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Training Methods

Kamal Uddin Ahmed Ph.D.

NSU MBA HRM 603 Spring’23, Friday, 05 May’23

Why training methods

Technology and mode of delivery

Content, mode of delivery and the
Role of cost for development, cost of
delivery, other constraints play in the
selection of delivery system
Basic understanding of training methods,
components, variations, strength and
limitations in terms of cost, suitable
learning objectives, other factors related to
Lectures and
Computer Based
Business Games
On-the-Job Training
Effective training methods
Effective training methods require
sound foundation of learning
principles and a learning model.
Adult learning principles are important
it increases likelihood that group
members learn
be committed to the groups’ goal
generate more solutions to problems
Training methods
Decide for trainees what is important for
them to learn.
Validate information on their beliefs and
Expect what they are learning is
immediately useful.
Have past experience upon which to draw
and may also have fixed viewpoints.
have significant ability to serve as a
knowledgeable source to the facilitator and
group members.
are problem centered rather than content
enables active participation
functions best in collaborative environment.
Adult learning principles -
Do I -
Focus on real world problem
Relate the group activities to
individual/member goals.
Relate materials to past experiences
Allow debate and challenges to ideas.
Listen and respect the opinion of group
Encourage members to treat everyone in an
adult like manners.
Lectures and Demonstrations

one of the oldest forms of training

second only to demonstrations.
printed or oral, is best use to create
understanding of a topic or to
influence attitudes through education
about a topic.
In its simplest form, it is merely telling
someone about something.
Straight Lecture
an extensive presentation of information
which the trainee attempts to absorb
lecturer can decide to vary from the training
script, based on cues from the trainees,
whereas straight text is limited to what is
Discussion method
uses a lecturette to provide trainees with
information that is supported , reinforced,
and expanded on through interactions
both among the trainees and between the
trainees and the trainer.
provides a two way flow of communication.

a visual display of how to do

something or how something
to be effective, a demonstration
should, at a minimum , be
accompanied by a lecture and
preferably by a discussion.
Strengths and Limitations of
Lectures and Demonstration
focus on four major issues
The cost in both financial and other
resources required to achieve the
training objectives.
How much control the trainer has over
the material that will be covered.
The type (s) of learning objectives
How the method activates different
social learning theory processes.
Control of material and process

lectures, discussions, and demonstrations

provide high degree of trainer control over
the training process and content.
as the training becomes more interactive,
control shifts more to the trainee.
advantage of increasing trainee
participation in the content is that it
increases the amount that is learned.
disadvantage is that it decreases trainer
control over what is learned and increases
the time required for learning.
Learning Objectives (KSAs)
lecture is most useful when trainees lack
declarative knowledge or show attitudes that
conflict with the training objectives
printed or video lecture is more effective as they
can be studied in more depth and retained to
refresh learning over time
discussion method is more effective than the
straight lecture for learning higher- order
if the training objective is skill improvement, the
demonstration may be appropriate. It is also
appropriate for complex task.
discussion method is more effective than the
straight lecture in producing attitude changes
Learning Processes

If done properly
lectures and demonstrations attract and maintain the
attention of the trainees
of the three learning process (attention, retention, and
behavioral reproduction) , attracting attention is what the
lecture does best.

involve the process of symbolic coding, cognitive
organization and demonstration as symbolic rehearsal
by their nature, as it stimulates in a symbolic rehearsal

