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Learning Theories and Instructional

Design (EDLTI:303)

Yubaraj Bhattarai
Semester I
Week 2
(March 19, 2023 Sunday, 6:00 pm -9:00 pm)

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Agenda For Today!
Session I
Principles of Pavlovian conditioning
and Implication
Session II
Principles of Pavlovian
conditioning and Implication
Session III
Feedback and Discussion
Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
2.Principles of Pavlovian conditioning
and Implications
 Process and acquisition of the conditioned
response (CR)
 Different conditioning paradigm
 Nature of extinction and spontaneous recovery
 Inhibitory processes
 Application of Pavlovian conditioning in

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Behavioristic Learning Theory
S-R Theories without Reinforcement
Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory
Watson's Learning Theory
Guthrie's Learning Theory

S-R Theories with Reinforcement

Skinner's Learning Theory
Thorndike's Learning Theory
Hull's Learning Theory

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Principles and Assumptions of Behaviorism

Principles of equipotentiality: learning principles should

apply equally to different behaviors and to a variety of
animal species.
The learning process can be studied most objectively by
focusing observable and measurable stimuli and responses.
Internal processes are largely excluded because they
cannot be directly observed and measured.
Learning involves observable change in behavior.
Organisms are born as blank slates.
Learning is largely the result of environmental events.
The most useful theories tend to be parsimonious ones.

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Born Sept 14, 1849
Died Feb 27, 1936
Born in Ryazan, Russia
Physiologist, psychologist,
and physician
Awarded the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine in
1904 for research on the
digestive system

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Pavlov Classical Conditioning (1849-1936)
Learning which has been acquired through experience.
Pavlov trained dogs to salivate when they heard a bell
Showed them food, the sight of which caused them to
 Later Pavlov would ring a bell every time he would
bring the food out, until eventually, he could get the dogs
to salivate just by ringing the bell and without giving the
dogs any food.

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
Pavlov showed how a reflex (salivation, a natural bodily
response) could become conditioned (modified) to an
external stimulus (the bell) thereby creating a
conditioned reflex/response.
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Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
Basic Premises of Behaviorism

Mental/Psychological Process

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Components Involved in CC
Unconditioned stimulus(UCS)
Conditioned stimulus(CS)
Unconditioned reflex/response(UCR)
The conditioned reflex/response. (CR)

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Unconditioned Stimulus (Food)
(UCS) An unconditioned stimulus is anything,
which can evoke a response without prior learning
or conditioning.
Conditioned Stimulus(Bell)
(CS)This causes an automatic reflex

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Unconditioned Reflex/Response
(UCR) An unconditioned reflex is anything that
happens automatically without you having to think
about it, such as your mouth salivating when you eat.
(UCR)Reflex that happens automatically and you did
not have to learn how to do it.
Conditioned Reflex (salivation in response to bell)
(CR) A conditioned reflex is a response which you
have learnt to associate with something.

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Basic concepts in classical conditioning
1.Extinction: a conditioned response will
disappear over time when the conditioned
stimulus (CS) is no longer presented.
2.Spontaneous recovery: sometimes there is
the weak appearance of a previously
extinguished response.
3.Stimulus generalization: this is when
individuals respond in this same way to
experience stimuli. For example, all fuzzy
animals scaring a young child instead of just
a fuzzy cat.
Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
Implications of CC Theory
1. Change in Psychological Field
2. Habit Formation and Discipline
3. Eliminating Unwanted Responses
4. Teaching First Learning
5. Teaching in Learning of Verbal
6. The Field of Training and Sports
7. Training of Animals

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Implications of Pavlov’s Theory to Classroom
The theory believed that one must be able to practice
and master a task effectively before embarking on
another one.
This means that a student needs to be able to respond
to a particular stimulus (information) before he/she can
be associated with a new one.
 Teachers should know how to motivate their students
to learn. They should be versatile with various strategies
that can enhance effective participation of the students
in the teaching learning activities.
Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023
 Most of the emotional responses can be learned
through classical conditioning. A negative or
positive response comes through the stimulus
being paired with.
For example, providing the necessary school
material for primary school pupils will develop
good feelings about school and learning in them,
while, punishment will discourage them from
attending the school.

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

Thank you!!!

Yubaraj Bhattarai 05/29/2023

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