenditure cycle to the
general ledger and reporting function for inclusion in
financial statements and various management reports.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.1. Quy trình chi phí
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.1. Quy trình chi phí

1. Ordering materials, 2. Receiving

supplies, and materials, supplies,
services and services
4. Cash 3. Approving supplier
disbursements invoices
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
 The activities in the expenditure cycle are mirror
images of the basic activities performed in the
revenue cycle.
 These close linkages between the buyer’s
expenditure cycle activities and the seller’s revenue
cycle activities have important implications for the
design of both parties’ accounting information
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
 Although, inventory control department has primary responsibility for
ensuring an adequate quantity of materials and supplies, any
department can submit a request to purchase items.
 Once a purchase request has been approved, the system searches
the inventory master file to identify the preferred supplier for that item.
 The system then creates a purchase order that is sent to the supplier
via EDI. (If necessary, paper copies are printed and mailed.)
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
 The receiving department has access to the open purchase order file
so that it can plan for and verify the validity of deliveries.
 Accounts payable is notified of orders so that it can plan for pending
financial commitments.
 The department that generated the purchase requisition is also notified
that its request has been approved.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
 Major suppliers send electronic notification of coming deliveries, which
enables AOE to plan to have adequate staffing to process incoming
shipments at its warehouses.
 When a shipment arrives, the receiving-dock workers use the inquiry
processing system to verify that an order is expected from that
 Receiving-dock workers inspect the goods and use an online terminal
to enter information about the quantity and condition of items received.
 The system checks that data against the open purchase order, and
any discrepancies are immediately displayed on the screen so that
they can be resolved.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
 The exact time of the delivery also is recorded to help evaluate
supplier performance.
 Upon transfer of the goods to the warehouse, the inventory clerk
verifies the count of the items and enters that data in the system.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Process
Cash disbursement
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
a. Quy trình
 Yêu cầu
 Nhận diện rủi ro trong quy trình chi phí của AOE.
 Biện pháp kiểm soát nào có thể hạn chế các rủi ro
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
b. Threats and controls
 Toàn bộ quy trình chi phí
 Rủi ro
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 4. Poor performance
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
b. Threats and controls
 Toàn bộ quy trình chi phí
 Kiểm soát
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 1.1. Data processing integrity controls
 1.2. Restriction of access to master data
 1.3. Review of all changes to master data
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
b. Threats and controls
 Toàn bộ quy trình chi phí
 Kiểm soát
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 2.1. Access controls
 2.2. Encryption
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
b. Threats and controls
 Toàn bộ quy trình chi phí
 Kiểm soát
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 3.1. Backup and disaster recovery procedures
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.2. HTTT quy trình chi phí
b. Threats and controls
 Toàn bộ quy trình chi phí
 Kiểm soát
 4. Poor performance
 4.1. Managerial reports
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
a. Process
 This process involves:
 identifying what, when, and how much to purchase
 choosing from which supplier to purchase.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
a. Process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 5. Stockouts and excess inventory
 6. Purchasing items not needed
 7. Purchasing at inflated prices
 8. Purchasing goods of inferior quality
 9. Unreliable suppliers
 10. Purchasing from unauthorized suppliers
 11. Kickbacks
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 5. Stockouts and excess inventory
 5.1. Perpetual inventory system
 5.2. Bar coding or RFID tags
 5.3. Periodic physical counts of inventory
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 6. Purchasing items not needed
 6.1. Perpetual inventory system
 6.2. Review and approval of purchase requisitions
 6.3. Centralized purchasing function
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 7. Purchasing at inflated prices
 7.1. Price lists
 7.2. Competitive bidding
 7.3. Review of purchase orders
 7.4. Budgets
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 8. Purchasing goods of inferior quality
 8.1. Purchasing only from approved suppliers
 8.2. Review and approval of purchases from new
 8.3. Tracking and monitoring product quality by
 8.4. Holding purchasing managers responsible for
rework and scrap costs
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 9. Unreliable suppliers
 9.1. Requiring suppliers to possess quality
certification (e.g., ISO 9000)
 9.2. Collecting and monitoring supplier delivery
performance data
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 10. Purchasing from unauthorized suppliers
 10.1. Maintaining a list of approved suppliers and
configuring the system to permit purchase orders
only to approved suppliers
 10.2. Review and approval of purchases from new
 10.3. EDI-specific controls (access, review of orders,
encryption, policy)
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.3. Ordering goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 11. Kickbacks
 11.1. Prohibit acceptance of gifts from suppliers
 11.2. Job rotation and mandatory vacations
 11.3. Requiring purchasing agents to disclose
financial and personal interests in suppliers
 11.4. Supplier audits
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
a. Process
 The second major business activity in the expenditure
cycle is the receipt and storage of ordered items.
