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Course Teacher
Dr. Ansumalini Panda
Foundation of Individual Behavior
Personal Factors
Biological Factors Learned Characteristics

a. Biological a. Personality
Characteristics b.Perception
b. Age c. Attitude
c. Gender
d. Religion d.Values
e. Marital Status
f. Experience
g. Intelligence
h. Ability
Environmental Factors
1. Economic Factors
(a) Employment level
(b) Wage rates
(c) General economic environments
(d) Technology development
2. Socio-cultural factors
3. Political Environment
4. Legal Environment
Organizational Factors
1. Physical Abilities
2. Organizational Structure and Design
3. Leadership
4. Reward System
Personality “Personality is a dynamic organization within an individual
of those psychological systems that determines his unique adjustment
with the environment. It is a sum total of ways in which an individual
reacts and interacts with others.” – Stephen Robins
• Heredity: Heredity those factors refers to
biological aspects .It transmission of the
qualities from the parents to the children
through a biological mechanisms lying in the
chromosome of germ cells, physcical stature,
facial attractiveness, sex, muscle composition
and biological rhythms.
Personality Determinants
Heredity – Doctors son will most likely to become Doctor,
Army background family members generally chooses
Army jobs
Facial Feature, Skin tone, Physic etc
Situation – Tough comparatively very rare but
personality gets affected by the demands of the
Accidental business man, accidental politician
Environment – Surrounding factors like culture, family
values, social groups etc. Personality T
Personality Theory
• Trait Theory
• Psychoanalytic Theory
• Social Learning Theory
• Self Theory
16 Primary personality traits of MBTI Model
Personality Types

▶Type A Personality

▶Type B Personality
Type A traits
Traits of a type A personality

• having an aggressive nature

• being focused on achievement
• being hardworking
• being confident
• being easily irritated or intolerant
• being determined
• being unfriendly or hostile
• being good at multitasking
• having a sense of urgency
• being highly competitive
• being impatient
• being motivated and highly driven
• being energetic
• being hasty or approaching activities at a fast pace
• being controlling
• being stubborn or having fixed opinions
Some c haracteristics
of a Type A
Personality are:
▶ Always in a hurry
▶ Eats fast, walks and talks fast (often interrupting others)
▶ Restless when waiting l Highly competitive
▶ Very precise l Ambitious, sets own goals, takes work very
▶ Tries to do more than one thing at a time
▶ Aggressive
Some c haracteristics of a
Type B Personality are:
▶ Flexibility
▶ Low stress levels
▶ Relaxed attitude
▶ Adaptability to change
▶ Even-tempered
▶ Laid-back
▶ Tendency to procrastinate
▶ Patience
▶ Creativity
Traits of a type B personality

• being peaceful
• being relaxed
• being easygoing
• being stress-free or less prone to stress
• having a lack of sense of urgency to complete tasks and
• having a lack of conflict with others
• being stable
• being even-tempered
• being flexible and adaptable, adjusting to change easily
• being less competitive
• being able to approach activities and tasks at a slower pace
The Big 5 Personality Model
• Extraversion: who is sociable, talkative and assertive
• Agreeableness: who is good in natured, co-operative
and trusting
• Conscientiousness: responsible, Persistent and
Achievement oriented
• Emotional Stability: calm, nervous,enthusiatics,feel
sometimes depressed
• Openness to Experience: Imaginative, artistically,
sensitive and intellectual
Psychoanalytical Theory
• Human behavior is influenced by more by
unseen forces than conscious and rational
• The unconscious framework is composed of
three elements –id, ego, and Super ego
• Id-instant Pleasure
• Ego- Conscious and realistic
• Super ego-values, norms and ethics (Perfection)
Self Theory-Carl Rogers
• Self-Image: Self-image means what an individual thinks about himself.
Everybody has certain beliefs about themselves, such as who or what
they are, these beliefs form the self image and identity of a person.
According to Erikson, identity is formed through a lifelong development
usually unconscious to the individual and his society, i.e. an individual
forms perception about himself unconsciously, according to the social

• Ideal-Self: The ideal-self means, the way an individual would like to

be. It is very much different from the self-image, as it shows the ideal
position perceived by an individual, whereas the self-image is the
reality that an individual perceives.Thus, there could be a gap between
these two.
The ideal-self-acts as a stimulus to motivate an individual to undertake
those activities that are in compliance with the characteristics of his
ideal self.
• Looking-Glass-Self: The looking-glass self means, an
individual’s perception of how others are perceiving his
qualities or feeling about him. Simply, it is the perception
of other’s perception, i.e. perceiving what others perceive
about yourself and not see what actually you are.
• Real-Self: The real-self is what others show you with
respect to your self-image. An individual’s self-image is
confirmed when others responses to him and shares their
beliefs or perception, about what they actually feel about
him. This is taken as feedback from the environment that
helps an individual to adjusts his self-image accordingly
and be in line with the cues he had received.
Personality Development (Fraud Stage)
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