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Meaning: N. The supposed ability to move objects by mental

effort alone.
Example: You can move physical objects using psychokinesis.
Meaning: n. Teleportation is the hypothetical transfer of matter
or energy from one point to another without traversing the
physical space.
Example: The theme of the geekclub is around teleportation.
Meaning: adj. It is the power to exert force and lift weights
beyond what is physically possible
Example: His superhuman strength is one part of his
exceptional powers.
Meaning: It is the transmission of information from one
person to another without using any known human sensory
channels or physical interaction.
Example: The yogi who awakens this chakra acquires the
sense of Telepathy
Meaning: n. shapeshifting is the ability to physically transform
Example: It would simply be a cat were it not for its powers of
flight and shapeshifting.
Meaning: N. It is the state of an object that cannot be seen.
Example: Sue Storm possesses two powers: invisibility and
force fields.
Meaning: n. The idea of traveling into the past or the future.
Example: Avengers Endgame does good work to make sure
its rules of time travel make sense.
Meaning: n. It is the ability to see through physical objects at
the discretion of the holder of this superpower
Example: Superman has the power of X-ray vision.
Meaning: n. is the application of beliefs, rituals or actions
employed in the belief that they can subdue or manipulate
natural or supernatural beings and forces.

Example: Doctor Strange found new sources of magical

strength in the form of chaos magic.
Meaning: n. the quality of being able to live or last forever
Example: In Marvel Comics, Wolverine, aka James Howlett is
Meaning: n. It is the purported psychic ability allowing a person
to create and control fire with the mind
Example: The first popular pyrokinetic in comics was the
Golden Age Human Torch.
Meaning: n. The Flight is ability to lift off the ground, to ride air currents
or to fly self-propelled through the air.

Example: Thor is capable of pseudo-flight when he has the use of

Meaning: n. (or astral travel) It is a paranormal interpretation of an
out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid
dreaming or deep meditation.

Example: Scarlet Witch and Doctor Strange are able to do while

astral projecting.
Healing Factor
Meaning: n. is a term used to describe the ability to recover
from bodily injuries or disease at a superhuman rate

Example: Deadpool's healing factor lets him recover from

almost any physical injury
Meaning: n. the ability to move your body quickly and easily
Example: Nightwing has developed agility that is practically
that of a superhuman
Power absorption
Meaning: It is the hability of absorbing powers from others,
usually temporarily and the victims naturally regain their lost

Example: Rogue is a mutant with the ability of absorbing

Meaning: n. something that is not really what it seems to be
Example: Loki is able to create solid illusions, not disrupted by
Meaning: n. The power to speak, understand and decipher any
and all languages
Example: Adam Warlock can understand any language.
Meaning: n. The power to emit laser beams from the eyes.

Example: Despite of how it may appear, Cyclops does not have

laser vision.

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