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Communicating and

Reporting of
Assessment Data
from Non-
traditional Methods
Why is feedback a
powerful means to
help learners improve?
Feedback is a powerful means of helping the learners
improve their academic performance. Feedback is a
specific means that allows the learner to determine
which part of their performance needs to be changed
in order to be improved. Feedback provides specific
information to learners on what they need to do to be
able to revise and redo their task in a better way. The
content of feedback can be:
 Part of the answer or response that needs to
be corrected
 The specific strategy to be used to perform
the task
 The suggested procedure that needs to be
undertaken by the learner
 Direct the learner where to find the answer
 Help the learner think about the appropriate
 Clarify some misconception of the learner
 Feedback during performance – feedback during
performance can come in the form of verbal or non-
verbal. Verbal feedback can be written in a big
signage (like a poster of a handy white bard) where it
is visible for the learner to see. This appropriate for
performance such as dance or song where it will be
difficult to stop the performance. The teacher
providing feedback can also wait for certain
segments of the performance to stop and juxtapose
the feedback in every segment of the performance.
This can be done during performance such as speech,
dialogues, poems and other tasks where the learner
can pause at certain parts. The feedback during
performance is useful to immediately correct the
performance to avoid further mistakes.
 Feedback after performance – feedback after
the performance needs to wait for the duration
of the task to be completed before giving the
feedback. This is appropriate when learners are
provided another opportunity to revise and
show again the performance. This is applicable
for writing essays and compositions where
students submit the completed work before a
full feedback is provided. Students in these
tasks have the opportunity to rewrite their work
and resubmit for another round of feedback.
Guidelines in
Giving Feedback
 1. Feedback needs to be specific and concrete. The following
illustrates bad feedback to specific and concrete.
Bad feedback Concrete and specific
The essay is good You started the paragraph in your essay
with a topic sentence and supporting
sentences were provided after. This
helped strengthen the point you want to
Note: Saying that the essay is very Note. This feedback is specific in saying
good does not provide idea to the why is the feedback good based on the
learner which part was good. The structure of the sentences in the
learner might think that the essay is paragraph. Further description is
good in all aspects. provided about the ideas conveyed.
The paining needs improvement. I Perhaps you may want to use other colors
can’t see any object! in your painting so that we can distinguish
the objects.
Note. This is a broad feedback Note. This feedback is specific in giving a
because it does not say what specific recommendation on what can be done
part needs to be improved. about the painting.
2. Feedback needs to be based on the agreed criteria.
The criteria serve a guide to provide feedback on the
work. For example, the criteria in writing a technical
paper are as follows:
 The parts are organized according to the guide
 The ideas are well understood by the reader
 The information included are accurate
 More than 5 references are used.
Feedback NOT based on Feedback based on criteria
There are several grammatical Check again the idea conveyed
errors in the paper. by the author in the journal
because there are discrepancies
on page 3 (pertaining to the
criteria on accuracy of
The heading needs to be in bold Add one more reference to make
font the support further your claim on
the benefits of using organic
fertilizers on page 5 (pertaining
to the criteria on references)
3. Feedback needs to recommend and
provide suggestions on how the work
will be improved
Bad feedback
I cannot hear your voice.
Why are you looking at the ceiling while speaking?

Providing recommendations
Make your voice louder.
Look at your classmates when you speak in front.
Providing Students
Effective Feedback
What is Feedback?
“Feedback is an objective description of a student’s
performance intended to guide future performance.
Unlike evaluation, which judges performance,
feedback is the process of helping our students
assess their performance, identify areas where they
are right on target and provide them tips on what
they can do in the future to improve in areas that
need correcting.”
~ W. Fred Miser
What is Feedback?
 “Effective feedback not only tells
students how they performed,
but how to improve the next
time they engage the task.
Effective feedback is provided in
such a timely manner that the
next opportunity to perform the
task is measured in seconds, not
weeks or months.”

