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To use organelles to identify members of five kingdom.
Kingdom 1– ANIMALS
The animal kingdom contains many phyla. Some of them are:
Vertebrates, Arthropods, Annelids, Molluscs, Nematodes.

Animals live all over the world in a wide range of

conditions. However, the easiest way to tell if an
organism is an animal cell is to look under the
microscope. Animal cells NEVER have a cell wall and
they are multicellular.

Also, animals are heterotrophic. This means they must

eat/consume others to survive!

Fun Fact:
It is not always easy to recognize an animal. For a very long
time, people thought that’s sea anemones were plants, because
they stay in one place and their tentacles look like petals.
Now we know that they are animals.
Kingdom 2 – PLANTS
Plants are multicellular organisms, with cell walls made of cellulose. They
include small organisms such as mosses, ferns and flowering plants.

As you probably already know, there are lots of

different types of plant (and we need to know them for
the Biology IGCSE). The key difference between plants
and all other kingdoms is:

Plants are AUTOTROPHS – this means ‘self feeding’

because they produce their own food. They have
chlorophyll in the leaves to help them do this through

If you look under a microscope you will also see they are
MULTICELLULAR and there will be a CELL WALL.

Fun Fact:
Plants first evolved to live in water but evolved to live on land. Some plant species still
live close to water, such as mosses and algae. But some can survive in the desert!
Kingdom 3 – FUNGUS
For a very long time, fungi were classified as plants. However, they are
very different from plants! Fungi do not have chlorophyll and do not

Fungi are important in recycling nutrients from other

dead organisms. They feed on poop, dead animals and
plants and also human food. They are
HETEROTROPHIC – they have to feed on others.

Also important to know:

•Unicellular or Multicellular
•Cell wall present

Science Joke:
Fun Facts:
Fungi can save lives and some can be incredibly toxic!
Humans use fungi to produce antibiotics, make bread
and beer. Some can be poisonous to eat though!
A very interesting kingdom – Prokaryotes. You will know them
as BACTERIA. The key feature is:

Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus. Their DNA is kind of

floating around the cell.

They are Single cells - UNICELLULAR

Prokaryotes do not have any organelles. They will probably

have ribosomes inside of their cells, but:

No chloroplasts. No mitochondria. No nucleus. Not much at all.

One thing they often do have though:


Fun Facts: • Bacteria have been around for at least 3.5 billion years, making them
the oldest known life-form on the planet.
• No escaping them: Your body has 10 times more bacterial cells than
human cells.
Kingdom 5 – PROTOCISTS

This is the least interesting of the 5 Kingdoms… and the

hardest to talk about.

Protoctists are all single celled organisms (like bacteria)

but unlike bacteria their cells have a nucleus and
organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Some protoctists like Amoeba share many features with

animal cells while others like Chlorella are more plant-
like and contain chlorophyll to do photosynthesis.
Did you know?
Seaweed is not a plant?!
No, seaweed is not a plant. Although it
looks like a plant, it's really a type of
algae. Seaweeds are found only in salt
water. They live along ocean coastlines.

Malaria is caused by a protocist called

Plasmodium. One of the biggest killers in
the world!
WARNING: Viruses are not living things. They are not alive because they
can do nothing until they enter a living cell.

Take a look at the flu virus on the right. It

has two main parts you MUST know:

•The protein coat

•The genetic material inside – RNA (not


Can you see any of those parts in the T-

phage virus above?
Watch the video and complete the given
table in your notebooks
Other Key

HPL-Write in detail the HPL you have used in todays learning.

Self Assessment- What do you think you achieved today as

Learning Outcome.

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