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Module: English Language

Session: legal aspects of marketing

Module Code: ENL 203
Instructor: Korazon Talib
Session sequence: 6th & 7th
• Legal aspects of marketing is a broad term that refers to advertising and
other practices, such as client relations, public relations, networking,
participation in professional organizations, etc.

Intellectual property refers to creation of the mind. it includes somethings

which are used in the commerce (trade) such as, inventions, names,
images, designs, literary and artistic works. .
Intellectual property is divided in to two types:-
1- industrial property involves Patents, which give the exclusive right to
make, use and sell your an innovation in a specific geographical area.
2- copyright protects includes literary and artistic works. Copy right will
give to some subjects like novel, play, film and musical works. It’s a
 what is the meaning of trademarks?
- It is words or symbols that differentiate a company and industrial
design. This is a symbol for it.
Define a granted patent:
- It is a permeation that a company will be taken a patent protection
for 20 years in the UK.
 how can you take the registered trademark?
- When your granted patent will be finished so you should renew the
patent, in order to registration your trademark.
- Patent is a right to make or sell a new invention
 or product that no one else is allowed to copy it.  
Where will the legal problem be done?
-legal problem will be done if another person has used
copyright protected work without take the permission
from its owner.
Intellectual property (IP) crimes include
Counterfeiting and Piracy.
Counterfeiting is deliberate trademark infringement.
Piracy is willful copyright infringement.
 Infringement means reproducing copyrighted work
without permission from the IP owner.
The infringer is the person who has broken the
copyright, may have to pay damages or compensation
to the trademark holder, normally it is financial.
The Consumer Protection Act is a law in the UK that protects the
consumer from faulty or defective products.
--Legally entitled to means give someone the right to do some work
according to the law.
--satisfactory quality means the quality of something is good enough.
Importer Exporter
Fulfilling you are doing useful or important things.
Negligent  not taking enough care over something that you
are responsible for.

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