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Structure and

Organization in
(The Importance of Structure in Composition Writing)
In the literary sense, the word composition
(Latin word componere meaning "to put
together") is the way a writer assembles
words and sentences to create a coherent and
meaningful work.
Composition can also mean the activity of
writing, the nature of the subject of a piece of
writing, the piece of writing itself.
Four Main
Types of Writing

• Expository
• Persuasive
• Narrative
• Descriptive
Expository Persuasive
Writing in which Writing that states the
author's purpose is to opinion of the writer and
inform or explain the attempts to influence the
subject to the reader. reader .

Narrative Descriptive
A type of expository writing
Writing in which the that uses the five senses to
author tells a story. The paint a picture for the reader.
story could be fact or This writing incorporates
fiction. imagery and specific details.
The introduction should contain the topic

Parts of a
sentence and a brief description of the topic.
This answers the question WHAT
(1 paragraph with 3-5 sentences)

Composition Body
The body expounds the topic by presenting
salient points of justification this answers
the question WHY and HOW
(3 paragraphs with 3-5 sentences)

The conclusion is the resolution, and it
concludes a realization in the form of
values, morals, lessons, suggestion, and
(1 paragraph with 3-5 sentences)
The Introduction usually include the following information:
• General topic introduction (background context, combined with an interesting and
informative beginning that is likely to grasp the reader's attention and encourage
them to read on.)

• The focus of the essay (so that the reader is better able to more accurately
pinpoint what aspect of the general topic is under review or being discussed.)

• Generally, the principle is to begin with general information/statements and

become more specific or focused during the introduction.
The body of your essay will include these features:
• Structured argument and discussion
• One idea or main point to a paragraph
• A logical progression of ideas (as outlined in the introduction)
• Support given to statements, with evidence, quotes, examples, statistics, etc.
• Opinions must be informed... no broad generalizations and unsubstantiated
• Each paragraph will follow on, or be linked to the next paragraph through
transition (ending) and introductory sentences; there must be structure and
continuity in your discussions
• Your argument will demonstrate a capacity to apply and interpret information you
have researched
Most conclusions contain the following information:

• Establishes what you consider to be the main points of your discussion

• Does not introduce any new information

• Draws together the main ideas of the essay in a summary of the major
points/arguments raised in the body and how they are related
3 Reasons Why Structure is Crucial to our
Writing Success
It helps the writing flow

It provides a strong foundation It expands our creativity

It provides a strong foundation
Structure can often be a strong foundation for us to build our writing from.
When we're struggling to add substance to our ideas, putting them into a
structure gives us a base to work from. It allows us to see our ideas clearly
and gives us a chance to explore and expand them.
It helps the writing flow
Some of the power of creative writing lies in its ability to transport
us to new worlds. When a writing flows smoothly, as readers, we
are drawn into that world. Scenes that seem to flow into one
another naturally act as hooks between reader and story.
It expands our creativity
By applying structure, we can break down that particular barrier. Structure
can fuel our creativity by helping us find links between the elements in our

Structure can also expand our creativity by urging us to focus on attention

to detail. As we search for that smooth narrative flow, we begin to explore
how we can weave things together in a way that feels natural.
Importance of Structure in Writing
It helps to make your ideas clear, guides the reader's comprehension
and can strengthen your arguments.
Writing a clear structure and a logical flow are imperative to a
cohesive text.

Good writing increases credibility.

Good writing makes us better thinkers.

Don't Be Afraid To Play
With Structure
Don't be afraid to experiment with different
structures. Experimentation is a valuable
tool in your writer's arsenal, and you never
know what ideas might develop from it.
Trust in your writing self and you will find
the shape you've been searching for.
Grab a pencil or computer and...

Davison, L. (2023). Here Are The 3 Reasons Structure Is So Essential To Creative Writing —
Derbyshire Writing School. Derbyshire Writing School.

The Writers’ Studio. (2021, May 20). The Power of Structure - The Writers’ Studio. The Writers’

LibGuides: CIPPET Study Support: Structuring your work and paragraphing. (n.d.).

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