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Chapter 5


This chapter discusses the process of selecting and
screening employees that would fit the requirements of the hospitality
organization. Further techniques about training. developing,
empowering, and equipping talents to fit into the culture of the
organization shall be discussed as well.

This chapter explains the role of employee empowerment and how

it can affect the services provided by hospitality organization.
Moreover, this part of the book imparts the importance of having the
right mindset in the organization and how culture influence employee
productivity in the organization.
Learning objectives
At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to:

 Understand the process of recruiting employees and be familiar

with the approaches and techniques of interview and screening of
job candidates.
 Understand the training and development techniques used by the
tourism and hospitality organization.
 Know how tourism and hospitality employees are trained to prove
outstanding guest services.
 Know why hospitality organization value their employees through
 Understand the importance of managing and equipping employee
of the right mindset as being part of the organization.
Every hospitality organization, whether it is a hotel, restaurant,
resort lodging house, spa amusement park and 4
the likes, would want be known as a business that provides
the best quality of service and uniqueness. This can only be realized
even if the service that they provide are acceptable to the guest or
customers. Since customer expectations differ from one to the
another, the organizations are anticipated to provide the best services
that they can to avoid any unhappy guest.
Any guests dissatisfied with the services that an organization
renders would not only be a lost opportunity to earn profit, but also a
non-believer that would spread displeasure in the organization to
another potential guest and it can be affect to the operation of the

Staffing – it means the process of recruiting/hiring the right person at the

right place to increase the efficiency of the organization.
Hotel HR Manager or the Talent Acquisition - are responsible for recruiting
and training new hires, managing employee data and taking steps to retain
our people. 
• When hiring employees for the department, it is best to look first at
the requirements needed for the position rather than looking at the
• Managers should be able to carefully study the needs of their
department. To achieve the plan or objective of the department.
• Managers should always consider forming a team for a long run to
avoid spending time of doing the process repeatedly.

• Since the employees are often interacting with guests organizations

seek employees with the abilities that could provide the best guest
services. Applicants should have the right attitude and character, such as
friendliness, grace under pressure, integrity, and going the extra mile to
be strongly considered by companies.
• Employees who perform well are appreciated and loved by the
organization, and as much as possible, the organization would desire to
have many of this kind of employees.
• In terms of recruitment, it is suggested that the values of the brand are
clearly marketed or advertised to internal customers right from the
beginning of the hiring process. (Kim, & Kruesi, 2019).
Offers advantages over outside hiring,
outweighing other benefits.
 Information about the Applicant  Fairness of the Company
Is data about applicants from within the organization can Internal hiring for positions with qualified
be easily accessed and are more accurate. Since internal applicants from within the organization is an
applicants have ben weather organization, the previous objective strategy that would be received well by the
evaluations about the employees performance, work, employees. Hospitality organizations are rich in
ethics, habits, strengths, and weaknesses are recorded or employees who have been varied backgrounds and
observed. The limited information from an external highly competent in terms of training and education.
candidate may result in hiring mistake

 Knowledge and  Reduce Cost

 Organizational Culture and
Experience Within the
Organization Hiring employees entails a lot of
costs in different areas. These
Employees chosen for a position
To noncollege graduates this include advertising the vacancy to
that were hired internally would
is an opportunity for them major dailies or television,
have a better time in adjusting to
to have a higher position in workforce and logistic expenses
the organization culture and values
the organization and better during exams and interviews, some
internal employees are already
compensation. organizations incur travel expenses
familiar with the corporate.
for applicants and human resource
personnel, training, and orientation
among others.
is an option for organizations to improve
EXTERNAL HIRING - their operations, with advantages and
 Paradigm shift and new perspectives  Education and Experience

This is often evident among positions that entail It would take time and higher cost for
specific skills and important responsibilities. organization to train and develop
There are tendencies that employees tend to employees from within as compared to
familiarize themselves too much with how things hiring employees that are already trained
are done in the organization that they forget, and proficient with job required.
they must ensure also that the organization
must reach a level of competitiveness and
efficiency as compared to it's competitors.

 Diversity of Workforce

Organizations benefit from diversity in

the workforce, as it provides a wider
perspective and allows them to hire the
best employees regardless of ethnicity,
cultural background and color.
Approaches to Hiring External Employees

Organizations can use traditional or

state-of-the-art methods to
promote vacancies in their
organization, but success depends
on how the strategy is
Approaches to Hiring External Employees

1. The internet 2. Print Advertising 3. Professional linkage or

the internet may be the Print media is still an effective
greatest invention of today. way to advertise job openings, this functions venue to keep
It facilitated communication allowing applicants to find ad professionals updated of current
production and placements in major dailies and trends and situations of their
manufacturing magazines. industries. This is also an
transportation and many effective way to find out potential
other industry all over the jobs or recruit professionals.
world. This facilitated the
rise of job recruitment sites
that posted job vacancies or
open position of different
Approaches to Hiring External Employees