~ Douglas Reeves, p. 227

Feedback Focus
 Academic
 Behavioral
Characteristics of Feedback
 Timely
 Constructive/Corrective
 Specific to a Criterion
 Verified
Essential Elements of
1. Recognition of the Desired Goal

2. Evidence about Present Position (current work)

3. Some Understanding of a Way to Close the Gap

Between the Two

~ Black & William

1. Recognition of the
Desired Goal Includes:
2. Evidence About Present
 What student work/assignments/projects look like –
“what is”
 Current work samples
3. Ways to Close the Gap
between Goals & Current State

 Provide guidance on how to

improve (strategies, tips,
suggestions, reflective
questioning, etc.)
Feedback Timing
Good Timing Bad Timing
 Returning a test or assignment  Returning a test or assignment
the next day two weeks after it is
 Giving immediate oral
responses to questions of fact  Ignoring errors or
misconceptions (thereby
 Giving immediate oral implying acceptance)
responses to student
misconceptions  Going over a test or
assignment when the unit is
 Providing flash cards (which over and there is no
give immediate right/wrong opportunity to show
feedback) for studying facts improvement

~ Susan Brookhart
Attaining Excellence
 “Students must have routine access to the criteria
and standards for the task they need to master; they
must have feedback in their attempts to master
those tasks; and they must have opportunities to
use the feedback to revise work and resubmit it for
evaluation against the standard. Excellence is
attained by such cycles of model-practice-perform-

~ Grant Wiggins
What are the different
forms of feedback?
There are three foci in giving feedback. One is the focus
on the task that the learners are producing or
performing, how the task is conducted or done, and
what the learners can do to improve the work.

1.Focus on the product or

2.Focus on the
procedure –
3. Focus on the strategy
to improve the work
How to organize meeting
with parents?
Assessment results are also communicated to
parents. The parents are partners in the child’s
learning and information about the academic
standing of their child is needed to provide further
support in their learning.
Assessment results are communicated through the
process of parent and teacher conferences. The
following are guidelines that can be followed in
conducting parent and teacher conferences.
How to organize meeting with
1. The school needs to have a policy on how parents can meet with
teachers. This is usually done with guidelines on setting an
appointment with the teacher. A letter is usually sent by the parent
to the teacher requesting for a schedule and the teacher replies
indicating availability. These guidelines are communicated to the
parents during the parents’ orientation at the beginning of the
school year.

 2. Greet the parents in a positive and peaceful tone upon meeting
them. Ask the parents how you can help them if you do not have
sufficient information about their concern.

3. Let the parent relay all the information they need to mention.
Avoid interrupting the parents while they are speaking.
4. Ask the parents a chance for you to
reply to what they have said. The reply
needs to have the following features:
4.1 restate ideas
4.2 clarify ideas
4.3 report relevant incidents
4.4 ask further questions to the
 5. When reporting assessment
results, avoid judging on the ability
of the child. Focus on the
performance based on the criteria.
Prepare evidences of the
performance and show the parents
how rating was done. Describe the
performance based on the rubric.
 When describing the performance
of the child, use words that are
understandable to the parents.
Avoid too technical terms. If
technical terms cannot be avoided,
explain the terms to the parents.
 Commit to the parents a course of
action that you can realistically do
but do not guarantee a result.
Some course of action would be to
verify on the incident further,
check documents, try to ask the
child again.
How to use
portfolios to help
learners improve?
One of the important roles of the teacher is to
communicate the progress of the learners based
on the learning targets. Progress of the learner is
seen if there is a good documentation of their
formative assessment. The works that learners
have produced can be collected and compiled in a
portfolio. This is a visual representation on what
the learners have achieved from their initial work to
their improved work. For example, their essay in
an English class is collected from the first draft to
the revised draft. This progress is communicated
when the teacher creates an opportunity to seat
beside each learner to show his/her learning
progress as evidenced in the portfolio.
The following procedure is done to make the
learners realize their progress and what further
improvements need to be made:
1. Schedule a time slot to seat beside each
child and show their progress. The teacher may
focus on the first work to the present work for
one learning target at a time (one objective).
For the works of one learning target, it takes
about 5 minutes for each child.
2. Let the learners give their reflection on
each entry of the portfolio. This can be
guided when the teach starts to ask
questions pertaining to the learning
strategy used.
3. Let the learners report their observation on the
transition of one work to another. Ask questions for
the learner to describe their previous work to their
present work by noticing the differences, things that
are present and absent from each entry, and the
changes that happened from one entry to another.
 4. Ask the learners to reflect on what other areas
need to be continued and improved for their
succeeding work. Make the learners commit to their
future plan of strategy when engaging on the same
task. Help the learners focus on making specific and
achievable plans.
5. End the conversation with the learners
with an encouragement and a belief that
they can improve and are capable of
mastering the task.

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