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
a. Process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 12. Accepting unordered items
 13. Mistakes in counting
 14. Not verifying receipt of services
 15. Theft of inventory
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 12. Accepting unordered items
 12.1. Requiring existence of approved purchase
order prior to accepting any delivery
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 13. Mistakes in counting
 13.1. Do not inform receiving employees about quantity
 13.2. Require receiving employees to sign receiving report
 13.3. Incentives
 13.4. Use of bar codes and RFID tags
 13.5. Configuration of the ERP system to flag discrepancies
between received and ordered quantities that exceed
tolerance threshold for investigation
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 14. Not verifying receipt of services
 14.1. Budgetary controls
 14.2. Audits
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.4. Receiving goods and services
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 15. Theft of inventory
 15.1. Restriction of physical access to inventory
 15.2. Documentation of all transfers of inventory
between receiving and inventory employees
 15.3. Periodic physical counts of inventory and
reconciliation to recorded quantities
 15.4. Segregation of duties: custody of inventory
versus receiving
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.5. Approving supplier invoices
a. Process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.5. Approving supplier invoices
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 16. Errors in supplier
 17. Mistakes in posting to accounts payable
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.5. Approving supplier invoices
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 16. Errors in supplier
 16.1. Verification of invoice accuracy
 16.2. Requiring detailed receipts for procurement
card purchases
 16.3. ERS
 16.4. Restriction of access to supplier master data
 16.5. Verification of freight bill and use of approved
delivery channels
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.5. Approving supplier invoices
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 17. Mistakes in posting to accounts payable
 17.1. Data entry edit controls
 17.2. Reconciliation of detailed accounts payable
records with the general ledger control account
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
a. Process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 18. Failure to take advantage of discounts for prompt
 19. Paying for items not received
 20. Duplicate payments
 21. Theft of cash
 22. Check alteration
 23. Cash flow problems
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 18. Failure to take advantage of discounts for prompt
 18.1. Filing of invoices by due date for discounts
 18.2. Cash flow budgets
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 19. Paying for items not received
 19.1. Requiring that all supplier invoices be matched
to supporting documents that are acknowledged by
both receiving and inventory control
 19.2 Budgets (for services)
 19.3. Requiring receipts for travel expenses
 19.4. Use of corporate credit cards for travel
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 20. Duplicate payments
 20.1. Requiring a complete voucher package for all
 20.2. Policy to pay only from original copies of
supplier invoices
 20.3. Cancelling all supporting documents when
payment is made
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 21. Theft of cash
 21.1. Physical security of blank checks and check-
signing machine
 21.2. Periodic accounting of all sequentially
numbered checks by cashier
 21.3. Access controls to EFT terminals
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 21. Theft of cash
 21.4. Use of dedicated computer and browser for
online banking
 21.5. ACH blocks on accounts not used for payments
 21.6. Separation of check-writing function from
accounts payable
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 21. Theft of cash
 21.7. Requiring dual signatures on checks greater
than a specific amount
 21.8. Regular reconciliation of bank account with
recorded amounts by someone independent of cash
disbursements procedures
 21.9. Restriction of access to supplier master file
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 21. Theft of cash
 21.10. Limiting the number of employees with ability
to create one-time suppliers and to process invoices
from one-time suppliers
 21.11. Running petty cash as an imprest fund
 21.12. Surprise audits of petty cash fund
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 22. Check alteration
 22.1. Check-protection machines
 22.2. Use of special inks and papers
 22.3. “Positive Pay” arrangements with banks
 23.1. Cash flow budget
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.6. Cash disbursement
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 23. Cash flow problems
 23.1. Cash flow budget
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành

Purchase process

Purchase return process

Cash disbursement process

5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
a. Purchase process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
a. Purchase process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
a. Purchase process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
b. Purchase return process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
b. Purchase return process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
a. Purchase return process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
c. Cash disbursement process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
c. Cash disbursement process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
c. Cash disbursement process
5.2. Quy trình chi phí
5.2.7. Thực hành
c. Cash disbursement process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất
 The production cycle is a recurring set of business
activities and related information processing operations
associated with the manufacture of products.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất
 The revenue cycle information system provides the
information (customer orders and sales forecasts) used to
plan production and inventory levels.
