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OUM Level 1 & 2 Training for Partners

Sarkis Kerkezian – CEP Enablement Manager

1. Why OUM ?
2. Key Concepts of OUM
3. A Deep Dive into OUM
4. Gathering Requirements: use cases intro
5. OUM on Application implementation project
6. Material Available to Partners
7. Key Take Aways
8. Open Discussion

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1. Why OUM ?
Why a method is necessary?

Compass Upgrade View
EasiPath Migration Method

Compass Standard View CDM FT RBGU – Retek et al

Siebel Analytics CDM Classic

CGBU - Portal Xcellerate

OTM – G-Log
AIM Foundation

Siebel Results Roadmap Data Warehouse Method FT

AIM for Business Flows Compass Accelerated View
Stellent Hyperion
Revenue Tangosol Agile


Oracle® Unified Method (OUM)

A single, integrated method, to support the

entire Oracle ecosystem, across the
complete suite of Oracle products

Oracle Unified Method Vision

“The vision for the Oracle® Unified Method is to support

the successful implementation of every Oracle product
– application, middleware, and database.
Oracle has two objectives for the method –
Ensure that usage of our products meets our customer's
business objectives.
Ensure that customers are able to take full advantage of our
products' rich capabilities.
The net result being a Superior Ownership Experience
for all of Oracle's customers.”

Oracle Unified Method Goals
• “Best of the Best”
• Single Method Framework
• Fusion Technology Foundation
• Release Independent
• Tight Integration with
Sales Methodology
and Enterprise-Level Processes

OUM Benefits

• Common language across

Oracle ecosystem
• More readily accommodate
future acquisitions
• Reduce confusion for our customers
• Focus methods investment on deeper materials
rather than duplicative maintenance

Why in Oracle ?
• Our clients ask for proof of a sophisticated professional
• Develop consistent processes, tools and templates that
– support quality, speed and cost effectiveness of implementation
– improve profitability and the ability to grow the business
– provide a common language across different organizations
• Oracle supports our partners/clients in implementing end-to-end
Oracle solutions that can consist of:
– Oracle Application products (EBS, Siebel,...)
– Oracle Technology products (AIA, ...)
• Oracle projects use Application Implementation approach as well
as a Technology Implementation approach.

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2. Key Concepts of OUM

OUM Training for Partner Dubai 12 - May - 2011

OUM is…
• A product and technology agnostic methodology
• Standards based –
– Unified Process (UP)
– Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge (PMI PMBOK)
– Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (IIBA BABOK)
– Unified Modeling Language (UML)
– Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
• Business Process and Use Case-driven
• Architecture-centric
• Iterative & incremental
• Risk-focused
• Flexible and Scalable

OUM is Flexible and Scalable

– Do not serve the method; make it serve you.

• If you are not going to need it, don’t do it.

OUM is Flexible and Scalable

– OUM may be scaled in a number of dimensions or better

stated, OUM employs the concept of “fit-for-purpose” by:
• Eliminating unnecessary tasks from the workplan
• Combining tasks or executing at the activity level
• Starting with a core set of tasks and adding tasks as
risks and scope are identified
• Reducing the depth to which specific tasks and activities
are executed

OUM is Flexible and Scalable
Flexible and Scalable: Fit-for-Purpose
• Adopted from Dynamic Systems Development Method
• Focused on delivering necessary functionality
within the required timebox
• Also refers to defining level of rigor
and ceremony appropriate to project

Comprehensive Toolkit
Guidelines Create high quality Tailored
Focus areas, views, work products Workplans
phases, activities,
processes, and Accelerated starting
tasks point

Overview Supplemental
Material Guidance
Approach and
OUM Products, tools,
techniques, and
standards technologies

Easy Access
Hosted or installed locally

OUM Structure

OUM Structure
Supplemental Guidance


White Papers

Review Viewlets
Checklists and

Helpful Discipline/Industry/View Resources and Samples

OUM Principles

Business Process
& Use Case-Driven

Flexible Iterative &
& Scalable Envision Implement Incremental


Risk-Focused Architecture-Centric

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3. A Deep Dive into OUM

OUM Focus Area Views:

Envision – enterprise level processes Implement

• • Supports software engineering
Enterprise Business Analysis
and implementation of Oracle
• Enterprise Architecture
OUM application and technology
• IT Portfolio Management
• IT Governance • Business Process and
Use Case-driven
• Adoption and Learning
• Iterative and Incremental
Envision Implement • Architecture-centric
• Standards-based
• Balanced and Flexible

• Promotes disciplined management
of information technology
Projects and Programs
• Aligns with Project Management
Institute (PMI)

Implement Focus Area

Implement Focus Area Structure
AIM Methodology

• 6 Phases
• 11 Processes
• 0 Iterations

Implement Focus Area Structure
ABF Methodology

• 5 Phases
• 9 Processes
• n Iterations

Key Terms & Concepts

• Phase
• Lifecycle Milestone
• Process
• Activity
• Task
• Dependency
• Work Product

Key Terms & Concepts: Phase
Phases are chronological grouping of
tasks in an approach. Services are Phases
delivered by phase in order to reduce
project risk. Each phase allows a Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

checkpoint against project goals, and

measurement against quality criteria
to be made.

