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Writing a

Let us have a warm-up!
Instruction: Reflect on the things that
are happening in the society now. Are
there things that you want to
investigate as a student? Is there a
solution that you have in mind to the
existing problems in the modality of
education that you experience in school
Parts of a Concept Paper/Project Proposal

 It usually ranges from 500-2000 words and

is usually divided into several parts.
 The project proponent or the researcher
needs to follow the format and design
required by the funding agency or the
university that will accept your paper.
Concept Paper for a Project
Use the structure below when you want to propose a
certain tangible project in your discipline.

Name of Proponent:

Project Title:

Project Time-frame:
I. Project Contacts
List the persons who are involved
with the project and their contact
details. Be sure to include their
names, titles, roles in the project, as
well as phone numbers and email
Name, contact number, role,
email address
II. Project Summary
The goal of this section is to
present the reasons for doing this
project as well as stating the
project’s objectives. In this section,
in particular, it is essential to write
concisely and clearly. Be able to
answer the following questions:
• Why are you doing this
• What will you be doing?
• How will you be doing it?
• Who will be doing it?
• Where will it be done?
• How long will it take?
• How much will it cost?
III. Project Background
Explain what needs/problems you are
trying to solve, and why these
needs/problems are worth solving. You
should also provide a brief setting and
history behind the project. This section
should be no more than a page. Include
references to supporting documentation,
such as project design or lay-out.
IV. Project Objectives
State explicitly what goals/outcomes
the project is aiming to achieve.

V. Project Methodology
This section details the plan for how
the project objectives will be achieved. It
usually starts with a description of the
overall approach.
A. Work Breakdown and Task Time
In this section, you should create a
detailed project schedule. Make a list of
tasks that will be performed for this
project, make sure the list is complete
enough and the tasks are broken down.
B. Project Deliverables
Make a list of the project
“deliverables.” (These are the products
that will be delivered to the client at the
end and throughout the project). Make
sure to include a description of the
C. Project Risk Management
This section details the significant
project risks and delineates the plans
to alleviate or control them. Make sure
to address each risk’s likelihood of
occurring as well as its impact on the
project and the school.
VI. Project Costs
In this section you will need to estimate
the overall cost of the project.
A. Project Budget – must be detailed
B. Sources – (source of fund)
Concept Paper for Academic Research
Use the structure below when you intend to present
an idea or concept for a research you want to pursue.

1. Title Page contains

• Research title
• Name and school
• Date of submission
2. Rationale
• State the general situation or the
overview of your research problem.
• Narrow down the problem by providing
statistics or data to support the
• Connect the general problem to
the topic you are engaging with.
• Provide information about your
target topic.
• State research gaps that will prove
that your study is needed to be
3. Theoretical or Conceptual
• Theoretical Framework
 Provide the background of the theories
in which your study will be anchored
• Conceptual Framework
 Provide the operationalization of
your research variables
consistent with how will you go
about the whole process of your
research investigation
4. Research Questions
• State the questions that you
would like to investigate in your
5. Research Methods
• Research Design
 State the specific
qualitative/quantitative design – the
approach to the data collection,
analysis and report writing to be
used Example: Descriptive,
Ethnographic, Experimental, Case
Study, Historical, Survey, etc.
• Sampling and Participants
 State the identification of the
participants in the study, how they
will be selected and the sampling
technique to be used.

• Data Collection Instruments

 State the instruments to be used,
how to use it and its validity and
• Data Collection Procedures
 State the steps involved in the data
collection. It should be written in the
narrative form.
 Identify the setting boundaries of the
study and the protocol for recording of
the information.
• Data Analysis
Explain how the data will be analyzed.
Example: The statistical treatment to
be used etc.

6. References
Provide information for the sources
you used in your research.

Directions: Choose only one task from

the given below.
1. Imagine that you are a producer of a game show to be
aired on national television. You are expected to present it
to the CEO of GMA 7. Use the format below to present your

Program Title: ________________

Target Audience: ______________
Suggested Time Slot: ___________
Length: ___________

I. Description of the Mechanics

II. Sample Game Questions
III. Suggested Presenters
IV. Suggested Budget
V. Suggested Set Design
2. This pandemic has brought us to experience the new
normal in education. If you are to present an idea/activities
or programs that may help students learn during this time,
present it using the generic concept paper format. Write
your answer on a whole sheet of paper.

Title of the Project:

I. Project Description
II. Purpose Statement
III. Procedures/Steps in Executing the project
IV. Anticipated budget
V. Contact Information
1. You may have this performance task
individually or maximum of three members
per group.
2. Each member of the group should submit
the copy of the proposal indicating the
name of all the members in the cover page.
3. Your output will be graded according to the
rubrics below.
Accuracy of the Content – 40%
Organization of Ideas – 20%
Mechanics (capitalization,
punctuation, spelling) – 15%
Citation – 15%
Grammar – 10%
Total: 100%

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