4. Internship Or Work And Travel Program 5. Referrals or Peer Recommendations

This approach targets recent graduates or students who are A good employee is always sought after by
about to take their on-the- job trainings (OJT) . Job organizations. Some go to the extent of offering better
recruitment companies offer programs that would provide compensation package to rein in their target. These good
the young people an opportunity to earn and Gain experience employees are also possible sources of new employees
as they prepare for their professional careers. Recruitment who may be of same caliber as they are. Organizations
organizations usually approach the universities to offer the ask their hardworking employees if they know of other
program . Students who are eligible to join the programmed people who are interested to work with the organization
shall be interviewed by the recruitment organizations and as well. Good employees most often think of the welfare
would the employer . Qualified students can join the of the organization and themselves. The tendency is to
program and will be given credits by the University in their refer or talk to individuals who they think can help the
OJT Subject. organization as they do or can be as talented as
  hardworking as they are
Approaches to Hiring External Employees

6. Company's Image Or 7. Walk-In Application

Applicant personally bring and
An organization with reputation their application forms to the
such as the best place to work and organization. Walk-in
that takes care of its employees and application are usually aimed at
values the members of its entry level position and are done
workforce is a magnet for a lot of job seekers who do not have
applicants. enough work experience yet.
Approaches to Hiring External Employees

8. Headhunter
9. Talent pooling
Other organizations seek out
Allows companies to maintain a list of
the services or professional
candidates for a single position, allowing
recruitment organizations when
them to quickly replace unsuccessful
they are looking for specific
applicants if needed.
skills and particular talents that
are vital in there organization.
In gathering the information, there are several tools that can be

1. Application form - are the most basic tools

used to gather information during the
employment process. The application form
contains the pertinent data about the

2. Interview - are done through face-to-face or

through the aid of technology using the internet
or video chat.
3. Psychological Tests - measure mental soundness,
intellectual capacities, intelligence, logical reasoning, memory,17
and other cognitive functions.

4. Background/References - to confirm the information

about the applicant and to verify or validate information and to
ask if they are recommending the applicant for employment.
Drug test and clearances from NBI are checked to ensure that
the criminal records of the applicant.
hospitality industry organization would least likely want to hear or 18
experience complaints about the services they render. The situation
may be very minor to unsuspecting eye, but the impact could be
devastating to the organization.

•Training the Employees - Hiring the most qualified and skillful

staff does not mean that the service would turn into the desired result
of the organization. Each employee should be trained and made to
understand the value of providing the best guest experience. the
should also equipped the employees with knowledge on proper
anticipation in order to provide for the customers expectation and to
figure out solution on situational problems that may arise
Some of the common methods of training applied by tourism and
hospitality organizations are the following:

1. Personal Training - it is a teacher and a student type of training or

one-on-one training, between trainer and trainee.

2. On-the-job Training - also known as outside training it is a form of

training where an individual learns the job through actual experience.

3. Classroom Lecture - it is the traditional teach and learn approach

where the trainees listen to the trainer about the knowledge and skills
that an employee has to know.
Some of the common methods of training applied by tourism and hospitality
organizations are the following:

4. Simulation – in organization where onsite training is not possible a simulated training

area is setup for training. Trainees are made to practice their task in a controlled
environment that mirrors and actual scenario in a workplace.

5. Audiovisual Presentation – many big organization create or commission a production of a standard

training video that could be used and viewed by their employees from the different branches in varied

6. Computer-Aided Training – the internet of things phenomenon has somehow made things easier for
all. Instructions and exercises are done through computer programs.

7. Do-It-Yourself (DIY) - Do-it-yourself- it refers to a training through modules coupled with self-paced
training method. An employee learns the different segments of the course through self study during the
time and place most convenient to the person
Motivating Employees to Provide Exceptional Service
Employees who are happy with what they are doing in the
company or if they are having fun while performing their
specific tasks do not feel burdened in their works. Most
tourism organizations create a leisure and fun experience
for their clients starting with their employees. Among the
many theme parks in the world, it can be observed that
employees starting from the staff at the entrance gate, ride
attendants, show performers, utility personnel and even
the park sweepers - radiate that feeling of excitement and
fun of being inside the park. If employees are to see the
organization and it's associated brand as authentic they
must receive the same type of treatment that external
customers have come to expect of the brand.

Another aspect in order to encourage

employees to perform better and develop
into becoming role model in the organization
is to provide them opportunities to make
decisions in relation to the performance of
their job. Empowerment can only be
effective if it serves the right purpose. Not in
all situation cab we say empowerment is
Organizational CULTURE in the Tourism
and Hospitality Industry
The summation of how people/employee within an organization interact with each other and
work together.

Culture is an action or an attitude on how employees should perform and think in the
performance of their jobs. Culture may change through time depending on the direction set by
the organization.
Thank you for

I hope you learned a lot about this
Any questions?
I. Below words are jumble. Find out what the word is and write it on the blank.

1. PLITIONCAPAP MORF- are the most basic tools used to gather information during the employment
process. The application form contains the pertinent data about the application.

2. TIERNIVEW - are done through face-to-face or through the aid of technology using the internet or
video chat.

3. CHOPSCALGILOY SETTS - measure mental soundness, intellectual capacities, intelligence, logical

reasoning, memory, and other cognitive functions.

4. RECENFERES - to confirm the information about the applicant and to verify or validate information
and to ask if they are recommending the applicant for employment. Drug test and clearances from NBI
are checked to ensure that the criminal records of the applicant.

5. EATXELNR HGINIR - is an option for organizations to improve their operations, with advantages and

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