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Lesson 3 | Python Turtle Workbook (J277)

Iteration (loops)

Mr Haddleton 2020
Python Turtle Lessons OCR GCSE (J277)

Reminder : The Turtle Instructions

import turtle Tell Python to allow use of turtle commands

wn = turtle.Screen() Create a virtual canvas to draw on (Screen)

bob = turtle.Turtle() Create a new turtle called bob

bob.forward(150) Go forward (150 units)

bob.backward(150) Go backward (150 units)

bob.right(90) Turn right (90 degrees)

bob.left(90) Turn left (90 degrees)

bob.penup() Lifts the pen up so you can move the turtle without drawing

bob.pendown() Drops the pen back onto the screen so you can draw

bob.pensize(5) Sets the turtle drawing width to 5 units (1 = thinnest)

bob.fillcolor(“Brown”) Changes the fill colour to brown(or other colour)

bob.pencolor(“Red”) Changes the pen colour to red (or other colour)

bob.begin_fill() Begins to fill the shape

bob.end_fill() End the filling sequence Draw a circle of radius 100 units

Mr Haddleton 2020
Python Turtle Lessons OCR GCSE (J277)

Reminder : Using a loop

This is the FOR loop code.

Remember to indent using

Mr Haddleton 2020
Python Turtle Lessons OCR GCSE (J277)

Task 1 – Draw these shapes using FOR loops

Use the snipping tool to paste a picture of your program outputs below

Paste picture here

Mr Haddleton 2020
Python Turtle Lessons OCR GCSE (J277)

Task 2 – Draw more interesting shapes using FOR loops and the following template code
Use the snipping tool to paste a picture of your program outputs below

No. of points

Angle to turn

Paste picture here

Mr Haddleton 2020
Python Turtle Lessons OCR GCSE (J277)

Task 3 – It’s party time!! - Type in the following code exactly as shown to draw balloons
Use the snipping tool to paste a picture of your program
output below

Paste picture here

Mr Haddleton 2020

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