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Past Perfect

Susilowati, S.KM., M.KM.

Language Center FITKES Unjani Cimahi
It had already started

Listen and Practice!

Anton : Why didn't Maria want to take English Class last semester?
Betti : Because she had taken English Class the semester before.
Anton : Had she completely finished the textbook?
Betti : Yes, and she had memorized most of the conversations.
Anton : But I heard she didn't pass the final exam.
Betti : That's right. By the time she got to the exam, it had already
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above!

1. Where does the dialogue take place?

2. Why didn't Maria take the English Class?
3. Had Maria completely finished the textbook?
4. Had she memorized the most conversation?
5. Why didn't she pass the exam?
Past Perfect
Past perfect expresses an activity that was completed before another activity
or time in the past.

• She had taken English Class the semester before.

• Had she completely finished the textbook?
Yes, she had/ No, she had not
(No, she hadn't)
• By the time she got to the exam, it had already started.
• The doctor had left by the time I got there.
• Rosi had arrived when I came.
Complete the sentences using simple past and past perfect!

1. Sam (be) ................. a reporter before he (become) ....................... a

2. I (feel) .................. a little better after I (take) ................. the
3. I was late. The teacher (give already) .................... a quiz when I
(get) ....... to Class.
4. It was raining hard, but by the time class (be) ............ over, the rain
(stop) .........
5. Millions of years age, a dinosaurs (roam) ............. the earth, but
they (become) ............ extinct by the time human kind first (appear)
Read the test carefully !
Postpartum Care

Postpartum care periode refers to the first six week after childbirth. It is a periode
of adjustment and healing for mothers. During three weeks, you'll bound with your
baby and you'll have a post delivery check up with your doctor. Most new mothers
don't return to work for at least the first six weeks after birth. Since a baby has to
be fed and changed after, you may not have enough sleep at night.
Here is what you can do for easier transition :
1. Get plenty of rest. Get as much sleep as possible to cape with tiredness and
2. Seek help. Don't hesitate to accept help from family and friends during this
3. Eat healthy meals maintain a healthy diet to promote healing. Increase your
intake of whole grain, vegetables, fruit and protein.
4. Exercise. Your doctor will let you know when it's ok to exercise. The activity
should be simple. Try to take a walk near house.
Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. What is postpartum period?

2. How long is it?
3. Why doesn't a mother go to work in this periode?
4. What should a mother do in this periode of transition?
5. When will mother start to exercise ?
Look the words up in the dictionary !
1. postpartum
2. Fatigue
3. healing
4. Maintain
5. hesitate
6. Seek
7. maintain
8. Fed
postpartum, fatigue, healing, maintain, hesitate, seek, fed

Fill in the sentences using the words above !

1. Some women suffer from .......(a).....depression, feeling down after
giving birth
2. My dad always told me not to ......(b).... when something feels right.
3. After her surgery, Jane could not walk far without experiencing ....(c)...
from the effort.
4. While taking part in the science experiment, students will ....(d)...
answers about why bacteria grows quicker in damp areas.
5. It is easy to ....(e)..... a friendship with someone, but very difficult to
take that friendship to the next level of love.
Group Work !

Write four things to do in postpartum periode !

1. Get plenty at rest. Get as much sleep as possible to cope with
tiredness and fatique
2. ....................
3. ..........................
4. .........................

Group Work !
Prepare some slides for a presentation about postpartum periode in
power point
And present it in front of class !

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