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Fill in the blanks:
1. Who are scholars and experts in the field , regard communication as “one of those
everyday ____________ that is intertwined will all ________ life so completely”
2. “__________ speech or oral communication, societies could not attain levels of
Through what
Who says what To whom and with what result
________ MESSAGE RECIEVER _________

4. The Medium is the _______

5. Traditional media to _______ media
1.Activities, Human
2.Without, Civilization
3. Sender, Channel, Effect
THE McLuhan
“The medium is the message”
Marshall McLuhan, who is famous for the phrase “ the medium is the message” and
is the proponent of the media theory and technological determinism, believe that society
is driven by changes in media and communication technology.
McLuhan (2007) explained that society adapts to advances in technology, thus,
changing cultural , political, and even historical aspects of that society .
Hot and Cold Media?
In the language of McLuhan, “Hot” media refer to forms requiring little involvement
from the audience and examples include film and television. They are hot because,
metaphorically speaking, they cannot be “touched” and thus the experience is relatively
passive and static.
“Cool” media are those with high-level user interactivity, where the experience is more
involved. Media forms that utilize animation, such as video games, or provide participation,
like online media platforms, are example of cool media.
Milestone in Media
Culture Shapes Technology
◦ Cultural determinism explains that culture and society shapes
◦ Winston (1986)- a media scholar who advanced the idea of cultural
determinism, society is still in control of technology and the
innovations over time do not dictate how it must adapt and function
in relation to these technologies.
Traditional VS. New Media
Traditional Media New Media
◦ Those forms in the earlier periods of ◦ The experience is more interactive.
McLuhan’s media map. ◦ The audience are more involved and are
◦ McQuail (2005) – traditional media is able to send feedbacks simultaneously.
one-directional. The experience is limited ◦ New media integrates all the aspects of
and the sense receptors used are very the traditional media.
What is New about New Media?
1. Interpersonal communication media – telephone, mobile phone, and e-mail where content “is private and
perishable and the relationship established and reinforced may be more important than the information
2. Interactive play media – video and computer-based games, plus virtual reality devices.
3. Information search media – the internet and the World Wide Web become repositories or sources of a vast
collection of information that can be accessed real-time despite geographical information.
4. Collective participatory media – this refers to the use of the internet for “sharing and exchanging of
information, ideas, and experiences and developing active (computer mediated) personal relationships
(McQuail, 2010)
Traditional to New Media

Differences Similarities

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