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Rajonh Corpuz
Reynalyn Dorotan
Roderick Doronio
Jefferson Llabres
Christine Villanueva
1) Summarize the history of System Administration.
2) What is meant by “ System administration is like
keeping the trains on time; no one notices except
when they’re late.”
Summarize the history of System Administration.

 During the Dawn of Computing: System Operators in 1952–1960, the IBM 701 was the first commercial computer
and it was finished in 1952. All computers existed before the 701 as one-offs. The IBM 704, a new and improved
version of the 701, was introduced in 1954. It had three index registers and 4,096 words of magnetic core memory.
It performed floating-point arithmetic and used 36-bit words (as opposed to the 701's 18-bit words).Every second,
40,000 instructions were carried out.
 John McCarthy started considering time sharing in the middle of the 1950s. Corbato was serious when he proposed
allowing "each computer user to act as if he were the only person in control of a computer in 1964. Bell Labs and
General Electric started a project to create an ambitious Multiplexed Information (Multics) Time Sharing System as
well as Computing Service. Multics was over budget and far behind schedule five years later after schedule then
Bell Labs walked away from the undertaking.
 After that event, UNIX was born in the year 1961- 1969 and that is when Bell abandoned Multics
project and left several researchers nothing to do.
 In year 1974-1960, the quantity of UNIX installations tripled over the subsequent six months. The
response was overwhelmingly positive when the paper was published in the Communications of the
ACM issue from July 1974. Shared UNIX systems were seen by research labs and universities as a
potential answer to their expanding demand for computing resources.
 And then System Administrators are becoming more popular. The Universities were early
leaders in the development of organized system administration groups because UNIX was popular
at universities, and those environments included a large number of students eager to learn the latest
 Evi Nemeth became known as the "mother of system administration" after she recruited
undergraduates to work as system administrators to support the University of Colorado's
Engineering College. Her connections with people at Berkeley, the University of Utah, and SUNY
Buffalo resulted in the formation of a system administration community that shared tips and tools.
 Requests for documentation and training became more common. So, Tim O'Reilly and his
team began to publish UNIX documentation that was based on hands-on experience and
written in a straightforward manner.
 Linux is born after UNIX is nearly brought to an end and this occurred between the year 1991
and 1995. After that, the Windows World in year 1996 to 1999 and without a doubt, the
Microsoft platform has advanced significantly, and for some businesses, it represents the best
choice. Many system administrators for UNIX and Linux started learning Windows because
they were afraid they would lose their jobs if they didn't.
 Linux and UNIX both succeed in year 2000 until now. So, It became clear that many
organizations with successful technology strategies used UNIX or Linux alongside Windows
rather than just one or the other. The conflict had ended.
What is meant by “ System administration is like
keeping the trains on time; no one notices except
when they’re late.”
 For us, the quotation “System administration is like keeping
the trains on time; no one notices except when they’re late.”
means that system administration is a very important because
they are the ones who operates, performs and they are
responsible for maintaining and keeping the system working
well. But some people didn’t notice the importance of system
administration except when they are late.

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