Culfest Class Presentation

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Cultural Fest

Topic: Colors Connect
Us With The Amazing
World Of Festivals
Why are festivals important in life?
• Festivals are an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage,
culture and traditions.
• They are meant to rejoice special moments and emotions in our
lives with our loved ones.
• They play an important role to add structure to our social lives, and
connect us with our families and backgrounds.
What Do Our Festival Teaches Us?
• Festivals help us to keep connection with our roots, culture, origin
and preserve it.
• They relieve us from monotony of life.
• Festivals teach us forget enmity and embrace one another and create
bond of love, an environment of cultural harmony.
• When time of festival comes, the aura changes, positivity all around.
How Important Are Traditional Festivals In
Keeping Our Cultures Alive?
• Celebrating your traditions helps keep you grounded in your own
culture while adapting to a new one.
• This is especially important when going through some of the phases
of culture shock that affect many of us in the first months after
moving overseas.
How Colors Make Our Festival Special?
• Colors bring happiness in our lives in many different ways for every
different festival.
• For Example in Diwali colors are represented through crackers,
rangoli, home decoration, new clothes and sweets.
• Colors not only mean colorful but it means happiness.

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