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 Beginning Phase:

 1. Assessment
 2. Planning

Middle Phase
1. Plan Implementation
 Ending Phase

1. Evaluation
2. Termination
1. Conceptualizing the Group
2. Announcing the Group Service
and recruiting members
3. Preparing Logistics
4. Enlisting community support
 Individual Focused Assessment and
 Involves information gathering and
information-gathering and analysis
towards an understanding and
consequently a definition of the need
or problem of the client
 Pre-group Interviews/Intake – done
prior to group formation.
Individual client’s profile: (should
contain the following
1) Name and other basic identifying
2) Need(s)/concerns/problems
relevant to the group program
3) Strengths/resources and
limitations, if any
4) Worker’s observations
 Case Assessment/Problem Definition

> Referred to as “social study” , “social

diagnosis”, “problem definition”,. And
“assessment” - as a process and a
product of understanding on which
action is based.
 Action-Planning
 Is
based on assessment and is the
outcome of assessment

 Includesthe following steps:

a. Formulating goals
b. Establishing specific helping plans
 Group-Focused Assessment and
1. Group Composition
1.1 selection of members (based
on compatibility or
complementarity and not identity
1.2 size of the group (4 to 15
more or less)
 2. Group Formation
Should discuss the following impt matters:
a. Common group concern/problem
b. Norms and rules
c. Schedule and venue of group sessions
d. Group goals
1. members’ perspectives ( own views,
perceptions, motivations needs, and
purposes of individual members)
2. worker’s perspectives
3. group system perspective: Group Goals
“Group system goals” according to
Schopler and Galinsky
 Plan Implementation
 Refersto all activities, worker
intervention and group action which
the group system directs towards the
achievement of goals (Boehm)
 Evaluation
 Can mean any of the following:
1. Regular or periodic – meaning
on-going evaluation of actions
taken during plan
2. Terminal evaluation – follows
implementation and is done
primarily to assess the outcome
of the helping efforts
 Summative evaluation – evaluation
that is concerned with outcomes or

 Formativeevaluation - evaluation that

is concerned with looking at the
process of the work.
 Records as evaluation tools:
 The following are records that the

group worker must write and keep:

5. Process or summary recordings of
group sessions
6. Records of marginal interviews (i.e.
interviews with members outside
group sessions)
 Records as evaluation tools:
 The following are records that the group
worker must write and keep:
7. Records of collateral interviews / interviews
with “significant others”
8. Evaluation records (i.e, individuals, group)
9. Transfer /closing summaries
Hartford describes the following parts of
1. Pre-termination- the period of
preparation for the actual ending which
can include the acknowledgment that
the group is about to end.
2. Termination – the last actual session
3. Post-termination – follow up plans
which can be done on either an
individual or on a group basis
Theoretical Models/Approaches
in working with groups
1. The Developmental Approach (Emanuel
2. The Crisis-Centered Approach
3. Remedial Approach (Robert D. Vinter)
4. An Interactionist Approach (William Schwartz)
5. Organization Model
6. Psychosocial Approach
7. Socialization Model
8. Task-Centered Approach
 Traces its roots to Grace Coyle’s
writings which underscores collective
self-help as the theme of group work,
on which is derived the first principle
of the approach: self- direction
toward a common goal is the most
effective vehicle for the social growth
of its members.
 People are not seen as being sick or
healthy, but on a scale ranging from -
 socially functional (adequate), to

dysfunctional (inadequate), to
eufunctional (optimum)… continually
able to move up this scale in a life-
long developmental process of self-
 The worker has three basic areas of operation:
 1. the group goal-achieving process;
 2. interpersonal relations;
 Instrumental behaviors – those consciously directed
toward common goal efforts;
 Expressive behaviors - unintended behaviors which are
emotional in nature that individual members manifest in
the course of performing instrumental behaviors. (likes
and dislikes, approval and disapproval, concern for
others, apathy, fear, etc…
 3. individual self- actualization
 Target to benefit from this model are those
who are headed toward deviant paths unless
given timely attention.
 A distinguishing characteristic of this model

is its interactional view of deviance. (i.e.,

actions between persons constitute a series
of interactions which shape and sustain
behavioral patterns. The judgments and
responses of others must be regarded as
crucial features of all behavioral patterns.)
 Vinter’s Treatment sequence:
2)Diagnosis and Treatment
3)Group Composition and Formation
4)Group Development and Treatment
5)Evaluation and Termination

 Extragroup relations - “refers to the
behavior or attitudes of persons in
the client’s social environment or to
large social systems within which both
clients and others occupy statuses”
 There is a symbiotic relationship
between people and their
environment, and therefore the
function of social work is to “mediate
the process through which the
individual and society reach out to
each other through a mutual need for
Individual or
Agency, or

 The group is seen as mutual aid group that is
focused on a specific problem or problems .
 The group in this approach has four major
 1) The group is a collective in which people
face and interact with each other;
 2) The people need each other for certain
specific purposes;
 3) People come together to work on common
tasks, and
 4) The work is embedded in a relevant agency
 Used with individuals, groups and
communities, that are in a state of
disequilibrium because of a crisis they
have experienced.
 A crisis is an “upset in a steady state”,

an emotional reaction on the part of

the individual, family, or group to a
threatening life event.
 Crisis is a temporary disturbance in one’s
equilibrium resulting in the immobilization
of problem-solving abilities and other
aspects of daily functioning. It is not a
considered a disease or pathology , but a
part of the normal growth process.
 Crisis intervention - is a process for actively

influencing the psychosocial functioning of

individuals, families and groups during a
period of acute disequilibrium.

 Crisis intervention involves crisis-oriented,
time limited: making help available within 24
to 72 hours of the request or “cry for help.”
 No intake procedures, and no waiting lists, not
transfer of workers
 The assessment-Planning-Intervention
sequence is not always followed because of
urgency of the need.
 Participation in the helping process is usually
 Most crisis states are limited to 4 to 6 weeks ,
a maximum of 6 sessions of crisis intervention.
 Target population:

 1. Individuals in crisis (e.g. victims or

rape and domestic violence)
 2) Those in collective crisis (e.g.

victims of natural disasters)

 3) Those associated with persons in

crisis (e.g. professionals and

volunteers helping people in crisis)
 Step II: The Search for Coping Means
Utilized by the Client
 1. What has the client tried to do to cope

with the stress produced by the

precipitating event ?
 What means of coping did the client use in

the past to cope with similar situations?

 Why is there a lack of “fit” between the

particular dilemma (problem-to-be-solved)

and the coping means the client has
 Step III: The Search for Alternative Ways of
Coping that Might better Fit the Current
 1. What different approaches to modifying

the problem might be feasible to try out?

 What outside resources might be needed

and tapped for helping to resolve the

 What new plan for action can be tested now?
 Is a form of crisis intervention that has been
found helpful to many Filipinos in collective
crisis caused by natural disasters like
earthquakes and floods.
 It has also been used with human service

providers who are the ‘hidden victims” of the

crisis experienced by their clients.


INCIDENT” has occurred.
 TCA is brief and time-limited for problems
of daily living.
 Its intervention is concentrated on

alleviating specific problems which the

client and the practitioner agree to work
 “Task” – is what the client is to do to

alleviate the problem, and represents both

an immediate goal the client is to pursue,
and the means of achieving larger goal of
problem alleviation.


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