Firliani Sarah Sg3 Mm5002 Smemba7

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Mid Exam

Operations & Supply Chain Management - MM 5002

Syndicate 3
Firliani Sarah (29322432)
[Syndicate 3 - SMEMBA 7]

Case :

Continuous Quality Improvement Initiatives

Queen Mary Hospital

Questions :

Using the QMH experience of implementing CQI, what are the causes of
resistance? What are the specific steps necessary of FADE to achieve the
Individual desired objective of minimizing food waste?
Continuous Quality Improvement
CQI uses in many industry, firstly on manufacturing, and then implemented to healthcare, education service industries, and many others, to maintain
or improve quality of service at minimal cost.

Objective To deliver the best quality to customer while maintaining profitability

Basic Idea Evaluate current processes in the business and eliminate all waste when possible: cost, time, materials, extra processing, etc.
● Total Quality Management System
● Lean Six Sigma
Tools used ● FADE

CQI Implementation in Other Examples

Healthcare Manufacturing Education
QMH Case: Implement CQI Initiatives Unilever Case: Reduce Waste due to Over PDCA in School: Improve Reading
Order Comprehension
Find out a waste of time and material in shaving Find out their forecasting is not accurate to the Find out current method are not improving student
patient skin before a surgery customer use due to over order on each chain of reading comprehension
supply, thus making a lot of waste: expired product.
Improvement: ask patient for a bath before surgery Improvement: implement new method
and disinfect patient only once on area to be Improvement: zero inventory
Barrier to implement CQI at
5 QMH Case: The Resistance of Implementing CQI
Queen Mary Hospital
Root Cause

The biggest barrier of all for CQI to be implemented is the lack of understanding how important delivery of quality for a hospital.

Hospitals in Asia at the time considered more important to treat the patient and ensure their health,
Prioritize content of quality rather than delivery of quality
rather the quality of the treatment itself and the outcome.
As CQI popularity is just boomed in the USA, the resources to understand the practice of CQI is
Lack of resources
limited. In this timeline, only 2 professionals are available.

Staff Indifference to CQI Thinking that the CQI concept is easy and unimportant due to lack of training.

Doctors like to work by themselves, making the organization lacking of cooperation that is a big
Doctors ‘prima donna’ thinking
deal for CQI to be implemented

Seeing as CQI matters are not deemed important by their colleagues, CQI team of QMH create a project to show CQI impact for the hospital, “ Pre-
Operative Skin Preparation: Shaving and Pre-Operative Baths”.
Food Wastage Minimisation
Evaluate package based on patient type, improve food handling, and create better forecasting are some activities proposed to reduce food waste.

Identified issues:
1. Reduce food spoilage in the kitchen
Focus Process analysis 2. Minimize excess food production
3. Optimize food inventory
4. Improve meal planning and forecasting

Data Collection
1. Waste audit
Analyse Data Collection
2. Food purchasing and consumption pattern
3. Assessment of food inventory and handling

Recommended Procedure
1. Implement just in time inventory management
2. Improve meal planning and forecasting accuracy
Develop Establish Guidelines
3. Providing staff training on waste reduction technique
4. Establish partnership with charity program or food banks
5. Implement measurement and monitoring system to track food waste

Just in time inventory:

Standardize order for raw material

Improve meal planning

Create food package based on types of patient (profile, disease, diet, etc.)
Forecast meal plan based on type of patient coming
Execute Implementation
Provide staff training
Intense training on bi-weekly basis

Measurement and monitoring system

Create daily and weekly dashboard for waste
Issue Details
Food Wastage Minimisation: Focus
To focus the issue on have exactOne type
right of portions
of quality and for all patients
quantity of food, as well as streamlining process flow.
Low quality of food Food is indigestible
Rice served undercooked
Total food wastage: 228 kg/day
High total food wastage
23% of food wastage compared to production
Excess of food Cooking the same amount of rice regardless of the number of patients in the wards.

Identified issues:
Focus Process analysis 1. Reduce food spoilage in the kitchen
2. Minimize excess food production
3. Optimize food inventory
4. Improve meal planning and forecasting

Food wastage definition: food leftover from the patients.

Data Collection Details
Food Wastage Minimisation: Analyse
CQI team need to collect data on the procedures and practices currently available.
Record food wastage based on time and period
Waste Audit Record the cooking process and check the result
Find out the patternData Collection
of in-patient at the hospital
Analyse Data Collection 1. each
Record food wastage from Waste audit
patient: type of food wasted and patient profile (gender, age, diseases)
Food purchasing and consumption pattern Analyse food waste and2.categorize
Food purchasing
based on reasonand(bad
consumption pattern
food, spoilage)
Evaluate the kitchen and delivery system with stakeholder (kitchen
3. Assessment of food inventory and handling staff, dietitian, nutritionist)
Solution Action Items
Food Wastage Minimisation: Develop and Execute
Based on available information, CQI teams need to develop a plan and break it down to actionable items.
Forecast the number of patient coming, thus can forecast the raw materials
Implement just in time inventory management Recommended Procedure
Cook the food as closely as possible to the number of patients
Create specific meal plan1.basedImplement just in(profile,
on types of patient time inventory management
disease, diet, etc)
Improve meal planning and forecasting accuracy 2. the Improve
Allow hospital staff to order food andmeal planning
materials and forecasting accuracy
by themselves
Provide staff training 3. menus
Bi-weekly training to create Providing staffgood
and making training
food on waste reduction technique
Develop Establish Guidelines 4. Establish partnership with charity program or food banks
Establish partnership with charity program or food banks To make the food packaged
5. well, so when wasted
Implement can be given
measurement andto monitoring
food banks system to track food

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