Phases are temporal groupings

Phases cut vertically through
project activities
Are natural points to establish
milestones for progress

Key Terms & Concepts: Lifecycle
Unified Process – Lifecycle Phases
Milestones are major
synchronization points that occur Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

at phase boundaries.
Assure objectives of the phase
have been met
Decisions are made on readiness
for the next phase
Decisions on Schedule, Budget,
Requirements to go forward into
the next phase
Implement Lifecycle Major Milestones

Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production


• Inception – Lifecycle Objectives Milestone (LO)

• Elaboration – Lifecycle Architecture Milestone (LA)
• Construction – Initial Operational Capability Milestone (IOC)
• Transition – System Production Milestone (SP)
• Production – Sign-Off Milestone (SO)

Key Terms & Concepts: Process
A process is a discipline or
sub-project that defines a
set of tasks related by Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

subject matter, required

skills and common

• Business Requirements
• Data Acquisition &
• Operations & Support

OUM Training for Partner Dubai 12 - May - 2011 29/159

Key Terms & Concepts: Activity
An Activity is a set of tasks related
either by topic, dependencies, data, Activities
common skills/roles, or work
products. The tasks in an activity Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

may be from different OUM

processes. Activities in OUM begin
and end in the same method phase.
An activity is the next level of
organization below a phase

• Analyze & Design
• Gather Solution
• Develop Use Cases

Key Terms & Concepts: Task
A task is a unit of work that is
done in delivering a service. A Tasks
task is the smallest traceable
item on a project workplan, and Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

forms the basis for a work

breakdown structure.
• Tasks may have one or more outcomes/outputs:
– Setup of an application
– Creation or update of a document
– Execution of an activity (i.e. Test Plan)
• A “Work Product” MAY become a “Deliverable”
– Not all workproducts are given to clients
• A work product must be tangible and

Key Terms & Concepts: Dependency
A Dependency is an
indication that one task Dependencies
cannot begin until another
task has ended, or
progressed to a certain
specified level of completion
Predecessor task(s), Successor
– time in days that two tasks can
overlap each other
– time in days that two tasks must
be separated by

Key Terms & Concepts: Work Product
A Work Product is something a project must
produce in order to meet its objectives. It must be
tangible and measurable. An output of a Task is a
Work Product.

• Templates and examples can be found in the method for work products
• A work product does not need to be a document
• May or may not be delivered to the client
• Work products can easily be –
• a model in a repository
• a prototype
• a set of application code
• tacit knowledge contained in the brain of a project team member

OUM Components
Work Product
• Output of a task Document

• Required to meet
project objectives
• No need to be a Knowledg Work
e Products Model
• May or may not
be a “deliverable”

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

OUM Approach
What is the Unified Process (UP) ?
• “The Unified Software Development Process or
Unified Process is a industry standard iterative and
incremental software development process

• The best-known and extensively

Unified Process
documented refinement of the
Unified Process is the Rational
Unified Process or RUP.”

~ Wikipedia.org

OUM Approach
UP Characteristics
• Use Case-Driven
• Architecture-Centric
• Risk-Focused
• Iterative and Incremental
Unified Process

OUM Approach
OUM expands on UP Characteristics
• Use Case-Driven
• Architecture-Centric
• Risk-Focused
• Iterative and Incremental
• Business Process and Use Case-Driven
• Fit-for-Purpose

OUM Approach
Business Process-Driven
• Business Processes and Use Cases are the primary
requirements gathering mechanisms
• Requirements are documented through
– Business Process Models
– Use Cases
– Written supplemental and quality of service requirements

OUM Approach
Use Case-Driven
• Provide a consistent mechanism to link system requirements to
design and test tasks
• Bridge the gap between business modeling, business processes,
and software system functionality
• Provide a consistent thread through OUM – use cases help
amplify and consolidate the many other benefits of the method
• Identify implicit or unstated requirements, i.e. items that are not
typically shown on a process model
• And finally, manage traceability of requirements through testing 

OUM Approach
• Architecture
– More than just “technical architecture”
– Refers to the set of significant decisions about the organization of a
software system
– Contains the organization of the system with structural elements and
interfaces, and their behavior
– Is the collection of models that describe the system

• Architecture-Centric
– The system’s architecture is used as a primary artifact for
conceptualizing, constructing, managing, and evolving the system

• The Baseline Architecture is a key work product of Elaboration

OUM Approach
– An iteration is a distinct set of activities conducted
according to a devoted (iteration) plan and evaluation
criteria that results in a release, either internal or
– Iterative is redoing something several times, increasing
its richness, comprehensiveness, and consistency each

OUM Approach
– An increment is the difference between the release of
one iteration and the release of the next iteration.

– Incremental is creating something one piece at a time

and integrating the pieces into the whole a little at a

OUM Approach
• A Release is a relatively complete and consistent set of
artifacts or work products – possibly, but not necessarily
including a software build – delivered to an internal or
external user.

• Releases act as a forcing function that drives the

development team to get closure at regular intervals,
avoiding the "90% done, 90% remaining" syndrome.

OUM Approach
Iterations, Increments, Releases
• OUM employs an iterative and incremental approach to
implementing software systems.
• In OUM, the result of an iteration is an increment.
• This may differ from the definitions used in other Oracle
methods, like CDM Fast Track and DWM Fast Track.
• The terms iteration and increment are defined in OUM
to be consistent with this concept.
• A release is a set of artifacts or work products, possibly
but not necessarily including a software build, delivered
to an internal or external user.

