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• Has one common linking cable
A bus or line topology is when • Nodes connected off the cable
multiple computers are connected
• Relatively cheap
in a line by one cable. This isn’t
great as it is very easy for data • Slows down with a lot of transmissions at once
collisions to occur and cable • Data collisions
breaks affect all the nodes.
• Breakages on cable affect all computers
• Limited distance
A ring topology is slightly better than a
bus topology, but still not brilliant.
There are considerably less data
collisions as there is a one way travel
path. However, of one computer fails,
all the others still will fail.

• One common linking cable

• Passes all nodes
• One direction
• Fast performance
• If one node fails the whole network fails
Star topology is the most efficient
type of topology. It is quick, has
limited data collisions and the
network doesn’t rely on ever single
computer working.
• Shared link to servers
• Most common type of network topology
• Few data collisions
• Fast
• Can set up independent segments
• Hub can be another node, switch etc…

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