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The Affective Domain:

The Elephant in the Classroom

Zachary Goodell
Associate Director Center for Teaching Excellence

Emotion and Cognition are inextricably linked and perhaps never entirely separate, distinctive nor pure. ~William James
The separation of the head from the heart has contributed to a fractured education system that produces minds that do not know how to feel and hearts that do not know how to think. ~Parker Palmer

Develop a classroom assessment technique around a particular learning objective from one of your courses
Course goal Learning objective Authentic activity feedback

The Reflexive Mind

Symbols Language Beliefs / values Schemas Emotions Social objects (the Self) Associations / Appropriations / Attributions

The Reflexive Mind

Locus of our central nervous system
Thoughts Feelings Behavior

Thomas Theorem = Mind over matter

Placebo effect Self-fulfilling prophesies

Communication / Interaction

Significance of the Affective Domain

It colors every thought and every behavior Closely tied to the Self = self esteem Self = values & beliefs/cognition/behavior A strong relationship between affect and memory A strong relationship between affect and student engagement A strong relationship between affect high impact activities

What is the Affective Domain?

Motivations Moods Feelings Emotions Attitudes Beliefs / Values

What is the Affective Domain?

Motivations Moods Feelings
Choice / Power Relevance Need Enthusiasm Priming Humor Community Competition Engagement

Yerkes / Dodson Law

What is the Affective Domain?

Compelling examples Emotional contagion Redefine situations Small group activities Group processing Learning log Reflection papers


What is the Affective Domain?

High Impact activities and/or sustained activities
The first day of class Cognitive dissonance Role Playing Learning communities Service Learning PBL / TBL Under grad. Research Internships/externships Study abroad

Attitudes Beliefs / Values

Blooms Taxonomy
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Krathwohls Taxonomy
Receiving / Attending Responding Valuing Conceptualizing Characterizing

What is the Affective Field?

The space around people and their environment.
Lighting Color Architecture Climate Configuration Sound

What is the Affective Field?

The space between the people engaged in an interaction
Safety Trust Respect Power Communication

Implications for course / curricular design

Communication -verbal, written and body High impact activities (PBL / TBL) Small group work / learning communities Service learning Self assessment
(reflection papers, learning logs, etc.)

Group processing Capstone courses / learning portfolios

Additional Tips
Share your Teaching Philosophy Get personal / be genuine / show passion Tell stories Use small groups Frequency reduces awkwardness Incremental / escalating success builds confidence Make relevant to life and career

Consider the Following Activities

Concept Maps Reflection Papers, Journaling Small Group Activities / Cooperative Learning
Perry Game

Role play / Gaming Confidence surveys / Knowledge Surveys Free Association = Implicit Attitudes

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