OUM Approach
Iterative Development

Business Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test

Requirements Analysis

Business Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test

Requirements Analysis

Business Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test

Requirements Analysis

Iterations Can Be Considered Mini-Waterfalls
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

RD 1 2 3 4 5 6

RA 1 2 3 4 5 6

AN 2 3 4 5 6

DS 2 3 4 5 6

IM 1 2 3 4 5 6

TE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TS 7 8
PS 9

Iterations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

LO LA Releases SP SO

RD - Business Requirements DS - Design TS - Transition
RA - Requirements Analysis IM - Implementation PS - Operations & Support
AN - Analysis TE - Test 1 - Iteration Number

OUM Approach
Concepts of Iterations & Increments

OUM Approach
Concepts of Iterations & Increments

OUM Approach
Concepts of Iterations & Increments
group by priority
Increment 1 Increment 2 Increment 3

+ +
CR-s Increment 1 CR-s Increment 2

OUM Approach
• A key focus of each iteration in OUM is to identify and
reduce the most significant project risks
• This ensures that the project team addresses the most
critical risks as early a possible

OUM Approach
• OUM employs the concept of “Fitness-for-Business
Purpose” in two ways
• The focus is on first delivering necessary functionality to
meet the needs of the business.
• OUM also encourages scaling the method to be
fit-for-purpose for a given situation, that is, it is rarely
appropriate to execute every activity within OUM.

OUM Approach
What is UML ?
• “The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a
standardized specification language for object

• UML is a general-purpose modeling language that

includes a graphical notation used to create an
abstract model of a system…”


OUM Approach
Application Approach
OUM’s application implementation approach is similar to current
methods in these areas:
• Business Process based
• Future business processes are fit to standard functionality to
identify gaps – Fit/Gap
• Key business architecture structures are defined
• Application Setups are defined
• Leading practices from Oracle’s legacy methods are included
• Supports two implementation approaches -
– Requirements-Driven (e.g., AIM Foundation, Compass Standard)
– Solution-Driven (e.g., AIM for Business Flows, Compass Accelerated)

OUM Approach
Oracle Unified Methode Approach
OUM’s implementation approach differs from current methods in
these areas:
• Standards Based – Unified Process
• More Comprehensive in Scope
• Supports both Enterprise-Level and Project-Level Activities
• Tighter Integration across Disciplines
• Tighter Integration to Oracle Sales
• Increased emphasis on Architecture

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

OUM Implement Components
OUM Focus Area
Envision – enterprise-level processes Implement
• • Supports software engineering
Envision Roadmap
and implementation of Oracle
• Enterprise Business Analysis application and technology
• Organizational Change
OUM products
Management • Business Process and
• Enterprise Architecture Use Case-driven
• IT Portfolio Management • Iterative and Incremental
• IT Governance Envision Implement • Architecture-centric
• Standards-based
• Balanced and Flexible

• Promotes disciplined management
of information technology
Projects and Programs
• Aligns with Project Management
Institute (PMI)

OUM Implement Components
Manage Focus Area

OUM Implement Components
Envision Focus Area

Slide 60
OUM Implement Components
Implement Focus Area

OUM Implement Components
Implement Focus Area
• The Good
– Contains a comprehensive set of method materials
– Supports development and implementation of a broad
range of business solutions.
• The Bad
– The volume of material can be overwhelming
– It can be difficult to isolate and comprehend
the “essentials”
• And the Ugly Elegant! Solution
• OUM Implement Core Workflow
• Two parallel and complementary sub-flows:
• Mapping and Configuration
• Custom Development

OUM Implement Components
Why a “Core Workflow” ?

• Accelerate new practitioners’ understanding of OUM

• Identify the core tasks of the Implement Focus Area
• Provide a starting point for building up the work plan
• Keep project teams focused on the essentials

OUM Implement Components
Scalable: Build Up - Don’t Tailor Down

1. Start from the core set of tasks.

2. Add tasks as you identify scope and risk.
3. Consider the depth to which you will execute
specific tasks during specific iterations.
4. Consider whether it is advisable to combine tasks
– Work at the activity level
– Combine work products, as appropriate
• NOTE: Be careful when doing this to avoid inflexibility

Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed


by Barry Boehm and Richard Turner

OUM Implement Components
Implement Core Workflow
• The OUM Implement Core Workflow helps
practitioners get started with OUM and keeps
teams focused on the essentials.
• By identifying core tasks, the workflow provides a starting point for
building up a work plan.
• The OUM Implement Core Workflow has two sub-flows
• Mapping and Configuration
• Custom Development
• The OUM Implement Core Workflow is executed in each
iteration of Inception, Elaboration and Construction, but the focus
shifts from phase to phase.
• More details for the OUM Implement Core Workflow are provided
in the OUM Level 3 – Requirements Gathering Course.

OUM Implement Components
Core Workflow

OUM Implement Components
Core Workflow – Focus thru project lifecycle

OUM Implement Components
OUM Views
A View presents a predefined subset of the OUM materials.




OUM Implement Components
Focus Area Views
Each Focus Area can be accessed in OUM through its applicable
Focus Area View.

OUM Implement Components
Requirements - Driven Appl. Impl. View
The Requirements-Driven Application Implementation View reflects a
requirements-driven approach to implementing packaged
applications in that it is based on identifying requirements and
crafting a business solution based on those requirements during the
course of the project (access via view catalog screen).

