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Course Introduction

Confidence development
Preparation for an Informative/Persuasive speech
Use of formal language for speech
Effective use of non-verbal languages and voice
Presenting skills enhancement
COURSEBO Reference books
Week Class activities Homework
1 Introduction to the course - Choose the topics
2 Unit 1: Topics - Narrow down the topics
Unit 2: Planning - Write the detailed outlines
3 Mark & Correct outline - Revise Outline
4 Mark & Correct outline - Revise Outline
5 Unit 3: Academic Language - Write the scripts
6 Unit 4: Intonation - Practice the intonation
7 Unit 5: Body language - Practice the body language
8 Unit 6: Visual Aids (PPT) - Do PPT slides
Unit 7: Tips & Considerations - Prepare for the presentation
9 Presentation - Group 1 - Prepare for the presentation
10 Presentation - Group 2 - Prepare for the presentation
11 Presentation - Group 3 - Prepare for the presentation
12 Review
Outline 10%
Participation 10%
Moodle 10%
Presentation 20%
Final exam = Presentation
(Topics will be informed 1 or 2 50%
weeks before the Exam date)
1. The OUTLINE (submission is due by the beginning of week 3)

2. The SCRIPT of the Intro & Conclusion (submission is due by the

beginning of week 6)

3. The CLIP recording yourself presenting the First Paragraph of the Body
of your speech (submission is due by the beginning of week 8)

* See the specific date on Moodle announcement

TOPIC (Week 2) & OUTLINE (Week 3 &
• Type & Print for Correction
• Follow the instructed format:

Nguyen Van A Nguyen Van A

Topic: How to react properly to online news.
How to react properly towards online
news. Introduction:

* See the attached file

PRESENTATION (Week 10/11/12)
 Individual presentation
 8 minute long
 PowerPoint slides + Note cards
 Formal clothes
 Marking schemes:
• Content (Ideas relevant to the topic, Effective support): 2 marks
• Language use (Formal, Presentation phrases): 2 marks
• Voice (Pronunciation, Tone): 2 marks
• Body language: 2 marks
• PPT slides & Note cards: 1 mark
• Outfit: 1 mark
1. Choose 1 of the following general Topics
1. Working environment

2. School Conduct

3. E-learning

4. Life skills

5. Entertainment

2. Write a narrowed down topic

Ex: Which is more important, a well paid job or a satisfactory working environment?
While choosing the topic
• Consider:
• Your interest and understanding/ability
• Your audience’s concern
• Available material
Choose 1 topic
Narrow it down
Write it on small piece of paper with your name

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