 In return, the production cycle information system sends
the revenue cycle information about finished goods that
have been produced and are available for sale.
 Information about raw materials needs is sent to the
expenditure cycle information system in the form of
purchase requisitions.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất
 In exchange, the expenditure cycle system provides
information about raw material acquisitions and also about
other expenditures included in manufacturing overhead.
 Information about labor needs is sent to the human
resources cycle, which in return provides data about labor
costs and availability.
 Finally, information about the cost of goods manufactured
is sent to the general ledger and reporting information
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất

2. Planning
1. Product design and scheduling
n cycle
3. Production
4. Cost accounting operations
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.1. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
 The production cycle information system integrates both
operational and financial data from many sources.
 The engineering department is responsible for developing
product specifications.
 The bill of materials file stores information about product
components, and the operations list file contains information
about how to manufacture each product.
 To develop those specifications, engineering accesses both files
to examine the design of similar products.
 It also accesses the general ledger and inventory files for
information needed to calculate the costs of alternative product
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
 The sales department enters information about sales forecasts
and customer orders.
 The production planning department uses that information, plus
data about current inventory levels, to develop the master
production schedule and create new records in the production
order file to authorize the production of specific goods.
 At the same time, new records are added to the work-in-process
file to accumulate cost data.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
 Materials requisitions are sent to the inventory stores
department to authorize the release of raw materials.
 The computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) interface sends
detailed instructions to factory workstations.
 The CIM interface also collects cost and operational data that is
used to update the work-in-process and production order files,
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 3. Loss or destruction of data
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 1. Inaccurate or invalid master data
 1.1. Data processing integrity controls
 1.2. Restriction of access to master data
 1.3. Review of all changes to master data
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
 2.1. Access controls
 2.2. Encryption
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.2. HTTT quy trình sản xuất
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 3.1. Backup and disaster recovery procedures
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.3. Product design
a. Process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.3. Product design
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 4. Poor product design resulting in excess costs
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.3. Product design
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 4. Poor product design resulting in excess costs
 4.1. Accounting analysis of costs arising from
product design choices
 4.2. Analysis of warranty and repair costs
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.4. Planning and scheduling production
a. Process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.4. Planning and scheduling production
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 5. Over- and underproduction
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.4. Planning and scheduling production
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 5. Over- and underproduction
 5.1. Production planning systems
 5.2. Review and approval of production schedules
and orders
 5.3. Restriction of access to production orders and
production schedules
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
a. Process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 6. Theft of inventory
 7. Theft of fixed assets
 8. Poor performance
 9. Suboptimal investment in fixed assets
 10. Loss of inventory or fixed assets due to fire or other
 11. Disruption of operations
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 6. Theft of inventory
 6.1. Physical access controls.
 6.2. Documentation of all inventory movement.
 6.3. Segregation of duties—custody of assets from
recording and authorization of removal.
 6.4. Restriction of access to inventory master data.
 6.5. Periodic physical counts of inventory and
reconciliation of those counts to recorded quantities.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 7. Theft of fixed assets
 7.1. Physical inventory of all fixed assets
 7.2. Restriction of physical access to fixed assets
 7.3. Maintaining detailed records of fixed assets,
including disposal
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 8. Poor performance
 8.1. Training
 8.2. Performance reports
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 9. Suboptimal investment in fixed assets
 9.1. Proper approval of fixed-asset acquisitions,
including use of requests for proposals to solicit
multiple competitive bids
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 10. Loss of inventory or fixed assets due to fire or other
 10.1. Physical safeguards (e.g., fire sprinklers)
 10.2. Insurance
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.5. Production operations
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 11. Disruption of operations
 11.1. Backup and disaster recovery plans
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
The three principal objectives of the cost accounting
system are:
1. to provide information for planning, controlling, and
evaluating the performance of production operations;
2. to provide accurate cost data about products for use
in pricing and product mix decisions; and
3. to collect and process the information used to
calculate the inventory and cost of goods sold values
that appear in the company’s financial statements.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
 To successfully accomplish the first objective, the cost
accounting system must be designed to collect real-time
data about the performance of production activities so that
management can make timely decisions.
