Lina Ashar, Founder - Dreamtime Learning

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India’s Leading Online School – A Legacy of Lina Ashar: Founder Emeritus Kangaroo Kids & Billabong High

Lina Ashar
Founder Emeritus : Billabong High & Kangaroo Kids
Founder Dreamtime Learning
Ted X Speaker | Happiness Advocate | Author

Who disrupted learning, education and schools in 1993 and is doing so again in 2023.

Lina is passionate about children, learning, peace, happiness, self mastery, creating a
world of abundance and questioning the status quo. Lina moved to India from Australia in
1991 to teach in Mumbai and was aghast by the antiquated approach to learning. She
established Kangaroo Kids and Billabong High schools and successfully developed a
learner-centric education system with research-based curriculum, practical application of
knowledge and international standards. The schools that partnered with Lina and the
brands operate in 17 cities in India, and in Dubai and Maldives.
Dr . Kavitha Jain
CEO Dreamtime Learning
Having set up over a 100 schools and consulted about 3000 institutions, she is now truly
convinced that unschooling is justice to learning. The experience of learner centric practices
across 5 continents and interacting with industry veterans across businesses has brought
about the radical shift in understanding the need for innovative disruption in education

Pre-Primary (Age 4 to 6)

The Pre-Primary Program is designed for learners aged 4 to 6 and includes the following grades:

 Foundation Year 1 (KG1 / LKG)

 Foundation Year 2 (KG2 / UKG)

At Dreamtime Learning, we follow a play, activity, and inquiry-based Preschool Program that is comprehensive, flexible, and embraces the open-ended
nature of the teaching and learning process.
Our curriculum allows us to consider the child’s response as a cue to what to do next.
Children absorb and interact to develop skills, concepts, attitudes, values, and, behaviours in an environment that stimulates curiosity and wonder, and
supports them in developing mastery by creating.

The instructional design achieves subject goals based on the domains of child development -
  Inquire and discover,
  Explore, process and problem solve,
  Connect to the World - Cognitive Development;
  Communicate - Language and Literacy Development;
  Think and express creatively - Aesthetic and Cultural Development
  Understand self, others - Socio-emotional and ethical Development
  my body - Physical Development

The Dreamtime Learning curriculum

  Aligns with the National Curriculum Framework (NCF).
  Captivating Educator Engagement.
  Only 18 Students per class
  Individualized Nurturance and Support
  Daily Engaging Live Classes, 2-3 Hours, Mon-Fri.

Children choose activities based on their interests during the time allocated for unstructured and child-directed sessions and showcase their
understanding by revisiting previously learnt skills.
Primary (Age 6-10)

Our primary curriculum is designed with an aim to get our learner’s future ready.

The Primary Program is designed for learners aged 6 to 10 and includes the following grades:
  Grade 1
  Grade 2
  Grade 3
  Grade 4
  Grade 5

Brain research shows that early adolescence is a critical period of cognitive, Emotional, and social development for a child. Our middle
school learners synthesize the positive elements cultivated in preschool and elementary education as they acquire knowledge that goes
beyond facts and figures.
Having developed the character needed to thrive in a diverse and ever-evolving society, these young visionaries want to make a
difference, and that’s why we support their ability to make a real difference. By the time eighth graders walk across the stage to receive
their diplomas, they have not only acquired the academic skills necessary to meet the challenges of any high school, but they are also
committed to making the world a better and more just place.
Every aspect of our program is specifically designed with high school minds in mind. The interdisciplinary curriculum encourages learners
to embrace the adaptable entrepreneurial spirit needed to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving world. Learners practice key
communication skills by developing strong interpersonal relationships and mastering purposefully selected technology tools, enabling
them to become self-directed learners who apply critical thinking.
Middle School (Age 10 -13)

The perfect blend of International curriculum (CAIE); 21st-century learning skills and Emotional quotient.

The Middle School Program is designed for learners aged 10 to 14 and includes the following grades:
  Grade 6
  Grade 7

Brain research shows that early adolescence is a critical period of cognitive, emotional, and social development for a child.
Our middle school learners synthesize the positive elements cultivated in preschool and elementary education as they acquire knowledge that
goes beyond facts and figures.

Having developed the character needed to thrive in a diverse and ever-evolving society, these young visionaries want to make a difference, and
that’s why we support their ability to make a real difference.
By the time eighth graders walk across the stage to receive their diplomas, they have not only acquired the academic skills necessary to meet
the challenges of any high school, but they are also committed to making the world a better and more just place.
Every aspect of our program is specifically designed with high school minds in mind. The interdisciplinary curriculum encourages learners to
embrace the adaptable entrepreneurial spirit needed to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving world.

Learners practice key communication skills by developing strong interpersonal relationships and mastering purposefully selected technology
tools, enabling them to become self-directed learners who apply critical thinking

Language Capacity
Learners use the power of words to think critically, speak, and write. Language is   integrated with literature, and literature selections connect the curriculum to
local and global communities, as well as historical change and current events. Our learners analyze perspectives through active reading and practice the art of
using their own voice in structured composition and creative writing.