OUM Implement Components
Solution - Driven Appl. Impl. View
The Solution-Driven Application Implementation View reflects a
solution-driven approach to implementing packaged applications that
leverages a pre-defined business solution (e.g., Oracle Business
Accelerators, access via view catalog screen).

Technology Full Lifecycle View
The Technology Full Lifecycle View provides access to the material
required for full lifecycle technology projects, including:
• Support for custom development, middleware, service-oriented
architecture, and technology based implementations
• Support for several areas through Technical Guidelines
(access via view catalog screen).

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

Implement Focus Area Structure
Inception Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production • Gather Business Requirements
• Establish Current Business Baseline
• Gather Solution Requirements
• Consolidate Solution Requirements
• Create Conceptual Prototype
• Gather Supporting Requirements
• Specify Key Structure Definition
• Create and Manage Ad Hoc
• Conduct Executive Alignment Workshop
• Train Project Team
• Conduct Alignment Workshops
• Conduct Organizational Readiness
• Deploy Change Management Roadmap /
Key Outputs: Communication Campaign
• Requirements
• Conceptual Prototype
• Technical Architecture Requirements
• Performance Management Requirements
• Skilled Project Team
• Executive Execution Plan / Governance Rules

Implement Focus Area Structure
Inception Phase - Objectives
“Confirm Business Objectives and Project Goals”
“Gather Key Requirements”
“Prepare Project Team”

1. Obtain clear understanding of business benefits to be
2. Identify and mitigate risks
3. Identify and educate project stakeholders
4. Define, document and prioritize business requirements

Implement Focus Area Structure
Lifecycle Objective Milestone - Objectives
• Inception
 Confirm:
– Lifecycle Objective Milestone
 Business objectives
• Elaboration
 Goals
– Lifecycle Architecture
 Requirements (Use
• Construction
 Risks
– Initial Operational Capability
Milestone  Update schedule and cost
• Transition estimates
– System in Production  Complete Conceptual
Milestone Prototype
• Production  Is it feasible to proceed?
– Sign-Off Milestone

Implement Focus Area Structure
Elaboration Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production
• Gather Business Requirements
• Develop Use Cases
• Create Conceptual Prototype
• Consolidate Specification
• Define Project Strategy
• Develop Test Plans
• Prepare Environments
• Perform Fit Gap
• Specify Software Configuration
• Baseline Software Architecture
• Analyze and Design
• Develop and Validate Prototypes
• Perform Unit, Integration and System Tests
• Plan Performance Management
• Define Infrastructure
• Prepare to Acquire and Convert Data
• Monitor Sponsorship Program
Key Outputs: • Deploy Change Management Roadmap /
• Requirements Specifications Communication Campaign
• Functional & User Interface Standards Prototypes
• Architecture Description
• Performance Management Requirements
• Analysis and Design Models and Database Design
• Testing Strategy, Test Scripts and Programs Design

Implement Focus Area Structure
Elaboration Phase - Objectives
“The most Critical Phase”
“Understand the Requirements”
“Baseline the Architecture”
1. Prioritize, refine and analyze requirements into use cases
2. Agree on the visual approach to the user interface
3. Agree on the user involvement
4. Establish a sound architectural foundation
5. Develop the initial technical model and partition the components
6. Verify whether the project can move to the next phase
7. Mitigate risks

Lifecycle Architecture Milestone
 Stable architecture?
 Application
• Inception
 Technical
– Lifecycle Objective Milestone
 Data
• Elaboration
– Lifecycle Architecture  Executable code showing that
Milestone architectural risks have been
• Construction mitigated?
– Initial Operational Capability  Construction Phase plan detailed
Milestone and accurate?
• Transition  Implementation team ready?
– System in Production
 Can we commit resources to
• Production begin implementation?
– Sign-Off Milestone

Implement Focus Area Structure
Construction Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production • Finalize Requirements
• Analyze and Design
• Perform Test Planning
• Prepare Environments
• Implement System
• Perform Unit, Integration and System Tests
• Conduct Systems Integration Test
• Prepare for Performance Testing
• Prepare for Transition
• Prepare for Cutover
• Test Infrastructure
• Prepare to Acquire and Convert Data
• Acquire and Convert Data
• Produce Documentation
• Deploy Change Management Roadmap /
Communication Campaign
• Conduct Job Impact Analysis
• Conduct Managers’ Alignment Workshop
Key Outputs:
• Design and Build End-User Training
• Architecture Description • Train End Users
• System-Tested Applications
• Integration-Tested System
• Transition and Contingency Plan

Implement Focus Area Structure
Construction Phase - Objectives
“Cost-effectively implement high-quality software”

1. Detail the remaining use cases and refine Analysis and
Design Models
2. Obtain refinements to requirements
3. Iteratively, produce a physical database, integrate developed
or reused components, and configure product components,
to produce an integrated system

Initial Operational Capability
Milestone Objectives
• Inception
– Lifecycle Objective Milestone
• Elaboration
– Lifecycle Architecture
 Beta release stable?
• Construction  Stakeholders ready for Transition?
– Initial Operational Capability  Ready for the User Acceptance
Milestone Test ?
• Transition
– System in Production
• Production
– Sign-Off Milestone

Implement Focus Area Structure
Transition Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
• Support User Acceptance Test
• Conduct Performance Test
• Convert Data
• Go Production
• Deploy Change Management
Roadmap / Communication Campaign
• Conduct IT Alignment
• Train End Users
• Finalize Documentation

Key Outputs:
• Acceptance Test Results
• Converted and Verified data
• Skilled Users
• Production Support Infrastructure
• System in Production