 To accomplish the other two objectives, the cost
accounting system must classify costs by various
categories and then assign those costs to specific products
and organizational units.
 This requires careful coding of cost data during collection,
because often the same costs may be allocated in multiple
ways, for several different purposes.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
Most companies use either job-order or process costing to assign
production costs.
 Job-order costing
 Assign costs to specific production batches, or jobs
 Used when the product or service being sold consists of discretely
identifiable items.
 Process costing
 Assign costs to each process, or work center, in the production
cycle, and then calculates the average cost for all units produced.
 Used when similar goods or services are produced in mass
quantities and discrete units cannot be readily identified.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
 The choice of job-order or process costing affects only the
method used to assign costs to products, not the methods
used to collect that data.
 The data needed to collect includes:
 raw materials used
 labor hours expended
 machine operations performed
 Manufacturing overhead
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
i. Raw materials usage data
 When production is initiated, the issuance of a materials requisition
triggers a debit to work in process for the raw materials sent to
 Conversely, work in process is credited for any materials not used and
returned to inventory.
 Many raw materials are bar-coded so that usage data can be collected
by scanning the products when released from, or returned to,
 Increasingly, manufacturers are using RFID tags to further improve the
efficiency of tracking materials usage.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
ii. Direct labor costs
 In the past, firms used a paper document called a job-time ticket
to collect data about labor activity. This document recorded the
amount of time a worker spent on each specific job task.
 Now workers enter this data using online terminals at each
factory workstation.
 To further improve the efficiency of this process, AOE is
considering switching to coded identification cards, which
workers would run through a badge reader or bar-code scanner
when they start and finish any task.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
iii. Machinery and equipment usage
 Data about machinery and equipment usage are collected at
each step in the production process, often in conjunction with
data about labor costs.
 Until recently, this data was collected by wiring the factory so
that each piece of equipment was linked to the computer
system. This limited the ability to quickly and easily redesign the
layout of the shop floor to improve production efficiency.
 Consequently, many manufacturing companies are replacing
such wired connections with wireless technology.
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
a. Process
iv. Manufacturing overhead costs
 Accountants can play a key role in controlling overhead
costs by carefully assessing how changes in product mix
affect total manufacturing overhead.
 They should go beyond merely collecting such data,
however, and identify the underlying factors that drive the
changes in total costs.
 This information then can be used to adjust production
plans and factory layout to maximize efficiency and
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 12. Inaccurate cost data
 13. Inappropriate allocation of overhead costs
 14. Misleading reports
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 12. Inaccurate cost data
 12.1. Source data automation
 12.2. Data processing integrity controls
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 13. Inappropriate allocation of overhead costs
 13.1. Time-driven activity-based costing
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.6. Cost accounting
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 14. Misleading reports
 14.1. Innovative performance metrics (e.g.,
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.7. Thực hành
a. Production process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.7. Thực hành
a. Production process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.7. Thực hành
a. Production process
5.3. Quy trình sản xuất
5.3.7. Thực hành
a. Production process
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
 The general ledger and reporting system plays a central role in
a company’s accounting information system.
 Its primary function is to collect and organize data from the
following sources:
 Each of the accounting cycle subsystems provides
information about regular transactions.
 The treasurer provides information about financing and
investing activities, such as the issuance or retirement of
debt and equity instruments and the purchase or sale of
investment securities.
 The budget department provides budget numbers.
 The controller provides adjusting entries.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
a. Process
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
a. Process
 The first three activities represent the basic steps in the
accounting cycle, which culminate in the production of the
traditional set of financial statements.