Mathematical Capacity
Mathematics at Dreamtime acquire the discipline of practice and learn to effectively utilize a blend of resources to gain proficiency, combined with real-world
experiences, builds understanding and bridges to future success for the rest of their lives!We must realize everyone can learn math, and that making mistakes,  
productive struggle, persistence and rigor, are helping students succeed in solving complex challenges that they need in the global future

Scientific Capacity
In middle school science, our learners make connections between the physical and natural world and their own lives. They explore earth science, biology,
environmental studies, chemistry and physics. Students are challenged to develop higher-level critical thinking skills through problem-based learning, cooperative
group projects, Lab experiences and field trips.

Global Studies Capacity

Through global perspectives we emphasise on developing skills of research, analysis, reflection, collaboration and communication. These are the transferable
skills necessary to succeed in a globally connected environment beyond school and university.. Using carefully sourced materials and resources, we will expose
our learners to different cultures, perspectives and traditions.
Special emphasis is placed on developing critical thinking skills through engaging and exciting global topics such as the environment, education, cultural identity
and human rights. As context, learners can choose topics and related issues that are interesting and relevant, such as issues related to sustainability. Learners
explore different perspectives, which helps them develop a global perspective. Learners begin to express their own opinions and develop an understanding that
there is always more than one point of view.
Second language Capacity (Hindi)

Third language Capacity

Technology Capacity

Learners will extract key information from a set of instructions, break problems into smaller parts, and recognize patterns in sequences of
Instructions, present sequences of instructions both verbally and visually, with increasing accuracy and think logically to identify and resolve
errors in increasingly complex computing scenarios. They will see themselves as computer scientists and understand how skills such as
programming and logical thinking help in local and global industry
They will develop digital skills and understand their place and that of others in the connected world and make informed decisions about the
information they encounter online. They will also develop the knowledge and understanding that will enable them to respond to and evaluate the
technologies of the future and learn how to become positive contributors to the digital world while using digital technology safely and protect
their own physical and emotional health.

Music Capacity
Art and Design Capacity

Along with these subjects we also have enhancement of learning activities such as Learning contributor sessions, Learning excursions and
Enrichment days.

We also offer
  Career counseling
  Psychologist counseling
  Work Education (Vocational courses)
  Everyday Practical Life (EPL)/ Community Service
  Design Thinking Project
Online School ++

The new world calls for a new School, Dreamtime Learning School offers a unique approach that combines the best of both digital and physical learning experiences. Our
online academic courses feature a world-class curriculum that is delivered transparently, providing personalized education opportunities with the flexibility and dynamic pace that
learners and families are looking for.
But we go beyond traditional online schooling at Dreamtime Learning School. We recognize that learners also need to engage in activities outside the classroom that enhance
their development and expand their horizons. That’s why we offer our Multiplier and Infinity Programs, which focus on developing a wide range of skills and values such as
social and emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial spirit, critical thinking, adaptability, goal setting, collaboration, and problem-solving. These programs are delivered at our world-
class experience centers located in Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Pune, providing learners with unique physical learning opportunities.

From overnight camps and team-building retreats to leadership workshops and more, the Infinity and Multiplier Programs provide a dynamic and engaging learning environment
where you can challenge yourself and grow as a person and a learner. So why settle for an ordinary education when you can join Dreamtime Learning School and take your
learning to the next level with the Infinity and Multiplier Programs?

Experience Centers: Our experience centers are particularly beneficial for students who are tired of solely online or physical-only schools. By providing a dynamic and
engaging space for learning, we help students to stay motivated and interested in their studies. From building robots to creating their own 3D masterpieces, we’ll take your
child’s education to a whole new level! And let’s not forget about the physical activities that will keep them fit and healthy – after all, a healthy body equals a healthy mind.
At our experience centers, students can take part in a variety of activities and workshops, ranging from fun-based games to advanced projects in IOT, robotics, and 3D
printing. Our math lab provides students with hands-on experience with mathematical concepts, and our sports and physical activities promote physical development and
healthy living. So, give your child the chance to experience themselves at our Experience Center. Who knows, they might just surprise you (and themselves) with what
they’re capable of!
1.Dreamtime Learning School’s Magic Circle Funtings (Field Trips)! re fun-packed adventures take learners to places like museums, planetariums, children’s exhibitions,
galleries, waterparks, and theme parks, where they’ll learn new things, make lasting memories, and have a blast doing it. Plus, with our expert staff at the helm, you can rest assured that
your child will be safe, happy, and well-cared for. And let’s be real, what’s more exciting than a day spent running around a waterpark or going on rollercoasters with your best buds? Our
Magic Circle Funtings (Field Trips) are a great way to help your child develop important skills like socialization, teamwork, and problem-solving, all while having the time of their lives. So
why settle for boring old school when you can join us for some Magic Circle funtings (Field Trips) and make school a blast? Trust us, your kids will thank you!

