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Comical Pierce presents...

Basics Edition
No one wants to learn em, but you gotta do it to play smh
Comet TCG is one hell of a fun game, but...
You gotta know how to play the game to
play the plays you wanna play, player!

Comet TCG is complex, deep as the

sea, and ready for Player discovery and

You gotta be in the know to know, ya know?

But it needs YOU first!
Card Stats

Every card has three different stats:

- Health Points (HP) - HP is used for determining if the card is KO’d or not. It is
reduced by Damage, and when it hits 0 (it can’t go below 0), the card is KO’d
and sent to the KO Pile. The Player then takes Damage directly equal to that
card’s SP.
- Star Points (SP) - SP is mainly used for Deck building and Damage
calculation. Deck building will be discussed in the next slide.
- Technique Points (TP) - Used as cost for Techniques each Front Row card
has. It is recovered at the start of each of your Turns. Typically, the more TP a
card has, the more Damage it can dish out or advantage you can gain.
Deck Building

Decks do not consist of a set number of cards

unlike most other card games out there.
Instead, a Maximum SP Value is set by both
Players involved in the Game. This is the total
SP of all cards in your Main Deck.

The two main Maximum SP Values are 100 SP

for a fast, hyper consistent game and 250 SP
for a more standardized format.

The Main Deck includes: Monsters, Evolutions,

Items, Traps, and Arenas.
The Psyche Deck
The Psyche Deck is a secondary Deck you don’t
normally Draw from like you do with the Main Deck.
Instead it is host to a myriad of very powerful cards
with conditions that need to be met in order to play
them; however, since they are conditional, they
don’t need to be Drawn in order to be used. It is
very similar to the Extra Deck of Yu-Gi-Oh! with the
main differences being the types of cards played.

The Psyche Deck includes: Psyche, Kami, Fusion,

Dark Mind, and Chaos cards.

We’ll get into the Psyche Deck cards in future

videos, so stay tuned!
Starting The Game

To begin a game, you need an opponent. This is traditionally a two player game.
Once you’re ready to rumble, go on ahead and shake their hand! Is this
necessary? No, but it’s kinda funny and sportsmanlike so I thought it’d be cool to

Once that is accomplished, you and your opponent shuffle your Decks, and decide
who goes first. This is normally through a coin flip. Then, each Player Draws 6
cards to their Hands. You normally draw a card at the start of each Turn, but not
on your first Turn. The first Turn Player also cannot enter their Battle Phase.
The Board
The board consists of multiple different thingies that allow for gameplay.
- The Field
- Front Row - Monsters and Evolutions are Played/Evolved to here. There are 5 Front Row Zones.
- Back Row - Items and Traps- and Monsters with Set Techniques- can be Set facedown and activated here the turn after
they are Set. Items can be directly activated from the Hand. 5 Back Row Zones.
- Arena Zone - One dedicated slot to an Arena card.
- Evo-Sources - The cards beneath cards on the Field stacked on top of each other.
- Deck - You Draw cards into your Hand from here from the top.
- Psyche Deck - Conditional Plays without the need to Draw.
- The Hand - Concealed from your opponent, where you Play cards from.
- KO Pile - When a card is KO’d, it is sent here.
- Removed From Play - Similar to the KO Pile, but only certain cards send cards here.

Each Player has their own version of each of these board elements.
You have only two “Plays” per Turn, discluding
activations of Items and Traps and “Instant Plays”
from other cards’ Techniques and effects.

You can use Plays to either Play a Monster from

your Hand into the Front Row, or Evolve a
Monster already present on your Field into an
Evolution 1 Stage Higher by stacking it on top of
the initial card and placing it in the new card’s
Evo-Source. Evolutions must either have the
same Color or Name in order to Evolve. Neutral
cards, however, can Evolve to and from any
Color. You Draw a card when you Evolve.

Items, Traps, and cards with Set

Techniques can all be Set into the Back
Row facedown. This is so they are
concealed from your opponent and so
you can surprise them with their
activation. However, you cannot activate
a Set card the turn it is Set. Only Items
can be activated from the Hand during
your Turn, so only they can have an
immediate effect.

Monsters and Evolutions have Techniques while Items, Traps, and Arenas have
effects. Techniques come in multiple different types which will be explained in a
future video, but the main ones are Attack, Ability, and Passive. Attacks are used
during the Battle Phase, Abilities are used during the Main Phase, and Passives
are active at all times. Typically, Attacks use TP to dish out Damage, Abilities act
similarly to effects, and Passives are continuous, defensive type Techniques.

Effects range from one and done to continuous ones just like Techniques, so make
sure to read the cards in order to get a feel for how each one works!

Each Player has 100 of their own HP that must be knocked down to or beneath 0
for the other to win. This is the only case where HP can go below 0 because of
another unique mechanic of Comet TCG, Desperation Mode.

Desperation Mode is when your HP finally hits 0. You have one turn left to turn the
tides and make the opponent’s HP lower than yours. You only lose the Game
once your opponent’s HP is higher than yours in Desperation Mode once
you end your turn.

(That or you’re playing at least 250 SP mode and you attempt to Draw with no
cards left in your Deck AKA deck out.)
All fired up and ready to rumble!?

Good, because we’re going to be showcasing an example 100 SP game…



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