Transition Phase Objectives

“Fine Tune functionality, performance & quality”

“Go Live”

1. Gain acceptance of the project
2. Support the client during the Acceptance Test
3. Validate that the system meets the requirements for Production
4. Prepare the Production Environment
5. Convert data from existing systems
6. Establish the maintenance environment required for support

System in Production Milestone
• Inception
– Lifecycle Objective Milestone
• Elaboration
– Lifecycle Architecture
• Construction  Go Live!
– Initial Operational Capability
Milestone  Stakeholders satisfied with the
• Transition project?
– System in Production  Package reusable components
 Report estimate versus actual
• Production to improve OUM estimates
– Sign-Off Milestone

Implement Focus Area Structure
Production Phase
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production • Manage Production System Performance
• Evaluate Production System
• Resolve Production Problems
• Upgrade System
• Deploy Change Management Roadmap /
Communication Campaign
• Plan for Future
• Deploy IT Transition Plan

Key Outputs:
• System Evaluation
• Upgraded Application System
• Organizational Effectiveness Assessment
• Future Functional Enhancements
• Future MoSCoW List

Production Phase Objectives
“Obtain Sign-Off”
“Close Contract”

1. Fulfill obligations during the warranty period
2. Monitor the system performance and solve any problems
3. Log problems and make corrections
4. Provide agreed on level of user support
5. Deliver a plan for continuing management and support
6. Assess the success of the solution
7. Develop and Enhancement Plan

Sign-Off Milestone Objectives

• Inception
– Lifecycle Objective Milestone
• Elaboration
– Lifecycle Architecture
• Construction
– Initial Operational Capability
• Transition
 Close out the contractual
– System in Production
• Production  Release staff and physical
– Sign-Off Milestone resources
 Preserve intellectual property

Nominal Effort for Implement Phases (

25~30 %
40~55 %
15 %
5~10 %

The above is an example, in case of solution driven approach with minor customizations,
there will be a % shift from construction to inception and elaboration

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

Key Concepts and Principles
Key Terms - Workshops
• Workshops are used often in OUM. 
• Old-fashioned' interview technique is de-emphasized.
• Main workshop in OUM is the Business Requirements
• Many different techniques are used in workshops –
brainstorming, feedback, walkthroughs, etc.
• Workshops ensure that all the necessary persons are
present and involved simultaneously. 

Key Concepts and Principles
Key Terms - Prototyping
• Prototyping is used to improve the communication
between the developers and the users.
• Instead of talking about something imaginary, a working
prototype of user access components is developed.
• Prototypes may be throwaway, but ideally they are
used as the starting point for development of the next

Key Concepts and Principles
Key Terms - Unified Modeling Language
UML (Unified Modeling Language)
A standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing. and
documenting the components of a software system.
Can also be used for business modeling and for non-software
UML is a modeling convention which brings standard modeling
practices together in one set of conventions for syntax of

Key Concepts and Principles
Business Requirement Workshop
• OUM recommends using workshops as the primary
technique for validating and refining requirements:
– Detail Business and System Objectives
– Create System Context Diagram
– Develop Future Process Model (Business Process Models)
– Obtain High-Level Business Descriptions
– Develop Business Use Case Model
– Develop Domain Model
– Document Present and Future
Organizational Structures

Key Concepts and Principles
Timeboxing & MoSCoW List
• When timeboxing is used a MoSCoW List must also be
employed. Timeboxing and MoSCoW list go always together.
• If duration is fixed, then there must be some ability to vary the
• Where requirements are fixed, duration cannot be fixed and use
of timeboxes is not appropriate.
• Customers are often initially uncomfortable with “variable
requirements,” but normally grow to embrace this approach as
they experience its many benefits.
• OUM supports the use of either timeboxes or fixed

Key Concepts and Principles
To Timebox or Not To Timebox
The choice to use timeboxing can be difficult and foreign to organizations
used to managing fixed requirements.
Parkinson's Law - Work expands so as to fill the time available for its
However, business often requires “fit-for-business purpose” that is tested
and stabilized by a fixed date.
Timeboxing makes this possible by promoting prioritization and
The focus is on what the business “must have.”
“Nice to have” items can be moved to the next release.
Timeboxing has additional benefits:
Typically, team satisfaction improves because of its focus on
prioritization and completion of incremental releases.
By releasing fit-for-purpose software, it promotes stakeholder

Key Concepts and Principles
How does OUM utilize MoSCoW List ?
• OUM supports the use of MoSCoW technique for
validating and refining requirements:
– During each iteration, the users validate and refine the
– Users need compare what has been developed with what was
agreed on at the end of the previous iteration.
– Users must review and refine the requirements so that the
business ultimately gets the solution it needs.
– These refined requirements are prioritized and placed on the
MoSCoW List.
– After validation, the new or changed requirements are evaluated,
and the final list will be the input for the next iteration.

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concepts
• Understand the OUM Key to Success Concepts:
1. Understand OUM and the Unified Process (UP).
2. Do not serve the method; make it serve you.
3. OUM may be scaled in a number of dimensions.
4. The outputs of tasks are called “work products.”
5. Work products (or artifacts) need not be documents.
6. Focus on understanding the most significant risks
and requirements.
• Recognize that OUM supports both Agility and

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #1
– Understand OUM and the Unified Process (UP).
• Business Process and Use Case-Driven
• Architecture-Centric
• Iterative and Incremental
• Risk-Focused
• Fit-for-Purpose

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #2
– Do not serve the method; make it serve you.
• If you are not going to need it, don’t do it.

