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Ethical Dilemmas

How does this topic relate to Artificial Intelligence?

● Deepfakes are created by using plenty of images of the person that you are faking as and using
that data to generate images or videos in a specific context.

● Deepfake technology uses coordinates on the impersonators face and maps them on the the
predicted point on the
What is the argument that is at the heart of deep fake

● The Proponents of Deepfake technology say that the technology can be used for harmless purposes like creating movie
and video game characters.

● The Critics of Deepfakes say that this technology can be used to black mail people and can be used to spread
What arguments are used to back the different opinions in
this topic?
● Towards Deepfakes:
○ Deepfakes can be used in entertainment industries to lower production costs.

○ Deepfakes allow a greater artistic freedom for artists.

● Against Deepfakes:
○ This technology can be used to mislead people on information and spread fake news.
○ This can take away the public’s trust in media because they can look indistinguishable from authentic videos.
What role does this topic have in our lives currently?

● This technology can be used to spread misinformation by making people think that a person of authority something
that they did not say.

● People will be affected because they would not be able trust any excerpt or a politician on the internet because they
could be a deepfake.
What is my stance on the topic and why?

● Deepfakes should only be allowed if the content mentions that it is a deepfake.

● The content need to mention that it is a deepfake because some people might believe that the impersonator is the real

● If there is a clear indication, people would not be fooled by the false content created with deepfakes but ca still be used
for entertainment.

● Use in-text parenthetical APA citation format in your slide text when appropriate

● List your (minimum) 3 article source list here (use APA reference format).
To the best of your ability, make sure these articles are credible, relevant, and up to
date. You may not use sources already covered/seen in class.
● Include any video or image citations here as well.

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