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New Zealand

New Zealand is a county in the continent of Oceania. It has a

population of 5.084 million people.It has a total area of about
268,021 square kilometers. The capital of this country is Wellington.
New Zealand changed its capital city four times before deciding on
Wellington. New Zealand is broken down into two major islands,
North and South Island. The North Island is more densely
populated and more inhabited than the southern island. People of
European decent make up about 70.2% of the population while the
indigenous māori people make up about 16.5% of the population.
Population and Migration
New Zealand was first Inhabited by the polynesians for many years.
The Polynesians that settled here, created the Māoi culture. New
Zealand was then colonized by the british in 1840. That same year
the Māori signed the treaty of watangi which gave the british
sovereignty in exchange of land. Many Māoi people died during
colonization. Therefore they remain to be a minority in New Zealand
New Zealand’s population has a very slow growth of population.
The population growth rate has drastically fallen in the last year due
to the decrease in new immigrant workers. Many people immigrate
to New Zealand but very few migrate out of the country. The life
expectancy of this country is around 81.71 years with a growth of
New Zealand has a mixture of both Māori tradition and pop culture.
The māori were forced to assimilate into european culture during
the colonization. Although, many traditions are followed to this day.
Pop culture was introduced to New Zealand with Internet. People of
New Zealand found a balance between pop culture and traditions.
The most spoken language of New Zealand is english. But, the
official language of New Zealand is Māori. Chiristanity is the
predominant language. Variations of Cristanity that include
elements of the Māori culture have originated from New Zealand.
There no current cultural or ethnic conflicts in this country. There
are no conflicts because . Historically, there were conflicts between
the Māori and the British colonizers.
Australia was originally a part of the Australian colony of South
Wales. New Zealand became a separate colony in 1841 and started
self-governance in 1852. It gained political independence in 1931
but was ratified in 1947. New Zealand never changed it’s partition
of the australian colony.
The current political system is constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth
is the monarch but she has no control over New Zeal.It has a
parliamentary system which is similar to the English parliamentary
system. New Zealand continued a parliamentary system even after they
got their independence from the british. The leader of the governing
party is generally the Prime Minister and he/she is the head of the
New Zealand is well known to be a world leader in Agriculture. It’s
economy relies on Agricultural and Horticultural exports. It is
estimated that 85-90% of food production is exported. About 5% of
New Zealand’s GDP is composed of Agricultural/Horticultural
exports. Milk and beef are the most produced and most exported
products in New Zealand.
New Zealand uses latest technology in Agribusiness. Many farmers
adopt new technologies to keep up with the demand for agricultural
products. In New Zealand, many farmers own large quantities of
land or large facilities for cows/milk. Since labor costs are high in
New Zealand, farmers prefer to use Agritech to maintain crops at a
large scale.
Development and Industry
Wallerstein classifies New Zealand as a core country. It is classified
as a core because of it plays a major role in the world economy.
The HDI(Human Development Index) of this country is 0.931. The
HDI of this country is very high and places it in the 14th place for
human development. Factors like education, health, and income
were considered before giving a HDI for New Zealand.
Sources Cited f's%2

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