Behavioral Reproduction:
important for the trainer to monitor the learner’s
provide appropriate feedback to assure the correct behavior
is learned.
Training group characteristics
The Trainees
For any type of lecture to be effective
trainees should be at about the same general level
of intellectual ability and possess about the same
level of related content knowledge
If the trainee group is widely divergent in either of
these areas, it is difficult to aim the lecture at the
appropriate level of understanding.
The training group should be more diverse,
because the discussion period provides an
opportunity for more active learning.
The training group can be fairly diverse for
Computer Based Training
Many companies are implementing CBT as an
alternative to class-room based training Some of
the reasons for this shift are demonstrated by the
beliefs companies hold about CBT such as
reduces trainee learning time
reduces the cost of training
Provides instructional consistency.
affords privacy of learning(errors can be made
without embarrassment)
Allows the trainee to master learning.
Is a safe method for learning hazardous tasks.
Increase access of training.
Programmed Instruction
method of self-paced learning
managed by both the trainee and the
learning system (e.g. computer
program or text).
the process of leading a trainee
systematically through new
information in a way that facilitates
the most efficient learning.
Intelligent Tutoring system
next generation of programmed instruction
uses artificial intelligence to assist in the tutoring
or coaching of the trainees
not only provides guidance and selects the
appropriate level of instructions for the trainee,
can also the do the following tasks:
Generate an instruction that matches the individual
trainee’s needs.
Communicate and respond to trainee questions.
Model the trainee’s learning processes (assess current
level of knowledge, identify misconceptions, learning
problems and needs.
Determine what information should follow based on
previous trainee responses.
Determine trainee’s level of understanding of the topic.
Improve its strategies for teaching the trainee based on
the trainee’s responses.
Interactive Multimedia:
interactive Multimedia training integrates the use
of text, video, graphics, photos, animation and
to produce a complex training environment with
which the trainee interacts.
Virtual Reality
puts the trainee in an artificial three-dimensional
environment that simulates events and situations
that might be experienced on the job
provides trainees with an understanding of the
consequences of their actions in the work
environment by interpreting and responding to
the trainee’s actions.
Strengths and Weakness of
Control of material and
Learning objectives(KSAs)
Learning process
Training groups
Business Games
Games and Simulations
are designed to reproduce or simulate processes,
event and circumstances that occur in the
trainee’s job.
The techniques are
Equipment Simulator
mechanical devices that require trainees to use
the same procedures, movements or decision
process they would use with equipment on the job.
two things should be under consideration:
Physical fidelity
Psychological fidelity
In-Basket Technique
provides trainees with a packet of written information
and requests
memos, messages, and reports, that would typically
be handled in a given position
this popular quasi-simulation focuses primarily on
decision making and allows an opportunity for both
assessing and developing decision making for KSAs
Case Studies
attempt to simulate decision-making
situations that trainees might find on the
learning objective is to get trainees to apply
known concepts and principles and
discover new one
Role Play
an enactment (or simulation) of a scenario in
which each participant is given a part to act out
trainees are provided with a description of the
context- usually a topic area, a general
description of a situation, a description of their
role (e .g their objectives, emotions, concerns),
and the problem they each face
once the participants read their role
descriptions, they act out their roles by
interacting with one another
Structured Role Play
provide trainee with more detail about the
situations as well as more detailed descriptions
of each character’s attitude, needs, opinions
and so on
Behavior Modeling
uses the natural tendency for people to observe
others to learn how to do something
Define the key skill deficiencies
provide a brief overview of relevant theory
specify key learning points/critical behaviors to
watch for
Use an expert to model the appropriate behavior
encourage trainees to participate the
appropriate behaviors in a structured role play
Provide opportunities for the trainer and other
trainees to give reinforcement for appropriate
imitation of the model behavior.
Ensure the trainee’s supervisors reinforces
appropriate demonstration of behavior on the
Strengths and Limitations of
Games and simulations

Control of content and
Learning objectives(KSAa)
Learning process.
Training group
On-the-Job Training
most frequently used training method
especially in smaller business
uses experienced and skilled employees
takes many forms and can be supplemented with
class room training
formal OJT programs should follow a care fully
developed sequence of learning events. most
frequently used training method
especially in smaller business
uses experienced and skilled employees
takes many forms and can be supplemented with
class room training
formal OJT programs should follow a care fully
developed sequence of learning events.
Job Instruction Technique (JIT)

JIT uses a behavioral strategy with a

focus on skill development. JIT
consists of four steps-
try out
follow up
preparation should include a written
breakdown of the job
a systematic analysis and
documentation of the job tasks will
ensure that all the points are covered in
the training
the basics of instruction are
Break down the job
Prepare an instruction plan
Put the learner at ease.

includes four steps

Try out
provide a safe transition from watching and
listening to doing (symbolic Rehearsal)
Have the learner “talk through” the job.
Have the learner instruct the supervisor on
how the job is done.
Let the learner do the job.
Provide feedback, both positive and
Let the learner practice.
Follow up

• trainer must check the trainee’s work

often enough to prevent incorrect and
bad work habits from developing
Check progress frequently at first.
Tell the learner whom to go to for
Gradually taper off progress checks.
Apprenticeship Training
another form of OJT
one of the oldest forms of training
apprenticeship programs are partnership
between labor unions, employers, school
and the government
in general, it requires 2 years of on-the job
experience and 180 hours of class room
instruction, though requirements vary from
program to program.
process of providing one-on-one guidance
and instruction to improve knowledge, skills
and work performance.
Training The trainer for OJT
The components for training the trainer
should include
The company’s formal OJT process (e.g. JIT),
the policies and support provided by the
interpersonal skills and feedback techniques
principles of adult learning
Audiovisual Enhancements to
Audiovisual aids consist of any physical, mechanical
or electronic medias used to provide or assist

Static Media
this medias are presentation of fixed text or
images such as printed matter, overhead
transparencies, pictures etc

Dynamic media
dynamic Medias create sequentially moving
Newsprints, charts and posters
Newsprints, charts and posters are display
information through words or images
they range from hand made, with felt markets and
newsprint, to professionally prepared.
Projected text and images
In the past, the two method of projecting text or
images for simultaneous viewing by audience
Photographic slides
Overhead transparencies
Photographic slides
are simply photographs of training related graphics, text,
or actual equipment
Overhead transparencies
requires text and images to be transferred to the
transparency material (generally clear acetate)
Dynamic Audiovisual Methods
Audio-only Tapes
has the same characteristics as the straight
the only differences are that the audio tape is
exactly the same each time it is used and provides
no accompanying visual stimulus.
Moving Film and Videos
are good ways of both showing and telling trainees
how to do something
they can present conceptual or factual information
by integrating narration with visual illustrations,
graphics and animated depictions.
Computer Generated Dynamic
with the ability to project computer
screen images onto a large screen
increasing ability to digitize sound and
image electronically
the computer is rapidly becoming a
critical training tool
developing a CGDP require more
hardware and software knowledge.
Thanks a lot

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