 The fourth activity indicates that, in addition to financial
reports for external users, an organization’s accounting
system produces a variety of reports for internal
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
a. Process
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 1. Inaccurate or invalid general ledger data
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of financial statement
 3. Loss or destruction of data
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 1. Inaccurate or invalid general ledger data
 1.1. Data processing integrity controls
 1.2. Restriction of access to general ledger
 1.3. Review of all changes to general ledger data
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 2. Unauthorized disclosure of financial statement
 2.1. Access controls
 2.2. Encryption
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.1. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 3. Loss or destruction of data
 3.1. Backup and disaster recovery procedures
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.3. Update general ledger
a. Process
Updating consists of posting journal entries that originate from two
1. Accounting subsystems
 Each of the accounting subsystems creates a journal entry to
update the general ledger.
 In theory, the general ledger could be updated for each
individual transaction.
 In practice, however, the various accounting subsystems usually
update the general ledger by means of summary journal entries
that represent the results of all transactions that occurred during
a given period of time (day, week, or month).
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.3. Update general ledger
a. Process
Updating consists of posting journal entries that originate from two
2. Treasurer
 The treasurer’s office provides information for journal entries to
update the general ledger for non-routine transactions such as
the issuance or retirement of debt, the purchase or sale of
investment securities, or the acquisition of treasury stock.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.3. Update general ledger
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 4. Inaccurate updating of general ledger
 5. Unauthorized journal entries
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.3. Update general ledger
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 4. Inaccurate updating of general ledger
 4.1. Data entry processing integrity controls
 4.2. Reconciliations and control reports
 4.3. Audit trail creation and review
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.3. Update general ledger
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 5. Unauthorized journal entries
 5.1. Access controls
 5.2. Reconciliations and control reports
 5.3. Audit trail creation and review
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
a. Process
 Adjusting entries originate from the controller’s office, after the
initial trial balance has been prepared.
 Adjusting entries fall into five basic categories:
1. Accruals
2. Deferrals
3. Estimates
4. Revaluations
5. Corrections
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
a. Process
 Accruals
 entries made at the end of the accounting period to reflect
events that have occurred but for which cash has not yet
been received or disbursed.
 Deferrals
 entries made at the end of the accounting period to reflect
the exchange of cash prior to performance of the related
 Estimates
 entries that reflect a portion of expenses expected to occur
over a number of accounting periods.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
a. Process
 Revaluations
 entries made to reflect either differences between the actual
and recorded value of an asset or a change in accounting
 Corrections
 entries made to counteract the effects of errors found in the
general ledger.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 6. Inaccurate adjusting entries
 7. Unauthorized adjusting entries
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 6. Inaccurate adjusting entries
 6.1. Data entry processing integrity controls
 6.2. Spreadsheet error protection controls
 6.3. Standard adjusting entries
 6.4. Reconciliations and control reports
 6.5. Audit trail creation and review
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.4. Post adjusting entries
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 7. Unauthorized adjusting entries
 7.1. Access controls
 7.2. Reconciliations and control reports
 7.3. Audit trail creation and review
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
a. Process
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 8. Inaccurate financial statements
 9. Fraudulent financial reporting
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 8. Inaccurate financial statements
 8.1. Processing integrity controls
 8.2. Use of packaged software
 8.3. Training and experience in applying IFRS and
 8.4. Audits
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 9. Fraudulent financial reporting
 9.1. Audits
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.5. Prepare financial statements
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.6. Produce managerial reports
a. Process
 ERP systems can produce a number of budgets to help
managers plan and evaluate performance.
 An operating budget depicts planned revenues and
expenditures for each organizational unit.
 A capital expenditures budget shows planned cash
inflows and outflows for each capital project.
 Cash flow budgets compare estimated cash inflows
from operations with planned expenditures and are
used to determine borrowing needs.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.6. Produce managerial reports
a. Process
 In addition to budgets, the inquiry processing capabilities
of ERP systems enable managers to easily create an
almost unlimited number of performance reports.
 Displaying the data in graphs can help managers quickly
identify important trends and relationships, as well as
areas in need of more detailed analysis.
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.6. Produce managerial reports
b. Threats and controls
 Rủi ro
 10. Poorly designed reports and graphs
5.4. Hệ thống báo cáo và sổ cái
5.6.6. Produce managerial reports
b. Threats and controls
 Kiểm soát
 10. Poorly designed reports and graphs
 10.1. Responsibility accounting
 10.2. Balanced scorecard
 10.3. Training on proper graph design

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