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #3
– OUM may be scaled in a number of dimensions or better
stated, OUM employs the concept of “fit-for-purpose” by:
• Eliminating unnecessary tasks from the workplan
• Combining tasks or executing at the activity level
• Starting with a core set of tasks and adding tasks as
risks and scope are identified
• Reducing the depth to which specific tasks and activities
are executed

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #4
– The outputs of tasks are called “work products.”

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #5
– Work products (or artifacts) need not be documents.
• Tasks should be executed only to the level that is “fit for

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concept #6
– Focus on understanding the most significant risks and

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Key to Success Concepts - Review

1. Understand OUM and the Unified Process (UP)

2. Do not serve the method; make it serve you.
3. OUM may be scaled in a number of dimensions.
4. The outputs of tasks are called “work products.”
5. Work products (or artifacts) need not be documents.
6. Focus on understanding the most significant risks and

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Balancing Agility and Discipline
– Discipline
• “Provides strength and comfort”
– Agility
• “Agility releases or invents”
– Projects need a balance of both Agility and Discipline to be

Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed

by Barry Boehm and Richard Turner

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Balancing Agility and Discipline
– OUM is scalable and adaptable and supports both
Agility and Discipline.
• Plan-driven
• Agile
– OUM supports a continuum with “pure agility” and
“pure plan based” at its ends.

Applying OUM Implement Focus Area
Balancing Agility and Discipline
– The appropriate point of balance for a given project will vary
based on a number of project risk and scale factors.
• Project/organization size
• Culture
• Criticality
• Organization’s experience with Agile
• etc.

Agenda of deep dive
 OUM Approach  Implement Focus Area
 Unified Process Structure
• Business Process Driven  Phases
• Use Case Driven  Milestones
• Architecture Centric  Processes
• Iterative
• Incremental
• Releases  Key Concepts & Principles
• Risk Focussed  Key Terms
 Key Concepts & Principles
 OUM Implement
Components  Applying OUM
 Focus Areas  OUM Key to Success Concepts
• Manage Focus Area  Balancing Agility and Discipline
• Envision Focus Area
• Implement Focus Area
 OUM Views
• Focus Area Views  Working with Templates
• Disciplinne Views  Demo
• Service Offering Views  Navigation Practice

OUM Method Pack

• OUM is distributed as a Method Pack

• Method Packs installable on
user’s desktop and may be hosted
• Simple HTML and MS Office Documents
• Browser Independent
• Packaged using commercial installer

• Providing Access to:
– Legacy Methods including: AIM, ABF, EMM, DWM FT, PJM

Working with Templates
OUM Home Page

Working with Templates

Use MicroSoft
Working with Templates Internet
Template User’s Guide Explorer

Working with Templates
Implement View

Working with Templates
Business Requirements

Working with Templates
MS Word Template
Macro’s to
see Add-Ins

•View Bookmarks
•View Hidden Text

Working with Templates
OM – Toolbar Options

Working with Templates

<Insert Picture Here>

4. Gathering Requirements: use cases

Use Case Basics
Use Case Definition
Industry :
Use Case ~ “A use case is the specification of a set of actions performed by
a system, which yields an observable result, that is, typically, of value for one
or more actors or other stakeholders of the system.”
(Source: UML: Superstructure v2.1, OMG Group)

Use Case ~ “Captures and structures user requirements of a system. The
use case identifies all the major functions that users will be performing. The
Use Case Model helps the users and developers agree on how to use the
system. The use case specifies a sequence of actions, including variants and
extensions, that the system can perform. A use case answers a question and
must be related to an end user goal.”

Use Case Basics
Use Case

Practical definition:
A use case describes “What the business or system must do from an actor’s
point of view.”

• To help the business analyst to describe those business or system
functional requirements in an orderly and sequential manner.
• Organize functional requirements by packaging them together into coherent

• Business Use Case
• System Use Case

Use Case Basics
Use Case
• Focus attention on requirements, not design
• Help identify alternate and exception situations early in the lifecycle
• Useful for planning and managing a project
• Explain what the system will do
Improves the users view into what will be build before implementation
• Provide a strong foundation for test cases.
Since system use cases describe scenarios of actions between actors
and the system, they lead us directly into test cases.

Use Case Basics
Management’s Dilemma
“Analysts report that as many as 71% of
software projects that fail do so because of
poor requirements management, making it
the single biggest reason for project failure
—bigger than bad technology, missed
deadlines or change management
fiascoes.” Source: CIO Magazine, 11/15/2005

• Traditional textual requirements often leave out important

• Use cases document the interactions between the user
and the business or system in a logical sequence.

Use Case Basics
Before Use Cases …
• A list of requirements or
– How did you know you had them all?
– How did you know you had them all
– How did you know that you really
needed the ones you had?
– Which ones would you tackle first?
– How did you know if you had enough
time to deliver them all?

