Tech - Seminar - PPT AR/VR

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Technical Seminar (18CSS84)

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering

Accredited by NBA 2022-2025

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality

Anusha B R

Under the guidance of

Ms. Shylaja B
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, DSATM

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Technological differences
 Their side effects
Advancements in VR and AR devices

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) is an artificial,
computer-generated simulation or
recreation of a real life environment or
 It immerses the user primarily by
stimulating their vision and hearing.
Virtual reality is possible through a
coding language known as VRML (Virtual
Reality Modeling Language)
VRML can be used to create a series of
images, and specify what types of
interactions are possible for them.
30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management
Augmented Reality
 Augmented reality (AR) is a technology
that layers computer-generated
enhancements atop an existing reality.
 AR is developed into apps and used on
mobile devices to blend digital
components into the real world.
 AR technology is used to display score
overlays on telecasted sports games
and pop out 3D emails, photos or text
 Leaders of the tech industry are also
using AR to do amazing and
revolutionary things with holograms
and motion activated commands.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Why We Need VR ?
 VR is used to create and enhance an
imaginary reality for gaming and
viewable entertainment. VR gaming
can make actions lifelike and turn real
environments into virtual landscapes.
 Virtual reality is also used for
simulated environments for
professionally based training - flight
simulators, language learning, and
other use cases.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Working Elements For VR Devices

Opinions differ on what exactly constitutes a true VR

experience, but in general it should include:
 Three-dimensional images that appear to be life-sized from
the perspective of the user.
 The ability to track a user's motions, particularly his head
and eye movements, and correspondingly adjust the images
on the user’s display to reflect the change in perspective.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Types of VR

• Non-immersive Virtual Reality.

• Fully Immersive Virtual Reality.
• Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality.
• Augmented Reality.
• Collaborative VR.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Affects Of VR On Users Life

• Disruption of perceptual and

sensory motor activities.
• Disequilibrium.
• Disorientation.
• Drowsiness.
• Cybersickness.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Devices Used For VR

 Personal Computer

 Vive

 Oculus

 Audio

 Human Perception devices.

 Goggles

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Applications Of VR

Areas in which Virtual Reality

applications are commonly used :

• Design Evaluation (Virtual

• Planning and Maintenance.
• Concept and Data Visualization.
• Operations in hazardous or remote
• Training and simulation.
• Entertainment and Leisure.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Augmented Reality or AR

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Working Of AR

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Components Of AR
Here are the three components needed to make
an augmented-reality system work :
•Tracking system
•Mobile computing power

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Devices Used For AR
User Perception Equipment

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Applications Of AR

Areas in which AR applications are commonly used :

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Augmented Reality VS Virtual Reality

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

Augmented VS Virtual Reality

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

• AR is far behind then Virtual reality in maturity Accuracy is required
for success of AR ,which is quite difficult.

• However still AR has great future as it promises better interaction

with real and virtual world.

• Accurate tracking and orientation is another limitation.

• For wearable augmented reality system, there are still enough

computing power to create stereo 3D graphics.

• The size of AR systems is yet another problem.

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management


30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

30-03-2023 Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management

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