2.Humanity in Service and Action (HISA): Get ready to make a real difference in your community with the HISA program, part of the Infinity and Multiplier Programs at Dreamtime
Learning School! HISA is all about getting involved in your local community and making a positive impact while developing important skills like leadership, teamwork, and communication.
But that’s not all – HISA is also an opportunity to have fun and create unforgettable memories while giving back to your community. And the best part? HISA is just one part of the Infinity
and Multiplier Programs at Dreamtime Learning School, which offers a range of physical programs designed to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in life.

3.Internship: Are you ready to take your Child’s future career from zero to hero? Then saddle up for an internship experience like no other as part of the Infinity Program at Dreamtime
Learning School! Our internships are the perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and dive into the fast-paced world of your chosen career, working alongside industry experts and
gaining valuable skills that will help you land that dream job. Our program is designed to help your child develop hands-on experience, essential life skills, including leadership, teamwork,
and problem-solving, while also having fun and making memories that will last a lifetime. So if you’re ready to give your child the ultimate leg up in their future career and in life, look no
further than the Infinity Program at Dreamtime Learning School.
4.Overnight Trip: Boringly known as field trips, offer a wealth of benefits that can enhance a learner’s education in numerous ways. DTL School learners get an immersive learning and
engage fully with new environments and gain a deeper understanding of the places they visit. Spending time away from home and in new social situations can also help DTL School
learners develop important social and emotional skills. Additionally, magic circle Funtings can broaden learners’ perspectives, provide hands-on learning opportunities, and create fun and
memorable experiences that can foster a love of learning and a sense of adventure.

5.Career Pathway: At DTL School, we understand that choosing the right college and career path is a major decision, and we’re committed to helping our learners make the best
choices for their future. That’s why we’re proud to offer our Select Program’s Career Pathway component, which provides learners with personalized support and guidance as they
navigate the college application process. Our team of expert mentors and advisors will work with your child to write essays, prepare for interviews, and select the right colleges to apply to,
whether they’re aiming for top-tier universities or specialized programs like NEET, JEE or Ivy League colleges. But that’s not all – we also provide ongoing mentorship and support till your
child begins their college year, ensuring that they stay on track and make the most of their education. With Dreamtime Learning School’s Career Pathway, your child will have the tools
and guidance they need to achieve their full potential and build a successful career. So why stress over college apps when you can let Dreamtime Learning School’s Career Pathway do
the heavy lifting?

6.On Request Parent – School Interactions: We know that you’re busy and that sometimes it’s tough to find time to chat with your child’s teachers and school administrators during
regular PTMs. That’s why Dreamtime Learning School’s On-Request Parent-School Interactions are here to save the day! With this awesome feature, you’re not limited to talking to
faculty members only during scheduled meetings – instead, you can request a meeting anytime and our staff will be happy to accommodate you. Need to discuss your child’s progress?
No problem. Have a question about our curriculum or policies? We’ve got you covered. Plus, with our flexible scheduling and personalized approach, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll
always have access to the information and support you need to help your child succeed. So why stress about finding time for school meetings when you can request them on your own

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For Academic Year 2023-24

Dreamtime Learning School is proud to offer the British-Cambridge international curriculum at an affordable cost, giving families the opportunity to provide their children with a
quality education that won’t break the bank. Our program is designed to help students succeed and reach their full potential.

The fee structure for new students admitted to Dreamtime Learning School from KG to Grade 8 for the academic year 2023-24, starting on 7th June, 2023, is outlined below.

Enrol now and give your child the education they deserve.

Fee Details
Grade Tuition Fee DDLS Fee

Pre-Primary (FY 1 & 2) 52000 7500

Primary (Grade 1 to 5) 64900 7500

Middle School 72000 7500

(Grade 6 and 8)

Payment Schedule
Grade Admission Fee DDLS + First Term Mid Term Fee Total

Pre-Primary 5000 28500 26000 59500

(FY 1 & 2)

Primary 5000 34950 32450 72400

(Grade1 to 5)

Middle School 5000 38500 36000 79500

(Grade 6 & 8)

Payment Schedule At the time 1st of June, 2023 1st of Nov, -

of Admission 2023

“At Dreamtime learning, we believe that education must prepare students for the challenges of the future. In a rapidly changing world, where
AI, Automation and Digitization are transforming the way we live and work, it’s more important than ever to cultivate critical thinking and
problem solving skills
Our philosophy is centered on empowering students to become innovative problem solvers, equipped with the skills and knowledge they need
to succeed in a rapidly changing world. We believe that education should be hands-on and experiential, allowing students to apply what they
learn to real-world challenges.
At Dreamtime learning, we embrace an interdisciplinary approach to learning, where students are encouraged to explore the intersections
between subjects and to think creatively and critically about the world around them. Our project-based learning approach allows students to
delve deep into complex problems, using design thinking and other problem-solving methodologies.
We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, where all students are valued and encouraged to pursue their
passions. Our experienced educators work closely with families to ensure that each student receives a personalized education that meets
their unique needs and interests.
Join us at Dreamtime learning, where we are preparing the next generation of innovative problem solvers for the challenges of the future.”
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1402, Stone Arch CHS Sherly Rajan Road, Bandra West,

Mumbai 400050.

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