Spring 2023 ND Wellness DAT Presentation

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Well-Being at
Notre Dame
Mary Do, Mary Kate Temple, Manvit Adusumilli,
Jamie Reintjes, Elizabeth Mellor

01 Connection 02 Belonging

03 Flexibility 04 Purpose

Connection Practices
Bridge the gap between Learn practices and
students and professors to techniques to incorporate
help students flourish in the classroom
Create a meaningful
discussion about how we
can improve well-being in
the classroom
76.6% of university students across the United States
experienced psychological distress in 2022

The ACHA-NCHA III. “Undergraduate Student Reference Group.” 2022.

Belonging and Connection

Study Relevance
- Study conducted at Columbia
University on students’ feeling of - Shows the impact
connection and belonging at their that professors have
university on student’s well-
- Top Factors: Friendships, Academic being
classes and projects, Relationships
with professors/ other faculty
- Top service: Office hours or other
activities with faculty
Mitchell, Dennis, Melanie Bernitz, Marcy Ferdschneider, and Claude Ann Mellins. “2020 Columbia Student Well-Being Survey Report.
Columbia University Life. October 21, 2021.
Psychosocial Well-Being
Study Relevance
-student-faculty relationships are highly
-study conducted over four years at impactful on student well-being
numerous colleges and universities regarding
the relationship between student-faculty -evidence for the purpose of this
interactions and psychosocial well-being workshop
(Troilan et al. 2020)
-despite time constraints and other
-results found a positive correlation between barriers we all face, finding methods to
the five measures of student-faculty promote student-faculty engagement is
interactions and the six dimensions of valuable
student psychosocial well-being
First Conversations!
01 Introduce yourselves!

Students: What are the biggest challenges that

02 you face in classrooms?

Professors: What are the biggest challenges

03 that you face when teaching classes?
Feedback from Your Students

Class Practices Examples:

Students highlighted that certain Check-ins with students during class,
activities and practices in class can discussion of well-being,
create a sense of support and acknowledgement of busy times for
belonging students
Arrive at class a few minutes early and
stand by the door to greet students as they
come in, and stay after class to say
goodbye to students to build a sense of
relationship and community
Feedback from Your Students

Academic Support Examples:

Particularly in challenging courses, Continued emphasis of office hours and
students emphasized that additional flexible availability, exam preparation
support eased the stress of academic resources like review sessions and
pressure relevant practice exams
Emphasize a hope/expectation to see
every student in office hours once/twice
each semester or by a certain date to
highlight resources and availability of
Feedback from Your Students

Communication Examples:
Student feedback emphasized that
receptibility and response to student Seek out and respond to student feedback
feedback built a sense of collaboration Save two minutes at the end of class for a
and support brief survey (online or on a scrap of
paper), and have students answer:
- What was the main idea of class?
- What from that lecture remains
Then use that feedback to tailor future
lectures/review sessions.
Feedback from Your Students

Flexibility Examples:
Students noted that versatility in Reasonable accommodations for students
deadlines and significant projects who provide justification, and
allowed them to better schedule their opportunities for input on deadlines
overall workloads
Provide two alternative essays and
deadlines, but make only one required,
and allow students to decide which
prompt and deadline works better in their
Feedback from Your Professors
Student Voices Connections
Giving students the space to
Building meaningful
contribute meaningful to the
relationships with students
Engage students in the creation Use Name Coach on Canvas to
of a course manifesto help learn students’ names
2-minute post-lecture surveys to Meet with students’ outside of
see how students are doing with classroom (coffee chats)
the material

Professors understand the value of
being aware of students’ needs
and concerns
Staggering deadlines for
big projects
Students: What do you hope to see
01 professors do to further support student

Professors: What practices are you

02 currently implementing that have
received positive feedback?

01 Connection 02 Belonging

03 Flexibility 04 Purpose
Feedback Survey
01 Students: What do you hope to see improve
in the future of student well-being?

Professors: What are some practices you would

02 like to implement in your classroom after today?

Both: If we were to do this workshop again,

03 what could we improve?

Thank you!

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