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Paths and
Russell Fortaleza
Restley Guay
Dale Matthew Boquiren
OBJECTIV To understand the basic concepts of digraphs,
paths, and subgraphs, including their
definitions, properties, and examples.

To learn how to represent digraphs using
graphs, matrices, and other mathematical
structures, and how to manipulate them for
different purposes.

to provide a solid foundation in graph theory.

• A digraph or directed graph is a graph that is made up of a set of
vertices connected by directed edges, often called arcs.

A directed graph is an ordered pair G = (V, A) where

V is a set whose elements are called vertices, nodes, or points; A is a set
of ordered pairs of vertices, called arcs, directed edges (sometimes
simply edges with the corresponding set named E instead of A), arrows,
or directed lines.

Out Degree and In Degree
Out degree- The number of edges going out of a vertex in a directed graph.
In degree- The number of edges coming into a vertex in a directed graph.

Out Degree: In Degree:

d+(V1)=2 d-(V1)=0
d+(V2)=1 d-(V2)=1
d+(V3)=0 d-(V3)=2
d+(V4)=1 d-(V4)=1

Out Degree: In Degree:

d+(V1)=1 d-(V1)=1
d+(V2)=0 d-(V2)=2
d+(V3)=2 d-(V3)=0
Isolated vertex
Isolated vertex is a vertex of degree zero (no edges going in or out of it) degree of a vertex:
the number of edges incident to a given vertex.
d+(Vi)= d-(Vi)=0


This is the isolated vertex

Isolated Vertex
Pendant Vertex
Pendant Vertex is a vertex of a graph is said to be pendant if its neighborhood contains
exactly one vertex.
d+(Vi)+ d-(Vi)=1


Pendant Vertex

This is the Pendant Vertex

Simple Digraph
Simple digraph is a digraph that has no self-loop or parallel edges.

Symmetric digraphs
Symmetric directed graphs are directed graphs where all edges appear twice, one in each direction
(that is, for every arrow that belongs to the digraph, the corresponding inverse arrow also belongs to



• A path is a sequence of edges that begins at a vertex, and travels
from vertex to vertex along edges of the graph. As the path travels
along its edges, it visits the vertices along this path, that is, the
endpoint of these. The number of edges on the path is called the
length of the path.

Applications: Numerous problems can be modeled with paths

formed by travelling along edges of graphs such as:
- determining whether a message can be sent between two
- efficiently planning routes for mail delivery.
w x y z w corresponds to a path of length 4.

Definition: Let n be a non negative integer and G an undirected graph.

- An undirected graph is called connected if there is a path between every pair of
vertices. An undirected graph that is not connected is called disconnected. We say that
we disconnect a graph when we remove vertices or edges, or both, to produce a
disconnected subgraph.
• When the graph is simple, we denote this path by its
vertex sequence x0, x1,…xn (since listing the vertices
uniquely determines the path).

Example: In the simple graph here:

-a, b, c, d, e, f is a simple path of length 5.
- a, d, c, f, e is a simple path of length 4.
• The path is a circuit if it begins and ends at b, c, f, e, b is a circuit of length 4.
the same vertex (u = v) and has length
greater than zero.

Example: w x y z w corresponds
to a path of length 4.

• The path or circuit is said to pass through the

vertices x1, x2, …xn-1 and traverse the edges e1, …,
• A path or circuit is simple if it does not contain the
same edge more than once.
Point Line
- A point is a particular position in a one-
- A Line is a connection between two points. It can
dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-
dimensional space. For better be represented with a solid line.
understanding, a point can be denoted by
an alphabet. It can be represented with a Example:

Example :
Here, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the points. The link between
these two points is called a line.
Here, the dot is a point named ‘a’.
Vertex Edge
- A vertex is a point where multiple lines - An edge is the mathematical term for a line that
meet. It is also called a node. Similar to
connects two vertices. Many edges can be formed
points, a vertex is also denoted by an
alphabet. from a single vertex. Without a vertex, an edge
cannot be formed. There must be a starting vertex
Example: and an ending vertex for an edge.
Here, the vertex is named with an alphabet
Here, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the two vertices and the link
between them is called an edge.

•Mainly a graph consists of two components :

•The set of vertices is denoted by V. Sometimes it is also called nodes or points.
• The set of edges is denoted by E i.e.(that is), when we join the pair of vertices, then a line joining
the points is called arcs or single lines.
• A graph ‘G’ is defined as G = (V, E) Where V is a set of all vertices and E is a set of all edges in
the graph.
•If in a graph G, the numbers of vertices are V and the numbers of edges are E, then a graph is
written as :
• G = (V,E)
•Graph = (Number of Vertices, Number of Edges)
• A graph h is called a sub graph of H if all the vertices and all the edges of h are in H, and each
edge of h has the same end vertices in h as in H.
Example of Graph:
Example of Graph:
• Edge Disjoint Subgraph
H • Vertex Disjoint Subgraph
• Two subgraph H1 and H2 of a graph G are
said to be edge disjoint subgraph if H1 and
H2 do not common edge.

E (H1) ∩ E (H2) = Ø
a vertex disjoint subgraph is a subgraph
where none of the vertices in the subgraph
are shared with any other subgraph. In other
words, the subgraph only contains vertices
that are unique to that particular subgraph
and do not appear in any other subgraph.
What is proper and
improper subgraph?

A subgraph H of G if H is
equal to G we say that H is an
improper subgraph of G if H
is not equal to G which means
that G has some vertices or
some edges or some vertices
and edges that aren't in its sub
graph H that means that H is a
proper subgraph of G.
• An Induced Subgraph is a special case of subgraph. If S
is a subset of G’s nodes. Then the subgraph of G induced
by S is the graph that has S as its set of vertices and

INDUCED contains all the edges of G that have both endpoints in S.

This definition covers both directed and undirected
SUBGRAPH graphs. Also, it covers the weighted just as the

S unweighted ones.
Tip: "if you do not know the answer in an item, skip it and go to
the next. If time permits go back to skipped questions and if you
really don't know. Make a guess."
- Sir Ems, 2023


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