Use Case Basics
Provide a Context for Requirements

Business Stakeholders IT Stakeholders

Business Functional
Use Cases

Use Case Basics
A Use Case …
• Describes the behavior of a business or a system
• Describes how actors use the business or system to
accomplish goals
• Is expressed by sequences of exchanges between
the business or system and one or more actors
• Does not reveal the internal structure
of the business or system
• Bundles together a set of
related scenarios
UML icon for a use case

Use Case Basics
The Use Case Model Use Case Diagram

A Use Case Model includes

Order Skis
both a picture and text
• The picture is called the
Return Skis
Use Case Diagram
• The text is called the
Manage Profile
Use Case Details

Use Case Details: Order Skis

Actor Does System Does
1. The customer selects the skis 2. The system checks the
that he wishes to order. availability of…

Use Case Basics
More about Actors & Use Cases …
• Actors in a use case are something or someone which
exist outside the system
• Actors may be users, other systems, or hardware devices
• Use cases describe the behavior of the system from the
actor’s point of view.
• Use cases describe the interaction between actors and the
system as a sequence of steps.

Actor Behavior of the system

<Insert Picture Here>

5. OUM on Application implementation


Processes Gaps

Install & Configure

Software Perform Approach supports
Definition Configuration
• Installation &
Integration Requirements • Development
of custom
Integrate components
Business Use Cases

Employing OUM on an Application Implementation Project
Key Concepts
– Role of Business Process Modeling
• Use for defining future process model and capturing functional
• Leverage Pre-Existing Business Process Models, if Available

– Role of Use Cases

• Use for Capturing Detailed Requirements for “GAPS”
• Can also be used for “Complex Configurations (e.g. Workflow,
DFFs, etc.)

– Functional Prototyping
• Used to prototype standard functionality as well as custom extension
• New terminology: CRP is now “Functional Prototype”
Employing OUM on an Application Implementation Project
Prototypes in OUM
• Three OUM prototypes
– Conceptual Prototype (IM.005 / RA.030) 1937 VW 30 “Functional Prototype”
• Mock-up prototype for user interactions or user interface
• Low fidelity – storyboards and wireframes
– Functional Prototype (IM.010 / RA.085)
• Higher fidelity, functional validation of user interface and associated
• May demonstrate elements defined in Conceptual Prototype
• Used for Conference Room Pilots (CRP’s)
• Not in Inception phase
– User Interface Standards Prototype (IM.085 / RA.095)
• Demonstrates “look and feel” of application being developed
• May contain example page layouts, generic screens, navigation
mechanisms, and data query styles
• Should include customer specific graphic elements and branding

Inception Phase Key Activities
OUM Application Implementation Top Level Flow
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

Gather Business Conduct Evaluate

Train Project Team Analyze and Design
Requirements Performance Test Production System

Gather Business Prepare Finalize Resolve Production

Develop Use Cases
Requirements Environments Documentation Problems

Gather Solution
Perform Fit/Gap Implement System Train Users Plan for Future

Gather Supporting Specify Software Test Custom Support User

Requirements Configuration Components Acceptance Test

Specify Key Perform System

Develop Prototypes Convert Data
Structure Definition Test

Perform Systems
Validate Prototypes Go Production
Integration Test


Inception Phase Key Activities
Inception Phase Objectives

• Concurrence on Project’s Business Objectives

• Identify Stakeholders and Their Goals
• Confirm Project Scope
• Define & Prioritize High-Level Requirements
• Establish Project Team and Governance
• Identify and Mitigate Risks
• Validate Conceptual Prototype, if required

Inception Phase Key Activities
Inception Phase Templates: task outputs

• RD.011 - Future Business Model

• RD.130 - Architecture Description
• CV.010 - Data Acquisition and Conversion Requirements
• DO.010 - Documentation Requirements and Strategy
• RA.040 - Business Data Structure
• TR.020 - Project Team Learning Plan

Elaboration Phase Key Activities
OUM Application Implementation Top Level Flow
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

Gather Business Conduct Evaluate

Train Project Team Analyze and Design
Requirements Performance Test Production System

Gather Business Prepare Finalize Resolve Production

Develop Use Cases
Requirements Environments Documentation Problems

Gather Solution
Perform Fit/Gap Implement System Train Users Plan for Future

Gather Supporting Specify Software Test Custom Support User

Requirements Configuration Components Acceptance Test

Specify Key Perform System

Develop Prototypes Convert Data
Structure Definition Test

Perform Systems
Validate Prototypes Go Production
Integration Test


Elaboration Phase Key Activities
Elaboration Phase Objectives

• Obtain a detailed understanding of the business processes

required to meet business objectives
• Prioritize, refine, and analyze requirements
• Formulate Use Cases for gaps
• Agree on the user involvement
• Establish a sound architectural foundation
• Develop the initial technical model and partition the
components to be developed
• Verify whether the project can move to the next phase
• Mitigate risks

Elaboration Phase Key Activities
Elaboration Phase Templates: task outputs

• RD.011 - Future Business Model

• RA.023 - Use Case Model
• RA.024 - Use Case Details
• CV.010 - Data Acquisition and Conversion Requirements
• TS.020 - Cutover Strategy
• TA.020 - Architecture Requirements and Strategy
• TA.070 - Initial Architecture and Application Mapping
• TA.080 - Backup and Recovery Strategy
• TE.018 - Test Data ??
• AN.010 - Business Requirement Mapping Form

Elaboration Phase Key Activities
Elaboration Phase Templates: task outputs

• DS.030 - Application Setup Document

• AN.100 - Analysis Specification
• DS.140 - Design Specification
• RA.085 - Validate Functional Prototype
• TE.020 - Unit Test Scenarios
• TE.020 - Unit Test Checklists
• TE.025 - System Test Scenarios
• TE.070 - System Test Result
• Part of the BT.070 - Project Management Plan
– DS.020 - Application Extension Strategy
– TE.010 - Testing Strategy
– DO.020 - Documentation Standards and Procedures

