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EtherNet/IP Profile Switch Step by Step

Automation and Network Solutions

Commercial Information Integrating the EtherNet/IP Profile Switch

Assign IP address Enable EtherNet/IP and register EDS files Using RSLogix5000 sample files (v16 required) Using RSView Studio sample files

Automation and Network Solutions

Commercial Information
The EtherNet/IP Profile is available in the
3.0 firmware release for all Open Rail switches (RS20/30/40 and MS20/30) This functionality allows the switch to be integrated directly into the RSLogix5000 I/O tree There is no additional cost Switches already in the field can be flashed to this firmware level (firmware can be found at or send e-mail to 3.1 release (June) will add support for MACH, PowerMICE and Octopus families

Automation and Network Solutions

Integrating the EtherNet/IP Profile Switch Step 1 Assigning IP Address to a new switch
Use HiDiscovery to set the switchs IP address & subnet
mask HiDiscovery is on the product CD or can be downloaded at

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 2 Enable EtherNet/IP and register EDS files

Connect to the switch with your web browser answer Yes
when prompted

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Step 2 - continued
Login as Admin, default password is private

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Step 2 - continued
Expand the Advanced menu item, and select Industrial

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 2 - continued
Click the box to enable EtherNet/IP Click the Set button at the bottom of the page

*** Be sure to go to the Load/Save screen, and Save your configuration to make this change permanent.***

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 2 - continued

Click on the Download EDS File button (the EDS file is generated dynamically based on the switchs product code, then transferred to your PC) Register the EDS file using the EDS Hardware Installation Tool (Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software > RSLinx Tools > EDS Hardware Installation Tool) Alternately, all EDS files are included on the product CD. You can register them all at once from there.

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 using RSLogix5000 sample files

Sample files are available at (search Title Hirschmann) or at Version 16 is required for this file it takes advantage of the new Add-On Instruction functionality Version 16 is NOT required for the EtherNet/IP functionality of the switch to work only to use these sample files

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued

You can use the base sample file or import the Add-On Instruction from the XML file into an existing project (right click on Add-On Instructions, and import)

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
Add a Generic Ethernet module to the I/O tree Enter the IP address Set the Connection Parameters as shown below Set the RPI to 100

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
Click the Add-On tab on the Instruction Bar Add the Hirschmann Instruction to your ladder program

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued

Enter a name for this switch in the Hirschmann_Switch field (datatype = Hirschmann_Switch) Map the Switch_Inputs and Switch_Output as shown below: Switch_Inputs Name of the switch created:I.Data Switch_Output Name of the switch created:O.Data[0] Enter & create tags as shown below: Switch_Parameters (Datatype = Switch_All) GetMessage (Datatype = Message) Set Message (Datatype = Message) Storage fields (Datatype = SINT[200]

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
Your instruction should now look something similar to this

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
Configure the GetMessage as shown below

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
Configure the SetMessage as shown below

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 3 - continued
For both Message instructions, click on the Communication
tab, then click browse Select the appropriate switch from the I/O tree

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 Using RSView Studio sample files

Open your RSView Studio application Make sure the communication path is set up to your PLC Right click on Global Objects then select Import and
Export Click No do not backup displays, then click next Select Multiple Displays Import File, then click next Click on the to open the file browser and point to the file called BatchImport_Hirschmann Switch.xml Make sure that create new objects is selected Click Finish

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued

Your project tree should now show a number of new global objects

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
Right click on Parameters and select New Enter an expression similar to the one shown below [Switch_Text] is the RSLinx Enterprise shortcut to the PLC My RailSwitchParams is the name of the tag in the Switch
Parameters field of the RSLogix5000 Add-On Instruction

Tag name from RSLogix5000 RSLinx Enterprise shortcut to the PLC

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
Save and close the parameter file Creating the graphics

You will have 1 overview screen for each switch in your

application You only need to create the Pop Up screens once, they will represent the appropriate information using the Parameter files Create the 5 pop up displays Diagnostics Configure IGMP Configure Ports Switch Information Port Stats

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
To create a Switch Overview
Display: Select the appropriate Global Object

for your particular switch Edit the 5 buttons so that the appropriate Parameter file is used for the Pop Up screens Save the file (but leave it open) Create a new display On the Global Object file, click Edit > Select All, then drag the objects to your new display Save your new display Make sure to include the Parameter file in the button that calls the Switch Overview screen

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
Before running your project, you will need to create 2 HMI
memory tags Name: PLC_Port_Number and PC_Port_Number Type: Analog Initial Value: 0 These tags are used on the Ports screen You will get error messages if they are not created

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
The result should look similar to the following screenshots HINT: The Parameter files dont initialize in Test Run

mode you have to actually run the project to test your screens

Overview Screen for an RS20-16

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Step 4 - continued

Diagnostics Screen

Read Only Provides information found on the Diagnostics screen in the web interface. Some of these alarms are disabled by default.
Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued

Switch Information Screen

Read Only Provides information found on the Main screen in the web interface.

Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued

IGMP Settings Screen

Read/Write Provides information found on the Multicast screen in the web interface. Users can Enable/Disable IGMP snooping and querier mode and set the IGMP protocol version (default is 2).
Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued

Port Settings Screen

Read/Write Users can Enable/Disable each port of the switch individually. If you click the PLC Port button, you can enter a port number that cannot be disabled.
Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued

Port Statistics Screen Read Only Provides information on an individual port. Click on the Port button to select the port that you want information on.
Automation and Network Solutions

Step 4 - continued
Disclaimer Please keep in mind that these are sample files provided to make it easier for users to integrate the Hirschmann EtherNet/IP Profile Switches into their applications. Careful thought should be given as to how to integrate these files. It is recommended that you password protect or disable some screens to prevent unauthorized access. The applications should be thoroughly tested and verified before being deployed in a production environment.

Automation and Network Solutions

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