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Thorax Normal

Antero-Posterior Postero-Anterior
PA atau AP
A well centred x-ray. Medial ends of clavicles are equidistant from

the spinous process.
Inspirasi Maximal
Six complete anterior ribs (and ten posterior ribs) are clearly visible.
Perbandingan antara foto kurang inspirasi dengan inspirasi maximal. Pada
gambar pertama jantung terlihat membesar, gambaran seperti massa di arcus
aorta dan adanya perselubungan di lapang bawah, pada gambar kedua pasien
yang sama setelah inspirasi maximal terlihat normal
 If a poor inspiratory effort is made or if the CXR
is taken in expiration,
 then several potentially spurious findings can
 apparent cardiomegaly
 apparent hilar abnormalities
 apparent mediastinal contour abnormalities
 the lung parenchyma tends to appear of
increased density, i.e. ‘white
 lung’.
 Needless to say any of these factors can lead to
CXR misinterpretation.
Assessment of heart size
The cardiothoracic ratio should be less
than 0.5.
i.e. A/B<0.5.
A cardiothoracic ratio of greater than 0.5
(in a good quality film)
suggests cardiomegaly.

Cardiothoracic Ratio
Right side:
Anterior aspect:
Cardiac apex:
Left side:
Left atrial appendage
Pulmonary trunk
Aortic arch.

Cardiomediastinal Contour
Both hilar should be concave.
This results from the superior
vein crossing the lower lobe
pulmonary artery. The point of
is known as the hilar point (HP).
Both hilar should be of similar
The left hilum is usually superior
to the right by up to 1 cm.

The trachea is placed usually just to the
right of the midline, but can be
pathologically pushed or pulled to either
side, providing indirect support
for an underlying abnormality.
The right wall of the trachea should be
clearly seen as the so-called right
para-tracheal stripe.

Sinus Costophrenicus dan
The right hemidiaphragm is ‘higher’ than the left. Both costophrenic
angles are sharply outlined.
Membedakan costae anterior
dan posterior
Thorax Lateral
Foto Lateral
Diafragma kanan lebih tinggi dari diafragma kiri

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