Construction Phase Key Activities
OUM Application Implementation Top Level Flow
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

Gather Business Conduct Evaluate

Train Project Team Analyze and Design
Requirements Performance Test Production System

Gather Business Prepare Finalize Resolve Production

Develop Use Cases
Requirements Environments Documentation Problems

Gather Solution
Perform Fit/Gap Implement System Train Users Plan for Future

Gather Supporting Specify Software Test Custom Support User

Requirements Configuration Components Acceptance Test

Specify Key Perform System

Develop Prototypes Convert Data
Structure Definition Test

Perform Systems
Validate Prototypes Go Production
Integration Test


Construction Phase Key Activities
Construction Phase Objectives

• Detail the remaining use cases and refine Analysis and

Design Models
• Obtain refinements to requirements
• Iteratively, produce a physical database, integrate
developed or reused components, and configure product
components, to produce an integrated system
• Test custom components, the entire integrated application
system (i.e. COTS + extensions), and its integration with
3rd party and legacy systems.

Construction Phase Key Activities
Construction Phase Templates: task outputs

• RA.023 - Use Case Model

• RA.024 - Use Case Details
• AN.100 - Analysis Specification
• DS.140 - Design Specification
• DS.030 - Application Setup Document
• IM.090 - Installation Instructions
• TE.020 - Unit Test Scenarios
• TE.020 - Unit Test Checklists
• TE.025 - System Test Scenarios
• TE.070 - System Test Result

Construction Phase Key Activities
Construction Phase Templates: task outputs

• TE.090 - Integration Test Scenarios

• PT.070 - Performance Test Scripts and Programs
• TA.160 - System Capacity Plan
• TS.020 - Cutover Strategy
• TA.120 - Operational Test Results
• CV.027 - Data Mapping
• CV.040 - Conversion Component Design

Transition Phase Key Activities
OUM Application Implementation Top Level Flow
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

Gather Business Conduct Evaluate

Train Project Team Analyze and Design
Requirements Performance Test Production System

Gather Business Prepare Finalize Resolve Production

Develop Use Cases
Requirements Environments Documentation Problems

Gather Solution
Perform Fit/Gap Implement System Train Users Plan for Future

Gather Supporting Specify Software Test Custom Support User

Requirements Configuration Components Acceptance Test

Specify Key Perform System

Develop Prototypes Convert Data
Structure Definition Test

Perform Systems
Validate Prototypes Go Production
Integration Test


Transition Phase Overview

– Transition Phase Objectives:

• Support the client during the Acceptance Test and handle
issues that appear during the Acceptance Test.
• Validate that the system meets the requirements for
Production, to the satisfaction of the stakeholders.
• Prepare the Production Environment.
• Convert data from existing systems.
• Establish the maintenance environment required for
supporting and managing the system.
• Gain acceptance

Transition Phase Key Activities
OUM Application Implementation Top Level Flow
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition Production

Gather Business Conduct Evaluate

Train Project Team Analyze and Design
Requirements Performance Test Production System

Gather Business Prepare Finalize Resolve Production

Develop Use Cases
Requirements Environments Documentation Problems

Gather Solution
Perform Fit/Gap Implement System Train Users Plan for Future

Gather Supporting Specify Software Test Custom Support User

Requirements Configuration Components Acceptance Test

Specify Key Perform System

Develop Prototypes Convert Data
Structure Definition Test

Perform Systems
Validate Prototypes Go Production
Integration Test


Production Phase Overview

– Production Phase Objectives:

• Fulfill obligations during the warranty period
• Monitor the system performance and solve any problems
• Log problems and make corrections
• Provide agreed upon level of user support
• Deliver a plan for continued management and support of
the system
• Assess the success of the solution
• Develop an Enhancement Plan

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6. Material available to partners

Material Available to partners

• Partner network link:

• http://www.oracle.com/partners/secure/education/024

OUM Training Program
Training and Accreditation Program
Goal: Gradual learning from simple to more complex
• Level 1 – Overview and Awareness
• Level 2 – Focus Area1 Specific Overview
• Level 2 – Use Case Overview
• Level 2 – Business Process Overview
• Level 2E – Estimating Overview
• Level 3 – Gathering Requirements using OUM
• Level 3 – Analysis and Design
• Level 4D
– Discipline2 or Service Offering3 Specific Delivery Readiness
• Level 4E
– Business Requirements Questionnaire Estimating Readiness
• Level 5 – Advanced Delivery Readiness

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7. Key take aways

Key take aways
• Combines solution driven and requirements driven
• ABF is embedded in OUM
• Fit For Purpose
• Flexible
• Open standards based (UML): fast learning possible
• Includes Envision
• Enables expanding the Oracle implementation footprint: both
COTS as well as Technology products (e.g. AIA)
• Supports implementation of end to end Oracle Stack
• Fusion Ready
• Functional Prototyping is more flexible than conducting CRP
• Risk focused (risk mitigation thru iterative and incremental

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8. Open Discussion
OUM Training for Partner Dubai
12 - May - 2011 157/159
OUM Training for Partner Dubai 12 - May - 2011 158/159
OUM Training for Partner Dubai 12 - May - 2011 159/159

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